Name help

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Senior Member
Sep 5, 2010
I need help finding a manga i think its called Miko falls but im not sure i do know the books are title with names like winter, autumn, spring and summer. I just got done reading Winter and i wanna buy the rest of the series its romance Manga and its very interesting so...

If anyone can tell me the name of it please help me out!
Hi there! I know exactly what you're talking about! It's actually called "Miki Falls" by Mark Crilley. Supposedly Paramount Pictures acquired the rights to the 4-part book series and wants to adapt it into a movie! You can find the "Spring" volume at! I hope I was able to help! :)
Sorry Kaleb.....I can't help you on that one. Try asking a moderator to help with your name change. :)
Bacon Boy said:
Kaleb said:
I need name help too. For some reason, I can't change my user one.
I originally thought that it was you who created this thread.
:eek:fftopic: Your avatar is omega adorable. I keep staring at it every time you post.
faithe31 said:
Hi there! I know exactly what you're talking about! It's actually called "Miki Falls" by Mark Crilley. Supposedly Paramount Pictures acquired the rights to the 4-part book series and wants to adapt it into a movie! You can find the "Spring" volume at! I hope I was able to help! :)
A movie eh Well as long as they don't ruin it then.......I will pay anything to see it!

But there a big chance they will screw everything up and the only people who will care will be the people who read the manga

I know what you mean! I hate it when film companies swear they're going to "adapt" the book or books to screen and end up @#!$^*&ing it all up! Glad I could help! Take care! :)
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