The Bell Tree Apprentice Alliance

"OK, Apprentice is ran by NOA_RUFUS and is a lot bit like Moot. Instead of getting a temporary rank, you get a permanent one that allows you a 90x500 pizel sig, editing and deleting posts and a special coffee cup next to your bright-green name. Apprentice has a cap of 60 (not certain about that) people, but is not always on the same day. It is every week in the Live Forums, usually an hour after it starts. RUFUS will post a non-flaoted thread in Power On about it as well. In this alliance, if one of use hears RUFUS say something about it in either a Live Forum or a Power On, they PM everyone in the alliance. This will allow them a chance to get in. We can also unmoot other members, if the opportnuity arises.

Apprentice is actaully very different from Moot in actual game play, as questions are not the only way to get out. Anything that RUFUS doesn't like can get you mooted or booted. For example, PURPLEYOSHI said, "Rufus, sir, we have but 10 minutes remaining!" to which Rufus replied, "Do you think I don't know how to tell time? *points* You're fired.". So, watch what you say. It can get pretty intense, but it is pretty fun!

Anyway, joining this alliance means that you will notify all other members if you learn when it is going to happen and that if you can, unmoot other members first"
Said by PIKMIN042 and todays date is 5/23/05. Now lets start praparing for the Apprentice.
i'm active i just missed the idea contest...I had a dumb banquet to go to. it ran to 9:30 and it was a school night so yah.
BASTOISE99 said:
i'm active i just missed the idea contest...I had a dumb banquet to go to. it ran to 9:30 and it was a school night so yah.
This isn't the last of those kinds of contests...
I guess it is all on timing because Bulerais was out for a while and there really weren't any contests besides the fan fic one.