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Trevor's Photopia & GMOD Edit Dumping Ground

Did something new this time; it's a movie poster!


Ironically, I don't even like horror movies, but you know...​
Another faux-album I made today.



Not my most amazing job ever, but I was bored and it was something I wanted to do. I mostly based it off Bob Welch's eponymous 1981 album (minus the segmented distortion shifts since it looked weird on Bruce), as it looked fairly easy to replicate. I also made textless edits with filters and AC's Gaia Records logo I tend to use; the one on the left is general purpose, while the right side is more suited for avatar use.

My Wahu Journal states that Bruce is a bass player in his band, but he uses a rock guitar here as it was what I had on hand. Besides, many bass players can also play ordinary electric guitars; I could imagine Bruce being such. I also took pictures with Lopez doing the same thing, but he would blend in with the background fairly easily.​
I wanted to keep it simple with this banner:


There were times where I've felt that my Lopez and Kyle banner was too wide to be paired with other things (see first post), so I decided to make a new one that's smaller and only features my go-to antelope. Why the Pegasus? I think they're cool.​
Spent some extra time on this one...​


A new holiday banner is definitely on the horizon at some point in the next few weeks, but I wanted to toy around with drop shadows, colors, fonts and arched text (it's more painful to set up than you think). Of course, my guy Roscoe is featured. I honestly think that the 80s retrovibe style is up my alley, so I found a cool wallpaper image on the interwebs and went to work on this banner. Maybe down the line I'll make this more postcard-like, but for right now I'm leaving it as it is.​
Alright, I'm going to cheat and mention that this isn't something I made in Photopia. Rather, it's the first thing I made and screenshotted in Garry's Mod...


It's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination (no speakers and no amps lol), but finally. The band I created are actually performing something. For those of you that read my Brucewood Mac origin story on my island journal thread (totally not a plug to go read it if you haven't), you'll notice that Katt has a guitar rather than a keyboard. I'm still experimenting on how to scale certain props to fit those of the villagers, and was having trouble with trying to make a specific keyboard prop fit Katt's size. To be honest, I actually like her playing guitar this way.

Of course, the default graphics in GMOD aren't all that fabulous, which is why I applied some heavy filters to make it stand out better. Regardless, I can't wait to see what else my mind can come up with down the line.​
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Happy New Year everyone! Here's another thing I did in GMOD:


It's a redo of my previous Antelopes Are Hard to Find cover, now looking more natural with the photo studio setting and villager poses. Also, I decided to have Bruce hold a cupcake as sort of a tie-in to this being my first official TBT Museum contribution for 2025 (on the album cover this is based on, John McVie is fittingly holding a champagne bottle). Overall, I tried to go for a mixed magazine cover/greatest hits album look.

I really should give some other villagers I like more attention, but I really can't get enough of these four. What can I say? I honestly feel happy when I take the time to make my dumb ideas more of a reality.​
Decided to remake another album cover in GMOD:


This might be recognizible to most of you that like '80s music. It's based off Fleetwood Mac's 1982 album, Mirage. Really didn't take long to make; all I did was pose the characters on a black background and added filters afterwards. If I knew how to easily change their clothes (I have the addon pack from the workshop), I could easily make it resemble the original much more, but I'm still in that basic learning phase.​
I thought this came out pretty nicely:


I think the lighting could've been a tad bit better, but at least it's present unlike a few of the previous pieces I made. Also, a green screen version was planned, but I accidentally canceled Bruce out of existance when I tried to do it. Ah well, I'll keep improving.​
More faux album art featuring my usual band villagers (plus Kidd and T&T):


Again, Fleetwood Mac fans will probably know what this is based off of. It's a replica of their 1971 album, Future Games, namely the rare yellow cover variant. I also made a rear sleeve version that's also entirely based off that album, sans Bruce's photo instead of a penguin (where John McVie's photo would logically be). The rear art is also notable for featuring mini-descriptions of personel changes and summarized musician backgrounds, so I did the same here based off the biographical story I wrote on my own island journal up to that point. Oh, and I finally figured out how to change their default clothes.

I previously mentioned Brucewood Two in said story, but never made art for that album until now. For a design as simple as this, I think it came out pretty good. GMOD is really enabling me to show off my creativity in ways that Photopia couldn't, and I can't wait to experiment with it further!​
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Tom wandered around the cold, dark warehouse for several minutes when he suddenly came across a steel door with its entrance lamp lit. He stopped for a moment, glancing at the light's soft glow. His eyes then tracked downward in hopes of finding a sign, but none could be found. He began to ponder if this lone steel door was the entrance to the secret fight club he had been told about.

Tom knew that becoming the prized fighter he dreamed of being required the respect of those who've had success before him. Receiving an invitation to the underground fight club was reserved for those who were seen as the most worthy of boxers, and Tom's solid-yet-young resumé proved no different. One step through the door, and Tom would become more than just a rising hotshot. He would achieve the respect of the area's best junior bantamweight fighters. With little hesitation, Tom approached the door, opened it, and began the next step towards accomplishing his ultimate goal...

Yes, I'm thinking about making a story on my island journal about Tom's boxing origins early in his athletic career. It simply looks so cool taking these photos and editing them Cinemascope-style. Who knows what else I could potentially do? I just need to find the time.​
A little peek at an idea I'm toying with...


Lopez and Bruce after they share a "hoof bump". I took several other pictures of them sitting down and having a conversation, in hopes that I can create somewhat of a mini-comic. I'm still determining on what they would be talking about, but I know that one panel will feature Bruce having a happy flashback of some kind.

If I continue on with it, I'll post it to my island journal. I would love to get back into typing stories again.​