The hardest game you have ever played

Hm, probably the first zelda games for NES. But they are kinda unforgiving if you aren't cautious..
COD for me omg. I'm about to have heart attacks when I try to play it.

- oops kind of didn't read the section but i guess this counts too -
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Adventure of Link, Mirror's Edge, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (on Crushing difficulty....*shudders*), and Ninja Gaiden. EEEUUUGHHHHHHHH
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TBS games in general, in the hardest difficulties obviosuly.

Like, what the hell happens on Civ V on Deity? the opponents recieve so many buffs it's so hard and stupid lol
The Legend of Zelda and Adventure of Link are both pretty easy.

Super Metroid: Redesign, has to be the most difficult game ever. Sure, it's a hack and probably doesn't count, but it's sooo frustrating at times. Especially Tourian... :mad:
Here's something... Try playing Kirby's Dream Land with only one bar of health, no lives, and on extra game mode. If you take damage, you have to start over whichever level you were on. No other Kirby game had the option to be THAT hard.
Probably the Uncharted series all around. I just cannot deal with constantly switching guns and moving cameras and crap like controls, unlike my brother, who beat Uncharted 2 on Crushing.

Ni No Kuni. The puzzles were alright, but those dark battles kept getting harder.
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Probably the Uncharted series all around. I just cannot deal with constantly switching guns and moving cameras and crap like controls, unlike my brother, who beat Uncharted 2 on Crushing.


The Uncharted games aren't bad on Crushing except for the first one. It's a monster.
The Darkness.

I am poop at FPSs, but I REALLY wanted to play The Darkness because the game seems so interesting -- I'm still at one point and it's so hard to beat! D: