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Senior Member
Jul 15, 2005
Throwback Tickets
its the back to school dance im going with a girl named madeline
ill give a u a pic when she gets online
Bulerias said:

This is one of the best things I miss out when I homeschool... :\
There's really nothing to miss. Dances are just a waste of money, in my opinion. Spending 3 dollars to get in and basically not do anything at all.

Of course, they call them "Sock-Hops". I son't know why, they just do.
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
Bulerias said:

This is one of the best things I miss out when I homeschool... :\
There's really nothing to miss. Dances are just a waste of money, in my opinion. Spending 3 dollars to get in and basically not do anything at all.

Of course, they call them "Sock-Hops". I son't know why, they just do.
Well, you do DO something... heh..

Wow. our dances at school in canada cost 30 dollers CAD. Yours are cheap.
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
Bulerias said:

This is one of the best things I miss out when I homeschool... :\
There's really nothing to miss. Dances are just a waste of money, in my opinion. Spending 3 dollars to get in and basically not do anything at all.

Of course, they call them "Sock-Hops". I son't know why, they just do.
thats why you go and meet people... not sit on the sidelines


yeah, i was going to ask someone to homecomming... then forgot >_>

i thought i had time, but time flew by pretty quick... its the end of the month already and i didn't even notice

PIRANHA2 said:
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
Bulerias said:

This is one of the best things I miss out when I homeschool... :\
There's really nothing to miss. Dances are just a waste of money, in my opinion. Spending 3 dollars to get in and basically not do anything at all.

Of course, they call them "Sock-Hops". I son't know why, they just do.
thats why you go and meet people... not sit on the sidelines


yeah, i was going to ask someone to homecomming... then forgot >_>

i thought i had time, but time flew by pretty quick... its the end of the month already and i didn't even notice

Ehh...none of my friends are ever there. Plus, I'm not the one to normally socialize. Why do you think I come on here so much? This type of socializing is better, in my opinion.
FOX619 said:
I'am not going b/c i suck at dancing
I'll give you lessons.

:p (kidding, I think dancing is mostly stupid)

And how old are you OHE?
well the dance was over i had fun with my friends and of course im slow danced and hugged sum girls a few times
all my friends were taken so we all like dance next to each other it was fun cuz they had slow songs
i ended up not going woth madeline and went with a girl named lauren rozeanski we look like a perfect couples people say because we look like twins a new kid thought we were brother and sister go figure

only_half_evil333 said:
wow like verey1 in 6th grade has LOL
Lots of people had boyfriends/girfriends in 6th grade...not as much this year (7th) though...I never had a boyfriend though.

And jeeze, a dance in middle school?We only have school dances starting in high school.