TBT's Season of Giving 2024: Closing Ceremony

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congrats to all winners and staff favorites and thank u for the staff favorite!!! i'm super honored to have won something despite only being able to participate in a few events 🥺🫶

despite being on this site for a long time, i've spent 95% of it lurking (or on hiatus haha) or only trading in nook's cranny during the height of ACNL popularity so this was actually the first christmas event i've ever participated in. i actually only really started participating this year or so it's actually my first event for basically everything all year LOL 🥹 winning staff favorite and an imposter raffle on my first try is more than i expected tbh so i'm super happy with that. thanks to the staff for putting together amazing events all year and looking forward to the events for next year! 🩷
Congrats to all the winners! I was so busy this year that I barely checked the Gingerbread Monstrosities thread during the event, and I actually laughed out loud when I scrolled down to reveal the staff favorites.
yippeeeeeeee!!!! Big, massive, humongous congrats to all the snowflake and raffle winners!! As always, the creativity, talent, and generosity in this community has blown me away! Every artwork and craft, every workshop, and every silly (affectionate) cookie was nothing short of uniquely beautiful and excellent! I don't have the words to properly express just how in awe I always am by the talent in this community, but every single entry for this event and every event is remarkable and deserves to be celebrated! I hope you're all proud of what you were able to do and create for Season of Giving, because you certainly deserve to be! So many glorious creations and $846.09 for 4 incredible charities is absolutely phenomenal! Thank you so much, staff, for donating on our behalf with every present bought, and thank you to the lovely members who donated personally! 🩷

I want to give a special shoutout to @.: Meri :. and @BetsySundrop for the gorgeous and thoughtful stockings they made for me!! Thank you both so much for thinking of me and for taking the time to design a stocking and draw/pick out items for me! I don't think I'll ever be able to express just how much that meant and still means to me, but I'll cherish my stockings, your kindness, and our friendships forever and ever. 🩷 and thank you so much to everyone who sent me lights and/or presents!! Every single one put a smile on my face and brightened my holidays, and I'll treasure them all always. 🩷

Staff, thank you so, so much for helping to make 2024 such a fun and monumental year! You truly gave this special corner of the internet the 20th birthday it deserved and then some! I can imagine that all the time, work, and resources you put into every event and just keeping this place afloat feels like a thankless job sometimes, but everything you all do to make TBT as special as it is never goes unnoticed or unappreciated. TBT wouldn't be the same if even just one of you weren't around. 🫂

and thank you so much for the staff favourite!! aaaaa!! I honestly had a really hard time designing my workshop (brain fog and fatigue are creativity killers :C), but I'm happy with how it turned out, and I'm so happy that others liked it as well!

I'd also love if the Christmas lights stayed in our inventories!! I've actually always wondered why they disappear and the Valentine's Day roses don't. The only "con" to them being permanent for me would be how much inventory space they take up, but honestly, an inventory filled with lights that beautiful friends have thoughtfully sent me over the years will never truly be a bad thing! I've been saving all the messages attached to them in a Google Doc, but I'd love to get to keep the actual lights!

I hope you all had a safe, joyous, and peaceful holiday season regardless of what you do or don't celebrate, and that 2025 brings you happiness, peace, good health, and many amazing days and memories!
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I wouldn’t mind having the lights just be hidden. The only con which was already mentioned would be how much inventory space they take up, but maybe it could be a separate inventory? I’m imagining a folder, but that might be a lame idea. 😂
Congratulations to all the raffle winners and staff favorites! 🥳 Thank you for hosting another amazing event - it's always fun to see the collectible unveilings for the season of giving.

A special thank you to @LateGamer for the amazing stocking they made for me. And also to @Milleram @Mutti and @-Blue- for drawing my wreath with teeth.

Hmmm, the Christmas Lights question is kind of tough. They are very budget- friendly and fun to give and receive. It seems like we might end up with a huge inventory of them. But it would be kind of nice to see the ones we've received over the years with their messages. I think I'm an "either way is fine" on this question. 😅
Congratulations to all the raffle winners and staff favorites! 🥳 Thank you for hosting another amazing event - it's always fun to see the collectible unveilings for the season of giving.

A special thank you to @LateGamer for the amazing stocking they made for me. And also to @Milleram @Mutti and @-Blue- for drawing my wreath with teeth.

Hmmm, the Christmas Lights question is kind of tough. They are very budget- friendly and fun to give and receive. It seems like we might end up with a huge inventory of them. But it would be kind of nice to see the ones we've received over the years with their messages. I think I'm an "either way is fine" on this question. 😅

Me too! I took screenshots of all of my messages just in case :D. I love all the messages that I’ve received ☺️.
I’m honoured to have been chosen for not one but two favourites and in the two events I had the most fun/inspiration in working on. 2024 (especially the end of it) had been a tough year for many personal reasons, but I pushed myself to participate in the season of giving anyways since I always have fun participating the the events here on TBT, and I’m really glad I did. Here’s to a better 2025! 🎉

I’m glad my cookie my was well liked! The idea was simple but Zipper taking over as Jingle was the biggest “monstrosity” that I could think of. As a side note the cookie was also fully gluten and dairy free due to my new dietary restrictions but it still turned out super delicious!

