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people's attitudes towards popular villagers


mott's best friend
Jun 7, 2013
White Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos
Tasty Cake
Ive been gone from belltreeforums for a while, stopped logging in some time in the summer. I came back a few days ago and quickly noticed a pattern: new threads keep popping up with people complaining about a specific popular villager.

Now, just because a villager is popular doesn't mean that everyone should like them. I understand that. I mean, there are a lot of popular villagers that I find ugly or boring and that I wouldn't want in my town. But my dislike for them hasn't quite reached the point where I find the need the create a thread just to ask people why that specific villager is liked. I mean, it's pretty obvious that villager preferences come down to opinion and that not everyone will share my aesthetics.

So what's with all of the repetitive threads? There are plenty of ugly non-popular villagers out there, but people don't really seem as interested in creating new threads just for the sake of sharing their hatred/dislike for them. I mean there are threads where people discuss unpopular villagers that they dislike, but you hardly ever see anyone posting a thread just to complain about a specific unpopular villager. I'm not saying that they don't exist, just that they're not as common.

If it's the popularity that bothers people I can understand. I was pretty disappointed for a while when I found out just how popular many of my villagers were, I wanted to be unique and I hated the idea that I shared so many of my villagers with the people in my social circle. At one point I even met someone who had 6 villagers in common with me. But I eventually got over it. I realized that it doesn't really matter if someone has the same villagers as me as long as I'm happy, and it didn't keep me from adopting certain villagers just because they were popular.

But I still wonder about everyone else. Would someone that disliked x villager dislike him/her less if he/she wasn't as popular? Would they be indifferent to that villager if that particular villager received less attention? Does this rebellion against whats popular have anything to do with age?
That is a really good point due to the fact that there are posts about how nice the unpopular animals are- which is nice- but there are hardly any where they express how nice the popular are. They must be popular for a reason and I bet the makers intended for that, I personally like most of my villagers and well most of them all. I do obviously have some I dislike, but the game wasn't made for people to love them all. They made loads for the fact that everyone has a different taste.
I really do wonder though if people only say stuff like that because they feel they have to be different, just a little thought.
Honestly, I might possibly like Marshal more if he wasn't so popular. I actually do find him cute, but everyone and their mother having him in their town and seeing him in every Dream Town I visit got old after 2 months.
It's a way for someone to feel like they're being connected with one another, you know, sharing common interest and the like. Making a separate thread allows for more spotlight in an otherwise heavy traffic single thread. Can't be helped if some people don't know when the best time to make it, or how to make it in a way that is more than just a Q&A (who knows, some of them might be just kids running around).

It's easier to complain than it is to praise. It is also a lot easier to complain about something that is out in the open, like practically in your face (popularity-wise). If you want a insightful discussion, you're free to make 'em. I'll post in them if they happen to catch my interest.

I don't let people dictate my interest. You (general you) could try swaying me to your favor, but you better know what the heck you're talking about, and are passionate enough about it. Otherwise, I'm not going to give a care, especially when you lack to show respect and gratefulness. I judge you by your post, just like how I judge a fictional character in game. Popularity be -bleep-.
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Honestly, I might possibly like Marshal more if he wasn't so popular.
This, for me as well. After all the hype build him up to being the bestest villager ever ever, he moved into one of my towns. He's okay. He's kind of cute with that frowny face. But I definitely don't like him to the degree that the hype built him up to be.

I think if I hadn't been online (TBT, Tumblr, etc) and hadn't known about his huuuuuge fanbase, I might have not expected so much and been somewhat disappointed.
It's a way for someone to feel like they're being connected with one another, you know, sharing common interest and the like. Making a separate thread allows for more spotlight in an otherwise heavy traffic single thread. Can't be helped if some people don't know when the best time to make it, or how to make it in a way that is more than just a Q&A (who knows, some of them might be just kids running around).

It's easier to complain than it is to praise. It is also a lot easier to complain about something that is out in the open, like practically in your face (popularity-wise). If you want a insightful discussion, you're free to make 'em. I'll post in them if they happen to catch my interest.

I don't let people dictate my interest. You (general you) could try swaying me to your favor, but you better know what the heck you're talking about, and are passionate enough about it. Otherwise, I'm not going to give a care, especially when you lack to show respect and gratefulness. I judge you by your post, just like how I judge a fictional character in game. Popularity be -bleep-.

