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Middle Names

I have a middle name. It's pretty good. I like it. I wish I went by my middle anme instead of my first name, it has a cool nickname it can be shortened down to. I tried to go by it once, but it didn't stick. A shame.
1) Do you have (a) middle name(s)? (For privacy reasons, you don’t have to share what it is)
i have one middle name, you can't trust those people with two (joke pls don't ban me)

2) Do you like your middle name(s)? (If they’re birth names)
it's kinda meh, i kind of want to either change it or get rid of it entirely. i'm leaning more towards the latter 'cause i'm not sure what i would change it to.

3) How often is it used?
literally never lol
1) Do you have (a) middle name(s)? (For privacy reasons, you don’t have to share what it is)
Yes, one. It's often misspelt which I wouldn't mind, but if it's on official documents it's got to be correct to match my birth certificate.
2) Do you like your middle name(s)? (If they’re birth names)
I don't mind it.
3) How often is it used?
It's hardly used, apart from on official documents. I don't think many people would know my middle name. It was a bit annoying in school as some people though it was part of my name and would use the two names together.
1) Do you have (a) middle name(s)? (For privacy reasons, you don’t have to share what it is) -- I do now!
And if so:
2) Do you like your middle name(s)? (If they’re birth names) -- My middle name is actually my maiden name; my parents didn't give me a middle name and when I changed my name when I got married, I was hoping to keep the family name in my identity.
3) How often is it used? -- Most of my close friends met me before I was married, and because my name had very few syllables, they would address me as both my first and (maiden) last name. It has come up a few times on trips and gifts that they forget to add my married name, but it's usually not a big deal. I find it entertaining.
Training my signature to start excluding my middle name felt strange, but it was company policy where I worked...
I was having trouble coming up with a name for an OC/self insert/sona, so I decided to use my middle name :^) I’m happy to use it more often ^^
My middle name was named after my grandmother on my mother's side of the family.
I don't think the name is so common, though not as old as you would think if I said the name. But I honestly don't mind it, seeing as it was my grandmothers name whom I've never met.
The only time it was actually used was at my first college. Which was confusing because, they asked for full name, so I did just that but they thought my middle name was connected to my first name? With a dash? And would call me that. XD I didn't mind, it was nice I guess~
I do have a middle name. I'm neutral about it, I guess; I don't really think about it much. My first name is unisex, which I do really like, and then my middle name is very feminine. I'm not a super feminine person, so I feel like my first name suits me way better. I don't go by my middle name and nobody calls me by both my first and middle names, so I really only think about it when I fill out a form that asks for it or am asked about it.
I have 'two' middle names. One is for joking purposes and has been since childhood. Before I got older I thought it was legitimate though. I don't mind either of them and I often forget middle name is a thing anyways. Until I'm initializing something.
my middle name is joy and i think its really cute. its barely ever used but i lowkey wish it was more, i like it way more than my given name
1) Do you have (a) middle name(s)? (For privacy reasons, you don’t have to share what it is)
And if so:
I have two. One's my late uncle's name and the second is the other name my parents had in mind for me.
2) Do you like your middle name(s)? I do. They're both common first names, but I like how they sound.
3) How often is it used? I'm never referred to them as them unless someone says my full name.