Pleased to meet you!


Nov 23, 2013
Hello! I'm Cal. I made my account a few days ago but finally feel brave enough to stop lurking. Animal Crossing is my most recent addiction. I played City Folk off and on, and then it took me a while to finally get my copy of New Leaf, but I love it!

I enjoy crocheting and have made a few ACNL amigurumi items, though I am kind of nervous to post a thread about them in the forums. :') I'm also working on a dream town with a subtle psychological horror theme based off an original story of mine, but it's a WIP. I also love visiting scary dream towns.

And...that's me. Hello!
Hi! My name is Amy and welcome to the forums <3

You'll make a lot of friends here c:
Ooh, you sound interesting! Welcome to the forums!
My mom crochets all the time and I know how to knit, haha
Hi Cal, I'm Amariah :) We're all friendly here, no need to be so nervous! And I'm sure people would love to see your crochet designs, I know I would :3 The girls in my family all crochet from time to time except for me LOL because I'm just really bad at it. So I'm really interested in seeing your designs!! Hope to see you around ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ
Thank you for the warm welcome, everyone!

I wish I had more knowledge of knitting. I just know a little bit, nothing that seems to get me anywhere with projects. :')

And I'll try to show off my amigurumi Animal Crossing stuff soon. :)
Welcome to the forums, Cal.
Go ahead and post 'em, you can't be a worse artist than me! ^_^
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