Place your random thoughts.

Here are my weirdest interpretations of the hourly music. I already said that ACNL’s 3 AM soundtrack sounds like a night from the two-week school vacation during Christmas.
  • 11 AM (GameCube) and 3 PM (New Leaf) sound like some amusement park soundtracks, even though the 1 PM soundtrack from Wild World sounds the best like an amusement park soundtrack.
  • 10 AM (Wild World) sounds like there is hope when times are rough.
  • 8 PM (Wild World) sounds like the rough times are finally over. It also sounds like a certain time period is coming to an end, but the worst parts of it is over.
  • 4 PM (GameCube) sounds like an autumn evening, whereas 4 PM (Wild World) sounds like a summer evening. But if this is true, then a couple of morning tunes like 6 AM (New Leaf) sounds like a spring morning.
  • 4 AM (New Leaf) sounds like a zombie rising sequence.
  • 3 PM (Wild World) sounds like a “coming up next” commercial.
  • 10 PM (New Horizons) and 2 AM (New Leaf) are fitting for an ancient ruins theme.
I'm a bit late to this, but here are some of mine:
  • 3 pm (New Horizons) I've started to associate with driving in a car during springtime afternoons. My mom used to play a lot of ACNH when she was waiting for me to be dismissed from school around earlier this year, so I heard the song a lot when we drove home.
  • 5 pm (GameCube) reminds me of a shopping mall.
  • 8 pm (Wild World), to me, evokes the feeling of meeting up with an old friend you haven't spoken to in years or even decades. Also, I find it calming to listen to while writing, almost nostalgic.
  • 9 pm (also Wild World) reminds me of travelling to another place that seems close, yet far away at the same time (like a 2-to-3-hour drive)
  • 11 pm (GameCube) I have begun to associate with bunraku puppetry
EDIT - @Alolan_Apples, you were right. It was the 6 pm theme I was thinking of.

EDIT #2 - Turns out we were both wrong. I was actually thinking of the 8 pm hourly theme for WW.
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I'm so tired, my bed is uncomfortable and so is the living room recliner cant wait for my new bed get here :(
Looking back at Pokémon Sun/Moon, one of the common themes was parenting. Examples include:
  • Lillie was watching after Nebby the Cosmog and was being overprotective.
  • There is an abusive relationship between Lillie and Lusamine.
  • One of the game’s features is Pokémon refresh.
From what I read from TV Tropes, there’s a reason why the parenting theme makes sense as being part of Pokémon S/M and Pokémon US/UM. It’s because Pokémon S/M was the 20th anniversary celebration of Pokémon. Those who were kids back in the days of the first generation are already adults, and they’re starting new families.
I'm a bit late to this, but here are some of mine:
  • 3 pm (New Horizons) I've started to associate with driving in a car during springtime afternoons. My mom used to play a lot of ACNH when she was waiting for me to be dismissed from school around earlier this year, so I heard the song a lot when we drove home.
  • 5 pm (GameCube) reminds me of a shopping mall.
  • 6 or 7 pm (I forgot which one it was, but I'll edit it in when I remember) (Wild World), to me, evokes the feeling of meeting up with an old friend you haven't spoken to in years or even decades. Also, I find it calming to listen to while writing, almost nostalgic.
  • 9 pm (also Wild World) reminds me of travelling to another place that seems close, yet far away at the same time (like a 2-to-3-hour drive)
  • 11 pm (GameCube) I have begun to associate with bunraku puppetry
Very interesting observations. And yes, this kinda makes sense. But to help you a bit, whatever you’re saying about an old friend sounds more like the 6 pm track in wild world.

