Ok, so this thread is a little different from my other threads. This thread will still have a poll, but only for your favorite villager. You can now share your least favorite villager as well
DISCLAIMER: Birds are different from eagles, penguins, ducks, and ostriches. Pls dont get confused
BEST: Piper. She looks really cool and reminds me of daisy duck. Not to mention she has my favorite personality, peppy.
WORST: Anchovy. Probably because he wants to look derpy, but he kinda took it too far...
Best: Midge. She looks really cute and so is her house.
Worst: Lucha. I detest lucha, and his silly little mask with his beady little eyes. Everyday I beg the animal crossing god of rng to keep him away from me and my villagers, I will NOT sit here and wait for him to burn down my house and eat my crops.
I love Piper sooo much. I had both her and Robin in the Gamecube game, so there's some nostalgia there, but I just think their designs are fantastic. I also love how Piper has a bit of a gothic vibe, but is a Peppy despite that. Hoping to move her on my island some day.
I don't really have a least favorite truthfully. Maybe Jacob or Midge? I don't dislike them though.
Jacques came to my island from the void and I thought I'd move him out right away but then I loved him and kept him until I received his photo. He's got a great design and his house is cool, like a DJ's place. Piper has the cityscape wall in her house and is a nice combo of peppy enthusiasm and coolness.
Absolute best is Twiggy. She was my first peppy and she's still on my island... I love her coloring and her personality is completely opposite her angry face. Midge is pretty cute, too.
my vote went to midge! i might be a bit biased as the normal villagers are my favourite aha but she’s such a pretty gal and i like her a lot! piper is also pretty great, too; she was my starter peppy and she was really nice to have around!
anchovy, robin and jay are the worst birds by far - no idea what my problem is but they honestly irk me so bad lmao.
Robin is my favourite bird, her design uses both my favourite colour and favourite personality (blue and snooty) and I really like robins in general so I'm often drawn to her when it comes to the bird villagers (though her design doesn't overly resemble a robin but she has the right name). I did also vote for Midge and Admiral too as I think Midge has a very pretty design and Admiral always reminds me a little bit of a character from a film I watched a lot when I was young, Chicken Run, obviously he's a bird and not a chicken but there was an old cranky chicken in the film that I always think of when I see Admiral - if they ever did a sequel called Bird Run then he'd be a great character for it.
My least favourite is Peck, I'd never realised how much I disliked him until I ran into him while island hopping recently and he freaked me out, his eyes are just too creepy for me.
My favorites are anchovy and sparro. I am not generally a fan of the birds, but these are two I would consider inviting to my island. I dinner have any deep reason, just think they are very cute.
least favorite is Jacques, I generally don’t like the animals that have the soul patch/ goatee because i associate it with a specific unpleasant personality, and Jacques’ design especially just rubs me the wrong way.
Jitters is my favorite bird.He popped up in one of old New Leaf cycling towns and I really liked his color scheme and although he's a jock he was on the milder side of that personality.
Jacques is my favorite bird, hands down. He has a great design (smug is a great personality for him since he looks like an struggling artist type), and a great interior (DJ themed). I also really like Piper and Sparro for their more natural looking designs. I think a lot of the birds are very cute and I wish more people gave them a chance.
I think the only design I don't like is Jacob's just because I have no idea what's going on there. Why those clashing colors? Why the teeny eyes? Why the very long eyebrows? It's a bit of a mess.