⚖️ Objection! ⚖️


El Psy Congroo
May 21, 2013
Blue Balloon
Green Balloon
Red Balloon
Orange Balloon
Nightmare Easter Egg
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Love Ball
Moon Ball

Welcome to...


The place where lawyers from all over come to challenge their skills.

Do you have what it takes to take on the world's best?ezgif-1-f2b7f8cab734.gif

This is very similar to the game "You're Banned". You are to create a counter-argument for the above user's statement and then create your own statement for the next user. It's as simple as just posting a random fact, something silly, an opinion or something completely random. Example "Aliens will attack!". The next poster will then make an objection to your statement with their counter-argument...ezgif-1-f2b7f8cab734.gif


Player 1: The sky is blue
Player 2: Objection! The sky is not blue, it's red. Why? Because I feel like it.

This game is stupid
Player 1: Objection! The evidence shows that Vaati has never made a "stupid game".


Court is now in session and I shall take the liberty of making the opening statement...ezgif-1-f2b7f8cab734.gif
The water is turning the frogs gay!
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Objection! I identify as a space unicorn, it's impossible for me to be considered "gay"

9-11 was inside job!
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Objection! The evidence shows that 9-11 was an outside job, as it was outside!

The below poster likes to eat pancakes for breakfast!
Objection! I only eat nails for breakfast! Without any milk!

The below poster drives a 1998 Dodge Stratus!
Objection! I have never driven another car besides this...

Our scientists have done the DNA testing on the cookies and we now know who the culprit was. People of the court, your mastermind is none other than... Santa Clause!
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Objection! Santa Claus does not spell his name with an “e”.

In-N-Out is the best fast food chain in America.
Objection! There's not even a single In-N-Out on the east coast, so by default I'm kinda...eh towards it.

Chiaki Nanami is best girl.
Objection! Chiaki Nanami can't be the best girl if her name isn't known to anime noobs! (Me).

Op is going throu a very Ace Attorney phase right now. Need I show evidence?
Objection! It's not a phase, it's a life style-

Cereal and other simple meals are better for breakfast than heavy meals such as Bacon and Eggs.
Objection! Now, I don't entirely disagree - cereal and other simple meals work wonders when you're in a hurry. But heavy meals such as bacon and eggs are far more enjoyable, typically.

A runabout! I'll steal it! No one will ever know!
Objection! Anyone who reads your post will know now that you've revealed your plan!

Dragons used to be real, living creatures!
Objection! Santa Claus does not spell his name with an ?e?.
But I was talking about Clause.
Op is going through a very Ace Attorney phase right now. Need I show evidence?
I styled my account for the thread.
Objection! It's not a phase, it's a life style-
So true :cool:

Objection! They did but they were referred to as chickens in those days.

The Bell Tree forums have been taken over by the Illuminati!
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Oh man, this game is right up my alley!

Objection! You have no proof that has happened, nor is there any proof the Illuminati is real!

North Korea is the best place to be on Earth!
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Objection! You misspelled "worst" there, so I'll help you out.

You see, I just so happened to discover that Elvis Presley is still alive. I saw him in a diner bathroom in Vegas.
Objection! You could only see his decoy.

The UFO object that crashed into Area 51 is actually a ship owned by porgs.
Objection! They don’t die. They just go to “sleep” like the thugs do when Batman “kills” them in the CollegeHumor Batman versus The Penguin parody. They go to sleep, and then they wake up. :p

It isn’t late night/early morning, there’s clearly sunshine outside!
Objection! The "sunshine" you see isn't what you think it is. The light coming through your window is from the explosion of the nuke that had dropped near your area not too long ago. The forcast may of said the weather is clear but I'd bring a radiation protectioning umbrella if I was you.

Ash Ketchum has been illegally abusing Pokemon and forcing them to fight for money and/or items.
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Objection! He shows love for them.

Some of our Christmas traditions originated during the American Civil War.