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Marijuana Discussion

I live in the eastern seaboard of the US so it's not legalized here, and I haven't tried it.

I don't really see any negativities in this drug though, in fact I might even say it's safer to use than alcohol (at least the things I've heard about it) Alcohol abuse can lead to unsafe situations in any relationships. Marijuana abuse is at best, being stoned 24/7, and at worst, another addiction that needs rehabilitation. Marijuana has a mellow high that usually leaves it's user in a trance like state, while alcohol might lead to some unfortunate outcomes.

Correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I think I heard that Marijuana is actually safer than smoking cigarettes

If it does get legalized they should really make laws controlling it like they do with alcohol. A good example would be Don't smoke weed while driving. You shouldn't have to be pulled over for carrying the drug though. As long if a person is in a room using the drug, then it's not really harming anyone.
If it does get legalized they should really make laws controlling it like they do with alcohol. A good example would be Don't smoke weed while driving. You shouldn't have to be pulled over for carrying the drug though. As long if a person is in a room using the drug, then it's not really harming anyone.

The rules in Colorado are, not to do it in public and not do smoke in front of kids. They're actually pretty strict.
I want it to be legalized. I don't do it, nor do I think I ever will, but if every state uses the same laws as Colorado does (Don't do it in public, must be a certain age) then I'd be perfectly fine with it.
I live in the bay area of CA where it is very popular. I don't smoke it myself but members of my family and pretty much all of my friend's do. It hasn't been a problem with work or school (or both) for them so I don't really have a problem with it :)
i dont get the dont do it in public thing, like people smoke cigarettes in public all the time and cigarette smoke smells just as bad and gives me really bad headaches. do you think its because people can get a bit high if they inhale the fumes from marijuana too long?
i dont get the dont do it in public thing, like people smoke cigarettes in public all the time and cigarette smoke smells just as bad and gives me really bad headaches. do you think its because people can get a bit high if they inhale the fumes from marijuana too long?

In response to that the smell of it alone makes me feel physically sick, why should I have to feel ill so others can enjoy themselves?

With response to those who see it as harmless I suggest you surround yourself with addicts and really look into the affects it has. My closest friend is a mess due to using it for a prolonged amount of time, it's caused him to become so paranoid that he threw 9 years of friendship down the drain. I also have an ex who's cousin has gone from being a very nice polite guy to someone who seems like the shadow of the man he once was.

Marijuana has been illegal for so long that there are no studies that truly show the affect of it being used so openly in such high numbers with accurate results, I will put money on there being a big problem with health on a larger scale once it's been legalised for more than 10-20 years.
i've never tried it and probably never will(?) but it's legal here so i mean smoke away i guess
Marijuana has been illegal for so long that there are no studies that truly show the affect of it being used so openly in such high numbers with accurate results, I will put money on there being a big problem with health on a larger scale once it's been legalised for more than 10-20 years.

I'm sorry but I call bull****. Marijuana has been around for thousands of years. If there were any huge problems with using marijuana for long periods of time, don't you think we would have found them already?
I'm sorry but I call bull****. Marijuana has been around for thousands of years. If there were any huge problems with using marijuana for long periods of time, don't you think we would have found them already?
You mean like the fact it's proven that heavy marijuana users generally report lower life satisfaction, poorer mental and physical health, more relationship problems, and less academic and career success compared to non-marijuana-using peers?
Or maybe you mean how it can cause feelings of anxiety, suspicion, panic and paranoia? Maybe you mean how it's also proven to increase the risk of later developing psychotic illnesses including schizophrenia? This one I've seen happen first hand.

The facts are that marijuana can affect the way the brain works and a recent review of marijuana research show that someone driving under it's influences double the risk of a crash. Then you have the fact that smoking it is still a form of smoking and so tobacco is involved and therefore so is the risk of lung cancer, heart disease or a number of smoking related illnesses.

All in all the more people who openly use marijuana is only going to increase the number of things discovered. You may call bull**** but remember it was only 30-40 years ago that no-one knew the full extent of smoking cigarettes, now health experts around the world are doing their best to drive cigarettes out of use because of how bad it's been proven to be.
The more something is used the more you see the consequences of it, marijuana may have been around for long periods of time but so has alcohol and that wasn't even outlawed and we're still learning the full extent of the damage it does.
You mean like the fact it's proven that heavy marijuana users generally report lower life satisfaction, poorer mental and physical health, more relationship problems, and less academic and career success compared to non-marijuana-using peers?
Or maybe you mean how it can cause feelings of anxiety, suspicion, panic and paranoia? Maybe you mean how it's also proven to increase the risk of later developing psychotic illnesses including schizophrenia? This one I've seen happen first hand.

The facts are that marijuana can affect the way the brain works and a recent review of marijuana research show that someone driving under it's influences double the risk of a crash. Then you have the fact that smoking it is still a form of smoking and so tobacco is involved and therefore so is the risk of lung cancer, heart disease or a number of smoking related illnesses.

All in all the more people who openly use marijuana is only going to increase the number of things discovered. You may call bull**** but remember it was only 30-40 years ago that no-one knew the full extent of smoking cigarettes, now health experts around the world are doing their best to drive cigarettes out of use because of how bad it's been proven to be.
The more something is used the more you see the consequences of it, marijuana may have been around for long periods of time but so has alcohol and that wasn't even outlawed and we're still learning the full extent of the damage it does.

With the facts you gave, it'd be helpful to give sources. Just for me, personally.

