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The literal act of “running” is the only thing that the game ‘punishes’ you for doing

Mar 1, 2017
Pink Candy
Blue Candy
Green Candy
Red Candy
Yellow Candy
So, I read this on tumblr and it really got me thinking...

The Animal Crossing series, as a whole, is about not running. Taking it slowly, day by day progress, and in the end, the results pay off. It's about a peaceful small village with friendly neighbors just living each day.

The literal act of ?running? is the only thing that the game ?punishes? you for doing - you?ll destroy flowers, scare away fish and bugs, and gradually tear away the grass. But the game still gives you the option to run, because it?s about choosing to slow down and enjoy the journey. The same can be said about time traveling - you'll risk having a villager move way, get weeds, bed hair, etc. Still, you can choose to do so, just like in life.

As the link said, "It?s not about beginnings or endings, it?s about the calmness between those events."

Beautiful. ;v;
I read that post some time ago. Didn't really know much about the able sisters' family backstory or much about running until then...

I'm always running though like rush rush rush these trades gotta runnnn
This is actually really insightful! It's one of the things that adds a whole new layer of realistic to the game. Thanks for sharing! :)
I get punished for everything.

Time travel. Running. Resetting with a good reason (accidently trashed a blue rose etc).

The entire game is a series of punishments. Have you noticed when you say NO to a villager, then talk to them again, they will give you a 10 paragraph speech on some inane topic.

I want to run in my game but the grass dies. It's meant to be a nature game. Not grass growing simulation.
I thought I wouldn't Time Travel at all, honestly, but it takes like 9 million years for villagers I don't like to move away so I can get ones I *DO* like.

My plan, though, is to get my dreamies then not Time Travel any more after. I'm so nitpicky that having villagers I don't like almost makes me not want to play in my town. xD (I know how silly that is, but still, I can't help that I am quirky!)
That is an interesting view, but I do not like to play that way. I just run on my paths so you can never see the dirt beneath them. I also thought Resetti was more funny than a punishment, so sometimes I reset just to see what he will say. I'm a rebel.
I didn't know about the Able Sisters' family history. I prefer Animal Crossing to go fast. Real life I want to go really fast until I'm done with school (forever), the only exceptions being summer vacation, holidays/breaks, and weekends. Then I want life to be really slow.
That's really rad, and I totally see that. A really cool way to look at the game. Also from running you can pop your balloon or spill your coffee if you trip. Saddest thing ever!
Totally understandable. While real life either goes to quick or just feels like theirs not much to do, animal crossing allows us to go slow and simple, allowing us to have the time to figure out what we want to do with our town and that perfect towns don't make themselves over night. You could, but there really much fun that way and its trying to make you feel achievement from how long it took. Normal towns take long to make. For example, I've found every painting and statue except one and I'm taking my time trying to find it without help.
I do take my Irl very slow and steady. I make sure to either play video games all day or sit in bed all day. I make sure to pace myself.
You also can trip and fall. But I run anyways despite the consequences...
I run sometimes, but only along my dirt paths. I had flowers planted just about everywhere, but realized that I was killing the grass by walking on the flowers to water them. So, I've pulled them up and am leaving areas open fields, creating more forest, or putting in some PWPs. It's only been a week, but I'm starting to see regrowth.

My real life is pretty hectic, so it's nice to have something that encourages slowing down to appreciate the little things - planting a flower, deciding on the perfect spot for a tree or bush, decorating your home, or talking with the villagers.

I've created a few spots around town where I can just go and sit, and there's a nice background on the screen. It reminds me that AC is a pretty game, too.
i run on bridges but mostly i like just walking around. i do not time travel, i do not go very fast. i think animal crossing is the best video game in the entire world and i want to explore every inch of it. i would like to have grass while i do so
I can't not run in town. My town looks beautiful because of my hard work put into dirt paths, which I made through running around constantlyyyy. But yes, I do see that as a form of punishment/chore. In the end it pays off. It's ironic though, I still kind of enjoy it even though it's such a tedious activity. Running around my town, being satisfied with my landscaping progress, makes me happy. When the dirt paths come in, that's even better! I might be one of the few that feel this way about dirt paths though. I haven't had many times when I tripped and lost a cup of coffee or balloon due to running...although I do scare away a lot of potential dorados :p

But other than the whole dirt path thing, I think that outlook on running is pretty neat. I enjoy playing ACNL both obsessively and when it's chill and laid back. During my "chill" periods when I'm not really doing much, it's just so relaxing catching bugs and fish, harvesting my apples, walking around and checking up on villagers etc.