Here’s another hourly music fact that I developed based on Animal Crossing hourly soundtracks and what happens (in a few details):
  • There are seven different arcs of the day. Four three-hour arcs on the AM side, and three four-hour arcs on the PM side.
  • The first two arcs are the early morning arc (6 AM, 7 AM, 8 AM) and the late morning arc (9 AM, 10 AM, and 11 AM). The last two are the late night arc (12 AM, 1 AM, and 2 AM) and the dawn arc (3 AM, 4 AM, and 5 AM). The ones in between are the afternoon arc, the evening arc, and the early night arc.
This is kind of late, but it's something I can't not say something about.

What were they smoking when they designed how Yoshi should look when he has something in his mouth in Super Mario Wonder? Seriously. This is so cursed. Why?
Every other method of shiny hunting is insanely easy in S/V but I’m constantly going over odds when I do masuda and it’s so freaking annoyinggggg. I hate hatching eggs and there’s a bunch of Pokémon I want that can’t be hunted in the wild.
The cook and owner of the new restaurant the fam and I went to called me a trouble maker and gave us free zeppole😅

No idea why he called me that, he just said I look like one (I was wearing a pink dress and boots not like 'grunge stuff' or anythin like that. My hair isn't shaved off on one side anymore either its serverly outgrown and needs a cut,) but hey free dessert
I remember when this site used to have thread tags, where you can tag a thread. Back when this was a thing, I loved adding the tags “apples ate my cake” and “apples have fun too” to my threads or the announcement threads, even when it has nothing to do with apples.
I think I'm going to have to give in to walking my pup sooner than planned. It seems like she is getting more energetic and less napping and driving us all bonkers lol. My issue with walking her is other large dogs that get loose frequently in the area that are known to attack other dogs. I even saw someone walking their dog minding their own business get attacked. I was wanting to wait until mine was older and bigger just in case something like that happened so she has a better chance of not being severely injured. The only loose dog I've seen lately was a tiny dog, so maybe it'll be ok if I just stay close to the house or something.
I was looking through a list of every member on the site, and I realized that not only are there way, WAY more people on the site than I originally would have ever guessed (I mean, I knew were at least 100,000, but the page of users is just insane), but also there’s so many users that have joined but never posted. Speaking of posts, I was also surprised to see that there were over 10 million posts, and if I'm fast enough to post this then this should be the 10,489,728th post. It just goes to show how big this site really is!
i just went to my room and saw the BIGGEST FLY I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE. luckily i opened the window and it flew out after my brother (unsuccessfully) tried to kill it.


i was able to take a picture of it, i circled it in red for clarity.
Went to Hobby Lobby and bought some Christmas ornaments. I always look for Christmas decorations in September and October.
i don't judge if you like astrology, but why when i search up anything about zodiac signs, Gemini is intentionally left out or it says something like "you're two-faced and hotheaded". i didn't choose to be born in June, and i don't know why that automatically makes me a ***** :,]
I was looking through a list of every member on the site, and I realized that not only are there way, WAY more people on the site than I originally would have ever guessed (I mean, I knew were at least 100,000, but the page of users is just insane), but also there’s so many users that have joined but never posted. Speaking of posts, I was also surprised to see that there were over 10 million posts, and if I'm fast enough to post this then this should be the 10,489,728th post. It just goes to show how big this site really is!
Sorry to burst your bubble a bit, I think I saw a lot of bots when I went through the list. That was a few years ago and I haven’t looked again and I could be wrong, but the hundreds of blank profiles located in tiny austrian towns was kinda sus to me. Still lots of posts and users though! ^^

Edit: checked again, and I saw some profiles with only Vietnamese profile posts on them. When I translated a few of them they seemed to be advertising spam.
Sorry to burst your bubble a bit, I think I saw a lot of bots when I went through the list. That was a few years ago and I haven’t looked again and I could be wrong, but the hundreds of blank profiles located in tiny austrian towns was kinda sus to me. Still lots of posts and users though! ^^
There were also alternative accounts, mostly by users who where abusing the welcome Bells feature. Some would create multiple accounts and donate the Bells they earned from account creation to their original account. The staff eventually revoked the feature because it has been abused, but you can see why there were so many empty accounts.