Anyway, nobody should be driving under the influence of anything. Alcohol was also banned during Prohibition, but became legal again under several circumstances.

Lots of outside drugs (medicine are also referred to as drugs) do affect people if used heavily, not just marijuana. Many people do not know moderation. I'm mostly seeing it from an optimistic, medicinal standpoint.

But, why not give it a chance for a few years before people put the option to ban it once more (if it ever does get passed)? One person shouldn't ruin it for the others, you know? I was on the same side as you once upon a time.
more people die from a caffeine overdose so i mean :rolleyes:

but i see no problem with it- i used to be really against it, then i was indifferent and said i would never do it, then i went to college lol.
I see plenty of things wrong with it. I've watched it rob ambition from people, who would do nothing but spend their money on it and sit around and smoke. It's kind of a sad state of affairs. But, you can really say the same thing about television, video games, music, any kind of thing people do for recreational. It's not dangerous, and if people want to do it I'm not sure why there's this huge uproar against it. I personally think it was Nixon's whole anti-hippie agenda.

I also see plenty of good in it. My Mother suffers horrific back pain, and it seems to help her a lot. I know it's done wonders for all kinds of people in need of medicine, and some times pot is the most effective and safest method of treatment. It also makes people just feel really good.

I wouldn't encourage people to use it, but I feel it should definitely be a legal option. The Soma argument aside, it should be kept out of politics. Just like telling people what they should or shouldn't believe it, it's not really right that the US government would limit a person's recreational preferences unless it is deemed dangerous to themselves and/or others around them.
You mean like the fact it's proven that heavy marijuana users generally report lower life satisfaction, poorer mental and physical health, more relationship problems, and less academic and career success compared to non-marijuana-using peers?
Or maybe you mean how it can cause feelings of anxiety, suspicion, panic and paranoia? Maybe you mean how it's also proven to increase the risk of later developing psychotic illnesses including schizophrenia? This one I've seen happen first hand.

You're magnifying the negative brother. Not everyone reacts to marijuana the same way. I can understand that you are a bit biased on the subject due to personal situations but I don't think marijuana is the main cause of something like schizophrenia. (Just my opinion)

The facts are that marijuana can affect the way the brain works and a recent review of marijuana research show that someone driving under it's influences double the risk of a crash. Then you have the fact that smoking it is still a form of smoking and so tobacco is involved and therefore so is the risk of lung cancer, heart disease or a number of smoking related illnesses.

Did you.. just say that there is tobacco in weed? Also, I drive better when I'm high but that's just me.

All in all the more people who openly use marijuana is only going to increase the number of things discovered. You may call bull**** but remember it was only 30-40 years ago that no-one knew the full extent of smoking cigarettes, now health experts around the world are doing their best to drive cigarettes out of use because of how bad it's been proven to be.
The more something is used the more you see the consequences of it, marijuana may have been around for long periods of time but so has alcohol and that wasn't even outlawed and we're still learning the full extent of the damage it does.

But here's the thing. People are still going to smoke cigarettes. They know the risks and they're willing to take them. Sitting too close to the TV and playing video games cause eye issues and arthritis later in life. But you still play them.

I swear the people who don't smoke weed care the most about smoking weed. Sorry if I come off as rude but those are my strong opinions.
I swear the people who don't smoke weed care the most about smoking weed.

Most are rather rude to those who smoke weed as well, it's not like someone is around every corner shoving it in their face or something. Seriously...
Marijuana doesn't affect your lungs very much. Point blank period.
How do I know?
From experience.
I've been a chronic pot smoker since I was 17, and now I'm 21. I stopped about 3 weeks ago though. I can breathe just as good as I did when I was 14. I can run a long distance without getting out of breathe. I've had my lungs checked at the doctor several times; the doctors say my lungs are perfect.
I have absolutely no problems breathing at all.
I've never smoked cigarettes either.

So if you must smoke something, smoke pot. Your lungs will be fine :)

I'm sure if I smoked everyday for like 50 years my lungs would start to get affected, but that'll never happen because I have a life.
well uh my friend knows a 6th grader whos somehow giving weed to people and like im just really curious where they got it from. like theyre a mini drug dealer and theyre only 11 and isnt that too young... idk. she lives in canada though so im not there to ask

over here in washington where its legal i dont know anyone at my school who smokes it. but then again im 13, but people here smoke cigarettes. ive seen kids smoke during school and its always cigarettes, so yeah. never seen any of them smoke weed or do any other drug.

idk. i personally feel like drugs shouldnt be used that young. i mean when youre old enough (16 or 18 i would say imo) then do whatever you want. but i feel like 11-13 is way too young unless you need it for your health ?? unless someone wants to correct me here
well uh my friend knows a 6th grader whos somehow giving weed to people and like im just really curious where they got it from. like theyre a mini drug dealer and theyre only 11 and isnt that too young... idk. she lives in canada though so im not there to ask

over here in washington where its legal i dont know anyone at my school who smokes it. but then again im 13, but people here smoke cigarettes. ive seen kids smoke during school and its always cigarettes, so yeah. never seen any of them smoke weed or do any other drug.

idk. i personally feel like drugs shouldnt be used that young. i mean when youre old enough (16 or 18 i would say imo) then do whatever you want. but i feel like 11-13 is way too young unless you need it for your health ?? unless someone wants to correct me here

I thought it was obvious marijuana was meant for adults, since cigarettes and alcohol was mentioned (unless prescribed by a doctor). I'm guessing those kids took it from a parent or someone they knew.