Job Choosing Dilemmas

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Let the apples roll!
Sep 9, 2014
Palm City
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So this is more of a questionnaire about what job would you rather have. What you have to do is answer each question on what job you prefer. Each of these dilemmas has a choice where you’ll have to sacrifice one quality to have another better quality. Let’s assume that all jobs have better working conditions, worker safety, and no loopholes exploited by the management team. Let’s also assume that these jobs pay you enough to where you can pay all of your monthly expenses for necessities.
  • Question #1: Would you rather have a more prestigious job of your dreams that pays less and treats you worse, or would you rather have a boring job that pays more and treats you better?
  • Question #2: Would you have a lower-paying job closer to family and/or friends, or would you rather have a higher-paying job further from family and/or friends?
  • Question #3: Would you rather have a 30-hour job (a job where you work 30 hours a week) with no benefits, or would you rather have a 60-hour job with better benefits?
  • Question #4: Would you rather have an unionized job with more workplace drama, or would you have a union-free job with less drama?
Question #1: Would you rather have a more prestigious job of your dreams that pays less and treats you worse, or would you rather have a boring job that pays more and treats you better?

I’d rather have a boring job that treats me with respect. Money doesn’t matter. No amount of money is worth being treated like ****.

Question #2: Would you have a lower-paying job closer to family and/or friends, or would you rather have a higher-paying job further from family and/or friends?

I’ll take any job further away from my family because most of them treat me like ****.

Question #3: Would you rather have a 30-hour job (a job where you work 30 hours a week) with no benefits, or would you rather have a 60-hour job with better benefits?

A 60-hour job is better because it’ll pay more than a 30-hour job.

Question #4: Would you rather have an unionized job with more workplace drama, or would you have a union-free job with less drama?

I dislike unions. They value seniority over work ethic. Unions basically reward slacking. If someone works at a job for 20 years, it doesn’t matter how good they are. They’ll get hours and be paid more simply because of their loyalty. I’m the highest paid in my position at my current job, and I’m the most recently hired in my position. If this was a union, I wouldn’t be the highest paid. I’d be the lowest paid because I “haven’t been there that long.” I like to be acknowledged for my work ethic and that doesn’t happen in unions. Obviously, I’d take the non-union job with less drama. It’s a win-win.
Question #1: Would you rather have a more prestigious job of your dreams that pays less and treats you worse, or would you rather have a boring job that pays more and treats you better?

I simply do not care. My dream is to run the place and I'm in no doubt I would be treated badly for being the decision maker, by customers who complain about stupid stuff.

I s'pose I like being able to tell 'em it's not my decision to make and directing them to talk to the governer. But if I ran the place I would still just tell 'em no. Just they're more likely to try to continue escalating, since I am a small female, rather than the initimidating presence of the large male gaffer, which usually shuts them up pretty sharpish.

Question #2: Would you have a lower-paying job closer to family and/or friends, or would you rather have a higher-paying job further from family and/or friends?

I don't care beyond the fact that even other British people seem to have trouble understanding what I'm saying. Or start badly mimicking the way I talk. Or don't understand when I'm joking. I don't seem out of place in East London at least.

Question #3: Would you rather have a 30-hour job (a job where you work 30 hours a week) with no benefits, or would you rather have a 60-hour job with better benefits?

I don't care. Just need enough to get by. Not a big spender anyway.

Question #4: Would you rather have an unionized job with more workplace drama, or would you have a union-free job with less drama?

I dislike union culture and feel they are destroying a lot of services that people rely on. I wouldn't want to be part of one and I roll my eyes all the way back in my head when I hear about the latest strike they're planning. I don't support any of the strikes, nor the strike culture.
I don’t think I could ever get a job since I am unable to follow the 40-hour workweek, but if I had to answer my questions, here they are:

Question #1: Would you rather have a more prestigious job of your dreams that pays less and treats you worse, or would you rather have a boring job that pays more and treats you better?

Although a dream job would be more awesome, it’ll be better to get the boring job in this situation. More pay and less mistreatment would make this better, even if it doesn’t sound appealing.

