North America Phoe's Amiibo Card Trading (LF: S4 & WA. Have S1-4, WA, and HHD items)

Hello again! I've gotten several new card packs since we last traded, so I was wondering if you would be interested in a second trade? (Hopefully my first card has arrived by now . . .)

343 Anabelle
351 Puddles

For your:
338 Fang
345 Naomi
If you are still trading, I am interested in Skye, Fang, and Stitches.
And I have Goldie, Lucy, Coco, Luna, Tangy, And Freya, if you'd be interested in 3 of those. If the person above gers fang, then I'd be interested in Zucker instead of Fang
And I need all the DLC
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if your (338) Fang is still available, I'd like to offer (302) Brewster & (320) Mott for it!

it is one of the two cards I am missing, so I'm willing to trade a little extra for it :D
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Hi there. I was just wondering if if you might have a couple of challenge items I am missing. I missed the Giant Teddy Bear and The Sun from the challenges. You don't have any cards I need but I would be more than happy to trade one of the cards you need for any card with those 2 items loaded onto it. I could offer any one of these cards. 323, 347, 351, 356, 365, 385. I believe we have traded before. I am located in Canada as well. Let me know if you have those items and would like to trade.
Alrighty! List has been updated with new info and cards. I'm also looking to get the Sun item from one of the more recent HHN challenges, so if anyone has that, I'd be super grateful. :)
Would you be interested in trading your 272 Skye for my 229 Cousteau? :D

I don't have the sun to offer unfortunately, but I would really appreciate some of the DLC! c: I need to double-check which ones I have, so I'll get back to you on that if you want to do the trade.
My 310 for your 371 and 382. PM me if you are interested. :)

Edit: Card no longer available.
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Bumping this. Card list has been updated. Still looking to get the Sun from one of the previous HHA challenges
Walt for Zucker? Also I have the sun
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I have:
243. Drago
346. Peewee
355. Mira
359. Apple
369. Sylvia
Can I trade them with your:
382. Lobo
364. Zucker
164. Bianca
192. Pango
047. Knox
Is it okay with you to load some of the Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer DLC into the card? I am planning to play it during my winter break so I am looking for the past DLC.
Bumping this. I got a bunch of new cards, mainly Welcome Amiibo ones. Still looking for the Sun DLC for HHD.
Hi Phoenecia,

I believe that we've traded before. I'm interested in trading my #308 Leilani for your WA #12 Wade. I am located in Canada.

Please let me know if this works for you!
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Hi! Any interest in trading Tank for Midge?

Edit: Forgot to mention I'm in the U.S.
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12 Wade and 17 Ursala for 342 Bones and 358 Papi?