New furniture pictures!

Whoa, the list is growing so fast! :D I'm very happy to be able to see like anyone else, since I'm not updating.
Thanks so much again for the effort, both of you!

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Also, the toaster is not new, it was already in the game before :)
And the Marie shoes are wrong, it shows a repeated picture of the shirt.
The pictures are really helpful! I now know what are the new items.
Whoa, the list is growing so fast! :D I'm very happy to be able to see like anyone else, since I'm not updating.
Thanks so much again for the effort, both of you!

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Also, the toaster is not new, it was already in the game before :)
And the Marie shoes are wrong, it shows a repeated picture of the shirt.

Thank you! I updated it.
I've been working on it all day c: I'm really glad it's coming along so nicely!
I have some more stuff I'll post soon

Also is it just me or does the toast in the toaster look better now? It looks more vibrant?
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if not too much trouble, when it's all (or at least mostly) compiled, could we get an excel table too? something like item name, item type, how obtained, if reorderable, and cost in both meow coupons and bells
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the nintendogs stuff gives me major nostalgia tbh, I loved that game when i was a kid. I played it for AGES
Here some others.

Hi everyone!

When the update came out, I made a thread to collect all new furniture the update brought. Now, this is NOT complete yet, but there were a few people who wanted to see furniture pictures! Soooooo... With a bit of help of the lovely forum people, me and my boyfriend (Pr0xyius, new to the Bell Tree!) made a start on this.

In this document you can find all the items that I know are new in the game SO FAR. Some will have pictures and some won't, in this case there will be a picture there that says 'picture not yet available'. Please feel free to send me pictures of items that don't have a picture yet or are not even in the list at all!
All help is welcome c:

I hope you find this useful c:

Edit: if you have pictures to add to this document, please add them in this thread or in a private message. Please don't send me requests to add them in the document itself! You can send the picture as is or you can send a link where I can download the the pictures. Thank you!

Awww thank you so much for going to all this trouble, just one word, excited!
Ah, there are a few items kinda difficult to tell apart from existing ones... I had to make sure with that black TV and the watering can and something else I can't remember right now, ha ha ha. Even if they are not priced normally, they still look pretty similar to me!
Hey, I know this is a furniture list but I thought I'd still ask: are you only taking pictures of the new furniture or also the new Able Sisters clothing? I wonder if you want to list them too or if it would be sensible for someone else to make a new list just for the new clothing. I know there's some new pieces but I don't know how many.
Hey, that's a nice idea! :) Since there are also new clothes items (Like Link, Zelda and Ganon), adding the Able's wouldn't be any bad!
There's new 24-hour-shop stuff?! Ahhh I need those *^* I love the 24 hour shop items, do you by any chance know how you get them?