Question #2: Would you have a lower-paying job closer to family and/or friends, or would you rather have a higher-paying job further from family and/or friends?

Since I value the importance of family, the lower-paying job would be better. Sure a job that pays more is better, but chances are, you’ll have to take care of larger expenses.

Question #3: Would you rather have a 30-hour job (a job where you work 30 hours a week) with no benefits, or would you rather have a 60-hour job with better benefits?

I would rather work 30 hours a week. Burnout is possible, but not as likely as the 60-hour job.

Question #4: Would you rather have an unionized job with more workplace drama, or would you have a union-free job with less drama?

I would rather work without a union. Unions tend to be greedy and/or donate to stuff I wouldn’t agree with. That, and they lead to mismanagement of services. It’s also best to avoid jobs with workplace drama.
Question #1: Would you rather have a more prestigious job of your dreams that pays less and treats you worse, or would you rather have a boring job that pays more and treats you better?
I would rather have a boring job that pays more and treats me better tbh.. I can deal with boring. Boring sounds stable.

Question #2: Would you have a lower-paying job closer to family and/or friends, or would you rather have a higher-paying job further from family and/or friends?
Higher-paying job further from family/friends I guess! I'm already super far from 99% of my family and I don't really have IRL friends aside from my husband, so... 😅

Question #3: Would you rather have a 30-hour job (a job where you work 30 hours a week) with no benefits, or would you rather have a 60-hour job with better benefits?
That's tough.. I'd like to have time to work on art/other stuff outside of a job but benefits are important too. Idk. Somewhere in the middle!

Question #4: Would you rather have an unionized job with more workplace drama, or would you have a union-free job with less drama?
Unions are important. I would rather a unionized job with workplace drama... at least I'd have a lot to talk about lmao
Question #1: Would you rather have a more prestigious job of your dreams that pays less and treats you worse, or would you rather have a boring job that pays more and treats you better?
I'm not concerned with the additional pay, but I would struggle if I wasn't treated well, so the latter.

Question #2: Would you have a lower-paying job closer to family and/or friends, or would you rather have a higher-paying job further from family and/or friends?
Lower-paying job closer to family and/or friends.

Question #3: Would you rather have a 30-hour job (a job where you work 30 hours a week) with no benefits, or would you rather have a 60-hour job with better benefits?
"Benefits" generally aren't a concern here, so I'd choose the 30-hour/week job. If I lived in a different country, maybe things would be different, but I would never be happy working 60 hours/week.

Question #4: Would you rather have an unionized job with more workplace drama, or would you have a union-free job with less drama?
I don’t even have a job so maybe I’m not a good person to pick to answer this, but I’ll give my opinions anyway:

Question #1: Would you rather have a more prestigious job of your dreams that pays less and treats you worse, or would you rather have a boring job that pays more and treats you better?

I’d rather have a boring job with better pay. It might not be fun, but at least I’d be respected.

Question #2: Would you have a lower-paying job closer to family and/or friends, or would you rather have a higher-paying job further from family and/or friends?

I’d pick the former because I think I value family and friendship over money.

Question #3: Would you rather have a 30-hour job (a job where you work 30 hours a week) with no benefits, or would you rather have a 60-hour job with better benefits?

This is hard. I think I’d probably go with the first one in the end.

Question #4: Would you rather have an unionized job with more workplace drama, or would you have a union-free job with less drama?

Union free. I wouldn’t ever want to be in a labor union in the first place, so there’s really no drawbacks to having a non-unionized job in my opinion.
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Question #1: Would you rather have a more prestigious job of your dreams that pays less and treats you worse, or would you rather have a boring job that pays more and treats you better?
a job that treats me better, i've had jobs that treat their employees like crap and it's not worth any benefits or good pay. mental and physical health always comes first.

Question #2: Would you have a lower-paying job closer to family and/or friends, or would you rather have a higher-paying job further from family and/or friends?
i find this a little too vague, what qualifies as "far"? i don't mind commuting for an hour or so, i've done it before. it doesn't really take away the time i spend with friends.

