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Playing ACNL all the time?

I don't think its really bad. I suffer from really bad anxiety (and a bit of depression), and ACNL has helped me a lot with that. So I don't think its necessary a bad thing if it helps people calm down
I play ACNL almost everyday. I've kinda been neglecting my other 3DS and Wii U games. When it's time to get to them, I already feel tired and I just want to go to sleep. I thought the Switch would keep my attention away from my town, but I'm still playing AC more than BotW and any other games haha
At the moment I can play every day, so do so, but its my spare time, when I would otherwise be reading, TV or just sitting.
I still try and make sure I do all the jobs I have allocated for the day, are done (well almost).
My average playtime when I do play is between 1 & 1.5 hours - I can't seem to play longer even if I have the time, I get tired of it & start to flag. But I can go back & have another go later.

I have made the game stress free for myself by changing the time so that I can play every ingame day, even when I can't play in real life - for whatever reason, maybe cos I just don't feel like it.
I chose to change time with the system clock & then load the game. I can do this as I don't play any other time related games on the 3ds, and I like keeping the ingame time & system clock showing the same, albeit its not necessary.

So I play when I want to and don't when I don't want to - no anxiety and I really enjoy playing - so treetops - high 5, go play and enjoy!
The game helps with my depressed episodes (don't get them as much because of medication) and anxiety, and I neglect it when I'm hypomanic. The game helps me when I'm really stressed or just upset like a normal person. It helps me with my loneliness (which I suffer from terribly) and it just in general makes me feel like I'm not alone. It makes the world feel quiet.
No. Nothing wrong with it. Sometimes I feel bad because I play a lot. Like a lot. But I have an injury that prevents me from doing a lot of things so if I can play animal crossing I'm going to. :)
If it helps with things and doesn't get in the way of what you need to do its not problem. :)
I can think off a hundred worse ways than animal crossing to spend free time so it's all good. :)
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As everyone else has said, I don't think it's a problem to play as much (or as little) as you like, provided you're still meeting your other commitments. It sounds like you are, and that playing AC is actually helping you in that regard, so that's awesome!

I'm someone who can play for hours a day for weeks or months and then not play again for weeks or months. I play AC to enjoy myself, and if real life stuff is more enjoyable then I don't have any issues with forgetting the game. I've been very unwell and on medical bedrest for much of the past two years. I thought I'd be playing ACNL constantly. I have, on-and-off, but I've also found other things I can do and that's been good for me, too.

Right now I've been playing both my towns for a minimum of 3 hours a day for the past few weeks. I don't know how long I'll feel like doing that for, but I'll be fine in any case. After a break I just TT my 3DS time+date back to just after I last played. This way there's no stress whatever happens. It works for me.
No?? Why would It be? As long as it's not effecting school/work then there shouldn't be a problem...
I used to play it every day in my spare time, but now I take some days off when I feel tired (even though I need to buy 50 fertilizers for the golden shovel).
I don't play the game everyday, but I do play a lot of ACNL. Especially now that I am starting to settle down with my new life and am starting to get used to my daily schedule.

I see a lot of people who stop playing the games for weeks or months, usually because of school or personal matters or whatever. I can understand why people would take a break, because of course not everybody has the time for it. But I don't really like taking breaks from ACNL. I get very anxious very quickly, and ACNL has helped me cope with stressful for such a long time now. While it's still hard for me to go out to places, I feel much better now than what I used to feel years back.

Is it wrong to play a lot of ACNL? Even though I don't play it for hours upon hours, I always feel like I play too much of it.

Ok, lemme say this....I am a GROWN ASS WOMAN lol I have 2, amazing, smart, loving, FUN, CREATIVE, compassionate and wonderful little girls (Summer is 7 and Autumn is 3)...I own my own home, have friends (albeit not good ones lol), a husband and the whole nine....yet I play A LOT of ACNL...and have multiple towns (3 if you include my daughters which I help her with)...and I play each town everyday, even if only to get daily tasks done...
ACNL is MY escape from the world...from the chaos, stress, BS, and all that comes along with LIFE in general. My inlaws....my Husbands brother, his wife...they ALL make fun of me...daily...because instead of...oh I dunno...drinking? doing yoga? or whatever...I unwind by playing ACNL, and put my time and love into it. I ALSO play WITH my daughter (the older one mostly, but Autumn has become increasingly interested and knows ALL the villagers in my towns' names! and I have a villager char in my main town named after her and she LOVES that!) ACNL is also a time when Summer and I do things...its like our own secret lil world and I LOVE IT!!!!
I too get anxious if I don't play....I have ADHD, OCD, and anxiety...so I tend to kinda NEED to play at least ONCE a day...
I'm sorry I cant fathom playing ACNL being bad really, I mean unless its causing you to like withdraw into the game COMPLETELY, ignoring everyone and everything around you that ISNT in the game or ACNL related...yknow? Unless that's whats going on...playing it "often" is perfectly ok I think
I decided a few days ago I'd reset my town, so I play a lot to get my neighbors to ping me so I can transfer them to my husband's game and then recover them once I already reset. Sigh, so much work...
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I do my best to play it everyday just so my villagers don't feel neglected. It's been difficult lately though due to stuff at work making me sleepy and now with the release of Mass Effect Andromeda I don't think I will be on as often ^-^
Some of us would much rather be outside doing the things we really want to be doing but, due to physical or other medical problems, are forced to find alternative activities. ACNL is that friendly relaxing place that makes life a little easier.
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I'm not the one to reach out for pity, but animal crossing? it helps me. Even if it does get in the way of my every day life, I'd have to say I play it 4 hours every day on the weekdays and by the weekend probably 8 hours daily, or days I get off work. When I was younger I was inpatient and outpatient of Hospitals for my diagnosed anxiety, depression & ADHD. I don't get to see my friends 24/7 or speak to them online, so it's nice to lay down and play animal crossing, and form relationships with people; even if they aren't real!
I'm not surprised to see there are so many players living with anxiety, ADHD and depression! I have all 3 conditions and spend a lot of time playing ACNL; I find it very relaxing and rewarding.

I go through phases with my gameplay. I started my town last Xmas and played solidly for hours per day during the summer break (I'm in the southern hemisphere). When I returned to college I had a break for a few weeks, and now I'm back at it and playing anywhere from 1 hour to 5 hours per day.

I'm in the process of preparing to restart my town, and am planning restrict time in my new town to just 1 hour per weekday. With my ADHD I have the tendency to hyper-focus and can loose track of time/fixate on stuff. I'll pop in to do my daily chores during the week, and leave long landscaping sessions, island visits, etc to the weekends.
I have twelve towns and play almost every day. But sometimes if I am sick or too busy with real life work I will miss a day or two. But I always have a week I can skip without anyone moving in the rare case any emergencies pop up. I don't want to lose any of my villagers to random move outs.