I agree about everything that you just posted. I guess that it just makes me sad that (unlike you) there are many people out there who allow the masses to influence their preferences. I've had seven friends so far that have reset their towns simply because they had a popular fruit, or that have let their best villager friend move out of town simply because of their popularity. I have also had friends that have adopted villagers that they dislike simply because the villager is popular. I have also known people who have visited my town and reset hours later to copy me. And this is not me being defensive, I have actually received quite a lot of asks on my tumblr with people telling me things along the lines of: "I liked your town name so much that I decided to reset my town to match you."

Now, I'm not really bothered by that. My town name is pretty generic anyway, so it'd be unfair of me to claim originality. It just makes me sad to think that people are so easily swayed by trends or so desperate to rebel against them because in the end both groups are just being enslaved by whats popular. That girl changed her town name to match mine in an attempt to befriend me. But now that my popularity has died down I'll be lucky if one of my thousands of followers answers my questions. So what is she left with? A town that she made in hopes to impress someone that she is no longer interested in being friends with.
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I noticed it too, and a lot of these threads go "I don't understand why x is so popular" - it makes me wonder, do they really not understand, or is it more of a statement like "look at me, I'm so original that I dislike the villagers you all like"? I mean, I don't like Julian, but I understand why he's popular. I think Drago is hideous, but I understand that his design is unique and he looks like a dragon, and that's why he's popular. Is it really so hard to understand, or do people just like to be hipsters?

Something I really don't understand is the mentality that "I would have liked x, but too bad he's so popular". If there are qualities in a villager that you find cute or interesting, with the large fanbase AC has there is bound to be someone else that shares your views. And since people tend to have a similar perspective on what is "cute" or "cool" or "pretty", of course there will be some villagers that stand out as more popular and sought after, and it's likely they will be the ones you also have your eye on. I was not surprised to find out a lot of my villagers are popular, because most of them are conventionally, even "cookie-cutter" cute (ie. Rosie - large round eyes, soft colors, blushing cheeks).

To dislike something just because other people like it is just like wanting a villager just because everyone wants it. You're still letting other people's opinions sway you.
I agree about everything that you just posted. I guess that it just makes me sad that (unlike you) there are many people out there who allow the masses to influence their preferences. I've had seven friends so far that have reset their towns simply because they had a popular fruit, or that have let their best villager friend move out of town simply because of their popularity. I have also had friends that have adopted villagers that they dislike simply because the villager is popular. I have also known people who have visited my town and reset hours later to copy me. And this is not me being defensive, I have actually received quite a lot of asks on my tumblr with people telling me things along the lines of: "I liked your town name so much that I decided to reset my town to match you."

Now, I'm not really bothered by that. My town name is pretty generic anyway, so it'd be unfair of me to claim originality. It just makes me sad to think that people are so easily swayed by trends or so desperate to rebel against them because in the end both groups are just being enslaved by whats popular. That girl changed her town name to match mine in an attempt to befriend me. But now that my popularity has died down I'll be lucky if one of my thousands of followers answers my questions. So what is she left with? A town that she made in hopes to impress someone that she is no longer interested in being friends with.

In my opinion, it's okay to be impressed and influenced by someone. It is not okay to do/change certain things for petty reasons. When it comes to popularity, it is just that, popularity. If I was popular, I don't want to be known as "that gal who is popular", I want to be known as "that gal who is known for this-and-that". There has to be a reason strong enough to match up with your actions, is all I'm saying. And honestly, most people likes it when you're just being yourself anyway (it's different story when it comes to business, such as school, work, etc).
I don't really let what people say or do affect my gameplay and stuff

But I gotta be honest when I say I don't see the big hype over Marshal.
He's a little bland and a little ugly...

But if I had him in my town, I'd let someone who truly wanted him to have him I guess
I noticed it too, and a lot of these threads go "I don't understand why x is so popular" - it makes me wonder, do they really not understand, or is it more of a statement like "look at me, I'm so original that I dislike the villagers you all like"? I mean, I don't like Julian, but I understand why he's popular. I think Drago is hideous, but I understand that his design is unique and he looks like a dragon, and that's why he's popular. Is it really so hard to understand, or do people just like to be hipsters?

Something I really don't understand is the mentality that "I would have liked x, but too bad he's so popular". If there are qualities in a villager that you find cute or interesting, with the large fanbase AC has there is bound to be someone else that shares your views. And since people tend to have a similar perspective on what is "cute" or "cool" or "pretty", of course there will be some villagers that stand out as more popular and sought after, and it's likely they will be the ones you also have your eye on. I was not surprised to find out a lot of my villagers are popular, because most of them are conventionally, even "cookie-cutter" cute (ie. Rosie - large round eyes, soft colors, blushing cheeks).

