Is it just me or doe everyone....

Oh gosh, I'm the same so I have no advice. Finding the snowballs is a challenge on its own! I read the bottom one should be as big as your body, and the top one as big as your head, but I dunno about that...
Build them before 5pm so the snowball doesn't go into the river, tree, PWP or over the cliff.
Tip save/continue before you put the head on the snowperson. Wrong size leave the game without saving and try again.
Use the dirt and event plaza to make the snowballs smaller. I have 3 opened areas that I use to build my snowperson.

It took a lot of tries before I finally made a perfect snowboy. It clicked when I made one and was able to complete all the sets.
After 8 snowboy sets I make them for town decoration only. One snowperson in town is enough.
i don't find it hard to build them but it's kinda hard to find them. then again i don't bother because i don't care for the reward
I roll the snowman... butt until it's about the same size as my mayor and then for the head I do to her chin. It usually works ^^I don't find it a big deal when I accidentally make a snow boy or snow woman
I roll the snowman... butt until it's about the same size as my mayor and then for the head I do to her chin. It usually works ^^I don't find it a big deal when I accidentally make a snow boy or snow woman

The snowman is the easiest one to build correctly for some reason. You really have to try to screw it up to fail. Once I tried to screw it up for the snowtyke and it still was happy. After that, I built it with an extremely tiny head to ensure failure. The snowboy on the other hand is a lot more picky and you have to get it just right to be successful.
I'm absolutely awful at it. Successfully built one snowman, snowmam, and a lot of snowboy's who keep complaining about how terrible they look. I cannot get them right.
I've made the snowman, snowboy and and snowmam.

It depends of the snowball size while rolling.

But I can't discard the bingo card now that the snowman melted away.
Last year I had trouble making a perfect Snowtyke. I always messed up the balance or accidentally made Snowmam. This year I haven't made too many snowmen because I don't have much space to put them together but for some reason my snowballs have been exploding randomly when I'm working on another one. I guess a dung beetle must've spawned and rolled the snowball into a rock or something, that's the only explanation I can think of.

But yeah, Snowboys are hard for me to get right too.
I tried to make the whole family for the snowtyke but instead of making the last one, the snowmam, i made a snowboy again by mistake D;

what does the snowtyke give you if you build his whole family? i always get it wrong!
Here's a visual guide, hope it helps you.
Almost the whole month of December passed and i couldn't build not 1 perfect snowman...
i actually have no problem building perfect snowmen. It's finding the dang snowballs thats difficult. :mad:
I can pretty consistently get perfect and whichever snowperson I want with everyone but Snowboy. But man, Snowboy. I managed to get the matryoshka set from Snowtyke and that Snowboy STILL didn't think I was good enough for an item.

Which stinks, because I don't care much for the Sports set and the Ice one's okay, but I really like the Snowman series.
my town has a lot of dirt paths and A LOT of trees + not a lot of room to make snowmen... so I find it extremely difficult. Sometimes I can't even roll my snowball to where I want because it just becomes too small or crashes into something :mad: