• Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!

Place your random thoughts.

dvfbdvhfkvfigdgaadgsfsjg writing emails to teachers is so awkward and difficult ????? what am i supposed to write??? everything just sounds so stupid and im really uncomfortable ghxghkxgfh
when youre texting teachers and people like that at least it's not as formal or weird, you don't have to say hi or bye or introduce urself (at least not if theyre the one writing to u and usually it's not necessary if youve texted them before (and even if u have to introduce urself u can just b like /oliver bc it's short, if im writing an email i feel pressured 2 write a three page essay 2 b like Rhx Bye)) and you can reply with a really short message or even just a thumbs up emoji ...
im sorry, texting, for not being grateful that u r there 4 md ..... i always hated u but now that ive experienced the alternative and walked thru hell i realize what a blessing u are xoxo
I really need to be more grateful of how much easier Canadian education is than American education....exams in middle school that's scary
I really need to be more grateful of how much easier Canadian education is than American education....exams in middle school that's scary

it's not that it's easier, your education system just might be more focused on the student.
our education system has a lot of tests to make sure we're hitting the standard, we're a flawed country
i really want a shiny celebi suddenly, too bad they're like literally impossible to get
i really want a shiny celebi suddenly, too bad they're like literally impossible to get

Has there ever actually been an official event or release for this? ? But yeah they look real cool.

Also whyy is this piece of salmon like hard and rubber-y all of a sudden well there went my lunch :(
Has there ever actually been an official event or release for this? ? But yeah they look real cool.

I was trying to google that but I was getting conflicting opinions on whether the anniversary Celebis could be shiny. :{ I heard whispers of a Japan-exclusive bonus disc for Pok?mon Colosseum that could yield shiny Celebis but there's no chance you'll find those being traded lol rip

1. Gameshark.
2. If you want a legit one, you're ****ed.

ye I just want one legit but I kno it's not gonna happen unless we get an event. I don't like shinies that aren't legit, I AR'd some before but then I was like ":|" and didn't even wanna use them hahah
Yeah, I dunno how many of those are shiny locked, although I bet the recent year 3ds ones are :x

But yeah if you want the disc one 100% legit you probs have to get the disc yourself and reset 1945745 times
We were recording a voice quiz in choir today and I tripped and I cussed completely on accident and now it’s recorded and anyone can see it and idk whether to laugh or cry ahahahah aa haa

On a side note I’m supposed to be doing work but I’ve been slacking for an hour. Go me :D
I hate Love Hina. That woman needs a punch in the face.