Is the game worth buying?


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Jun 15, 2016
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I'll have enough to buy HHD on Monday, but I don't know whether or not the game is actually worth spending over $35 on. What are the pros and cons? And on a scale of 1 to 10 and 10 being the greatest, what would you rate the game? Any opinion is appreciated. ^^;​
I've been playing it since July (Japanese digital copy downloaded on launch), and I absolutely love it. I'm a bit bias, because it gave me a big reason to put the Japanese I studied to good use, but really, I honestly love the decorating aspect of this series. If you love that, you'll love this game. There is the drawback of repeating yourself over and over, so you better REALLY love designing, because I've seen a LOT of people get burned out pretty quick on it. I'll give it a good 8 out of 10, simply because after you design, you can upload it to the HHN, and have others rate it, and do the same for others- ala Super Mario Maker.
I've been playing it since July (Japanese digital copy downloaded on launch), and I absolutely love it. I'm a bit bias, because it gave me a big reason to put the Japanese I studied to good use, but really, I honestly love the decorating aspect of this series. If you love that, you'll love this game. There is the drawback of repeating yourself over and over, so you better REALLY love designing, because I've seen a LOT of people get burned out pretty quick on it. I'll give it a good 8 out of 10, simply because after you design, you can upload it to the HHN, and have others rate it, and do the same for others- ala Super Mario Maker.

Ah, I see! It sort of reminds me of My Sims, which I absolutely loved, aha. I don't know, this is different than anything else they've done, which is sort of scary to me, especially since I'm picky af with video games. Lol. Thanks for your opinion! ^^;
It really depends on your perspective on different things. I've had it for awhile now, and I love it don't get me wrong, but it can get boring quick. I find myself not wanting to decorate a lot of the houses offered, and the buildings you can create are limited. It is really fun, especially if you're patient, and it can really bring out your creative aspects.
My opinion: is it as good as New Leaf? Hell no. Is it still fun? Hell yeah. It's like a little mini game to do when you're bored!
I can definitely recommend it if you're into the designing of houses aspect from new leaf with some added features for decorating that you don't get in new leaf. I really liked the other added feature of the amiibo cards to decorate some of my favorite character's houses as well as bring them along to revisit other characters who's houses I had previously designed, but I personally only play it here and there at this point because I have most of the houses done and the extra buildings built.
I think you should get it. It's really fun and if you enjoyed the design aspect of New Leaf you would enjoy this game, especially since it makes it easier to design. Something I really love about the game is that you get to collect new items to use as you design each house and you can go back and edit them later and add stuff in.
It really depends on your perspective on different things. I've had it for awhile now, and I love it don't get me wrong, but it can get boring quick. I find myself not wanting to decorate a lot of the houses offered, and the buildings you can create are limited. It is really fun, especially if you're patient, and it can really bring out your creative aspects.
My opinion: is it as good as New Leaf? Hell no. Is it still fun? Hell yeah. It's like a little mini game to do when you're bored!

Yeah, that's what I was thinking from what I read online. Darn. I don't know I might just end up buying it to test the whole thing out. I appreciate you replying!

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I can definitely recommend it if you're into the designing of houses aspect from new leaf with some added features for decorating that you don't get in new leaf. I really liked the other added feature of the amiibo cards to decorate some of my favorite character's houses as well as bring them along to revisit other characters who's houses I had previously designed, but I personally only play it here and there at this point because I have most of the houses done and the extra buildings built.

I do think getting to design the character's houses is super cute! And I love designing games, but I'd hate to get bored of the whole thing quickly. Lol. Thanks for your opinion!

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I think you should get it. It's really fun and if you enjoyed the design aspect of New Leaf you would enjoy this game, especially since it makes it easier to design. Something I really love about the game is that you get to collect new items to use as you design each house and you can go back and edit them later and add stuff in.

Ooh, cool! I might end up buying it just to get my own perspective, but I just wanted other people's opinions. I'm sure I'll enjoy it though. Thanks for replying!! ^^;
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I think it's only worth it if you enjoy designing rooms and houses. You also design buildings, like schools and stores, so it's fun if you ever wanted to create your own Animal Crossing town. It's also pretty cool to visit other people's designs and get ideas, and the camera feature and the ability to use Amiibos give you room for creativity with screenshots and stuff. When I first got it last year, I played for a week straight and was obsessed, but then got a little bored. It didn't feel very rewarding to finish a room since the villagers love what you do no matter what you create. I kind of wish there was a scale, or a rating system, when you create rooms, similar to the points you receive in ACNL with the Happy Home Academy. I only recently picked it up again because it's super relaxing. Still, I'm glad I purchased it because it's SUCH a cute, fun game to pick up and get creative with from time to time.
I don't have the game myself (and I'm thinking of getting it as well)... From the sounds of it, it's more for those who want an extension of the HHA where you have full manipulation over the town itself (ie, you really have to like the idea of just designing things). I've heard 'burnout' or 'boredom' often used after a long while of playing, so it's not like NL where you get it and try to play it around the clock. It's probably best experienced in between breaks from NL and other games. My advice... if you can order it online through ebay or something (where it's usually cheaper, even though you often won't get the box and any cards), that would probably be your best bet. at least that way, you don't risk spending $40 (more like $20-30) only to find out you don't like it.
Like others have said, only get it if designing is your passion. If not, I'm sure you will not like the game.

For me, I love designing and I find that having unlimited amounts of items is easier than designing in regular Animal Crossing games.

People have said that the game is too easy cause the animals will like your design no matter what, which is true, but you do need to include the few mandatory items the animal wants the first time you design their house. Sometimes I find that those items just don't work with what I want and I find it a challenge to use them. A fun challenge though! I feel like the lack of designing rules gives you more freedom. Tbh, I wouldn't really like a rating system cause then you would feel obligated to design a certain way. I personally enjoy the freedom the game gives you. I don't need a rating system to tell me if my design is good or not. I can decide that on my own. After all, it is just a game. Xp I play it just to create and have fun. It also gives me designing ideas in real life too!