Question #3: Would you rather have a 30-hour job (a job where you work 30 hours a week) with no benefits, or would you rather have a 60-hour job with better benefits?
30 hours. the human body (which includes our brain as well) can barely handle the 40 hour work week, 60 would break people. when are you gonna use those benefits if you're working 60 hours?

Question #4: Would you rather have an unionized job with more workplace drama, or would you have a union-free job with less drama?
unionized. i hope this was just a fun hypothetical question to make people think and not to implying that unions cause drama, 'cause that's not the case. unions bring you fair wages, healthcare, and ensured workplace safety. unions brought you the minimum wage, overtime pay, weekends, sick leave, and maternity leave. drama is easy to avoid and ignore.
  • Question #1: Would you rather have a more prestigious job of your dreams that pays less and treats you worse, or would you rather have a boring job that pays more and treats you better?
i'll take the boring job, boring doesn't necessarily mean bad. also it wouldn't be the job of my dreams if i was being treated badly, it would drain me and on top of that i wouldn't even be getting paid well? no thank you!
  • Question #2: Would you have a lower-paying job closer to family and/or friends, or would you rather have a higher-paying job further from family and/or friends?
higher paying job further from family - i would just visit them.
  • Question #3: Would you rather have a 30-hour job (a job where you work 30 hours a week) with no benefits, or would you rather have a 60-hour job with better benefits?
there's no way in hell i'm working 60 hours.
  • Question #4: Would you rather have an unionized job with more workplace drama, or would you have a union-free job with less drama?
my union got me better pay and better job security, no brainer.
i hope this was just a fun hypothetical question to make people think and not to implying that unions cause drama, 'cause that's not the case. unions bring you fair wages, healthcare, and ensured workplace safety. unions brought you the minimum wage, overtime pay, weekends, sick leave, and maternity leave. drama is easy to avoid and ignore.
To be honest, I written #3 and #4 with random opportunity combinations. Kinda like if I asked “would you rather pay more to eat at a restaurant where waiters use roller skates, or less to eat at a restaurant where waiters don’t use roller skates”. But the first two does have more correlation.
I dislike unions. They value seniority over work ethic. Unions basically reward slacking. If someone works at a job for 20 years, it doesn’t matter how good they are. They’ll get hours and be paid more simply because of their loyalty. I’m the highest paid in my position at my current job, and I’m the most recently hired in my position. If this was a union, I wouldn’t be the highest paid. I’d be the lowest paid because I “haven’t been there that long.” I like to be acknowledged for my work ethic and that doesn’t happen in unions. Obviously, I’d take the non-union job with less drama. It’s a win-win.
being paid for how long you've been with the company is how most companies work, it's not just a union thing. a union may make sure someone working there for 20 years gets a reasonable seniority raise, but they wouldn't mess with your current wage. iirc you're a dishwasher, so if anything a union may get you an even better wage 'cause your position is typically underpaid. they'd also make sure to cover you guys for any workplace accidents, make sure all your equipment is safe for you, and probably get you a share of tips/meals if you don't get them already.

i'm shocked at how many people are misinformed about unions lol
  • Question #1: pays more, treats me better. i wouldn't want to work in a dream job if i was treated poorly, that dream job would turn into a nightmare right quick.
  • Question #2: higher paying job away from friends/family tbh, because i love to travel anyways 😎 i feel like dad would be disappointed if i turned down a good job just to stick around him more LOL
  • Question #3: tough, but 30 hours with no benefits. it's a bit nerve wracking trying to source your own insurance but i could make do with it, i am not a person who could work 60 hours efficiently.
  • Question #4: unionized job tbh, ive never had a job where a union would be necessary except gamestop (no way in HELL gamestop would unionize) so in a job like where i'm at, it's fine (small, great benefits, good pay, boss makes the same as his other employees etc) however my sister is a healthcare worker thats looking to unionize because of how terrible the facility is to its employees, and... yeah, no, definitely union :/ i'll take the bitter cat-fighting any day
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