To dislike something just because other people like it is just like wanting a villager just because everyone wants it. You're still letting other people's opinions sway you.

OMG you think exactly like I do. lol this is exactly how I feel. Thank you!!!!
I personally love Marshal, but because of personal reasons. I don't understand the bashing either, you're right in that it's all down to personal preference! I'm not too big of a fan of Cherry, but I'm sure there's somebody out there who loves her and thinks of her as an ultimate dreamie. Either way this fandom has been mostly about acceptance and kindness, so I hope it does stay that way. :)
i think they make those popular bashing topics to reassure themselves it's okay to not like a popular villager.
I think its just people are getting bored of looking at the exact same signatures with the exact same dreamies, and going to the same towns with the same villagers
For many (not me) its losing the feel of animal crossing how it was, when it was more natural in the day, when people did not care about villagers or who was in their towns, everyones town was unique, people didnt reset as much for layouts, and simply played with the cards dealt with them. Also, its frustrating for many, that in cycler threads a lot of villagers are autovoided simply because they are popular
I love some of the popular villagers so i do not see the issue, but it is frustrating for instance say with Tangy she has been my best friend since gamecube and id love her, yet ive seen many online just wanting her for her popularity and thats frustrating.. im not saying i have a greater claim to her, its just i wish more people would naturally become friends with villagers, even the ugly ones, and gage their best friends that way, rather than hand choosing the most popular, and just having them in their town.. thats why im glad i started with the original installment, i became best friends with Tangy & Vesta.. without having any knowledge of popular or not
Maybe they are just genuinely curious and want to know exactly what makes a villager appealing. And because sometimes when you're not fond of something that most people are, you wonder if something is wrong with you and want to find like-minded people.
She was the 2nd villager to move in but she moved out without telling me so I had to cycle out 16 villagers. :(
I think its just people are getting bored of looking at the exact same signatures with the exact same dreamies, and going to the same towns with the same villagers
For many (not me) its losing the feel of animal crossing how it was, when it was more natural in the day, when people did not care about villagers or who was in their towns, everyones town was unique, people didnt reset as much for layouts, and simply played with the cards dealt with them. Also, its frustrating for many, that in cycler threads a lot of villagers are autovoided simply because they are popular
I love some of the popular villagers so i do not see the issue, but it is frustrating for instance say with Tangy she has been my best friend since gamecube and id love her, yet ive seen many online just wanting her for her popularity and thats frustrating.. im not saying i have a greater claim to her, its just i wish more people would naturally become friends with villagers, even the ugly ones, and gage their best friends that way, rather than hand choosing the most popular, and just having them in their town.. thats why im glad i started with the original installment, i became best friends with Tangy & Vesta.. without having any knowledge of popular or not

And i now have Tangy so no need to complain :p
I like the look of some of the popular villagers, I don't want to spend the money to get them, but if they come into my town via campsite or random move in, they'll stay for awhile, but if I don't like them, I won't want them in my town anymore, just like other villagers that come in.
I noticed it too, and a lot of these threads go "I don't understand why x is so popular" - it makes me wonder, do they really not understand, or is it more of a statement like "look at me, I'm so original that I dislike the villagers you all like"? I mean, I don't like Julian, but I understand why he's popular. I think Drago is hideous, but I understand that his design is unique and he looks like a dragon, and that's why he's popular. Is it really so hard to understand, or do people just like to be hipsters?

Something I really don't understand is the mentality that "I would have liked x, but too bad he's so popular". If there are qualities in a villager that you find cute or interesting, with the large fanbase AC has there is bound to be someone else that shares your views. And since people tend to have a similar perspective on what is "cute" or "cool" or "pretty", of course there will be some villagers that stand out as more popular and sought after, and it's likely they will be the ones you also have your eye on. I was not surprised to find out a lot of my villagers are popular, because most of them are conventionally, even "cookie-cutter" cute (ie. Rosie - large round eyes, soft colors, blushing cheeks).

To dislike something just because other people like it is just like wanting a villager just because everyone wants it. You're still letting other people's opinions sway you.

I've been keeping that sentence inside of me up until now. :p

Yeah, I agree.
It gets pretty annoying seeing the same thread popping up, asking why Marshal is popular. I don't see why it's so hard to understand why so and so is popular. I feel as though quite a few people say Marshal is only popular because other people have been influenced and such. I wouldn't want a villager in my town just because they were popular. I'd rather have an animal I prefer.