As for the stocking, I remember thinking it would be so cool to make a sailor moon-esque one, but it would only work if I found the right user to make it for. I’m really glad that I settled on Cirice in the end. I’m pretty sure we made each other’s day upon the reveal of the stockings. ☺️
Congrats to the winners -- but major props to the whole TBT community for working during the holidays to donate to charity. It feels so good to give back and to have fun in the process!
I totally thought I saw all the entries, but based on these high quality winners, I have missed a few and will have to go back through the threads. ;)

Take that break, staff! 2025 is already in our faces. 🤗

EDIT: Oh uh, for anybody who doesn't want the lights back, they can just delete them? I dunno, I guess that's a bit sacrilegious, so maybe a sellback for 0 tbt? lol I dunno-- I personally prefer not to have all the lights in my inventory because a new fresh set every year feels like getting gifts for the season, like a first snow of sorts. Either way, I will figure it out whatever the staff decides to implement.
omg grinchoid you made it

i'm fine with the lights either way, i don't usually display them. though them disappearing is why i don't bother gifting them anymore unless someone asks, so... 🤔
I was legally obligated to vote for the grinchoid. But seriously, I loved it! I'm so glad you brought @Jacob's story to life. 💚

Congratulations to all the staff favorite and raffle winners! This event was so much fun to work on. I think it ended 2024 with good vibes. Thanks to everyone who participated and/or donated on your own to help these wonderful charities! You're all the best! 💗
I can't really remember if I said it in the other thread or not, just been so busy and forgetful, but I loved this event. I don't know how long it has been a tradition for, but I really enjoyed it in 2022. Before I even knew how the event worked, I was going to gift all the collectibles I earned. So it's great that this event was about gifting to others and that everyone's gifts/contributions aided to a bunch of different wonderful charities.

Thank you everyone who gifted me presents and or lights during this event. I loved all of them and the wonderful messages attached to them. It didn't matter to me if they were heartfelt or silly, I cherish them all. And I loved the stocking azurill!

I don't mind that the lights disappear. But I already forgot, what date was it when they were in the shop? I feel like it would be better if they were available December 1st? That way they could be displayed earlier, but give others enough time to also display their other Christmas lineups without having to hide the lights so soon. But that might just be me.

Congrats to everyone who placed in the entries! I saw some of them in the threads and thought they were really good and they placed. Some of them I'm seeing just now since I was a bit scatterbrained and forgot to look back in the threads. They're all so lovely and I can see why they all were nominated.
Aaaaa I'm so happy I won another snowflake ;w; I haven't been feeling well today (and am still having a hard time putting my thoughts together rn) so this was really lovely to log on to. It's always been very high up on my list of favorite collectibles and I'm so excited for all the lineup possibilities now that I'm gonna have two of them eeeee
Huge congrats to all the other staff favorite and raffle winners!! 🎉🎉 I hope you all enjoy your wins!

Thank you again for hosting this event staff, and for donating on the community's behalf!! I love the Season of Giving events and I'm still so proud of what we raised for charity together as a community 🫶
Congrats to all the staff favourite and raffle winners! I'm honoured to be recieving a Special Snowflake this year for my cookie creation! I wouldn't have made cookies this holiday season without the event so I also really appreciate the excuse to have some yummy treats! 😋

As always big thanks to the staff for putting on these events! 🎉 I think I'm also in favour of the lights working like Valentines roses (but please let the price stay low and not increase to rose pricing).
HUGE MASSIVE THANK YOU to our staff for once again putting on such a fun filled & generous season of giving!!!!

*** 🎁🎅🏻🎄☃️🎁 ***

First and foremost, WOW on how much was raised to these amazing charities!!!


Congrats to all the staff favs (that must have been so freaking hard to choose, omg!!!!) and to our raffle winners!


Another huge shout out and thank you to @Firesquids & @faerie for making me such amazing stockings and goodies! It still makes me tear up, thinking of how amazingly thoughtful those were! Also a huge shoutout to @xlisapisa for bringing Eevee Noel the pointed earred moosedog to life! Lol I luv it!

*** 🎉🥂🥳🥂🎉 ***

I hope everyone had an amazing holiday season and I wish you all a wondrous and beautiful 2025!!! (Now, staff, plz for the love of all that’s good and holy in this world get some freaking rest, would ya?!?!)
I just want to say that I really enjoyed this event even if I didn‘t have much time at my hands and couldn‘t do every event.
The concept of this event is so amazing. Handing out gifts to others and donating to charity - truely the season of giving.

The staff did an amazing job and I appreciate the work that was put into everything! This community never fails to amaze me. There were so many beautiful entries and each and everyone can be proud of themselve!

I also want thank @Airysuit for creating the stocking for me! I really enjoyed it and I am so happy you get a snowflake my friend!

I feel like a christmas wonder happend when I saw myself among the winners of an art related contest! It means actually a lot to me - more than the snowflake itself. It is the first time winning anything in this category as an amateur artist. I had a lot of fun drawing it and I am glad it is liked!

The second christmas wonder is winning my first raffle ever in 12 years and it is the imposter bunny on top!? OMG I am beyond words! It is like finding randomly the one piece, atlantis, hogwarts or a unicorn. I will cheerish him a lot!
This was another lovely event, thanks to the staff for making it happen and helping charities alongside all!
Also congrats to all the raffle winners and fellow staff favorites, it makes me very happy that something I made was well received ❤️✨

If I didn't say it yet, happy 2025!! I hope we can keep having fun another year in TBT's forums~
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