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Is AC DS your #1 most anticipated DS game?

Yha, right now there arent that good of games out. There are a few, but not so good it's crazy.
simply put, yes.... im more excited for this, than Bulerias is about getting nintendogs 3 weeks early

no, why?

-I don't have WI-FI
-almost same as AC (better duh)
-and well.. not much.

im just not so exited about it. My #1 game on my list is Mario Kart DS.
ZERO_13 said:
no, why?

-I don't have WI-FI
-almost same as AC (better duh)
-and well.. not much.

im just not so exited about it. My #1 game on my list is Mario Kart DS.
wait, you dont have Wi-Fi but you are still excited for Mario Kart

PIRANHA2 said:
simply put, yes.... im more excited for this, than Bulerias is about getting nintendogs 3 weeks early


My number one game is AC DS, of course.
PIRANHA2 said:
simply put, yes.... im more excited for this, than Bulerias is about getting nintendogs 3 weeks early


My number one game is AC DS, of course.
well of course, but who wouldn't want a game 3 weeks early XD
Monkey09 said:
Heck yes it is definatly the most anticipated ds game for me cant wait till nov
wasn't it october? thats what gamestop said... but then again... this IS gamestop we are talking about... the Sony/Microsoft fans...
well to tell you the truth i dont have a DS
but do u know whyi bought GC?

and do u knwo what my only GC Game is?

both answeres would be Animal Crossing

literatly i bought a gc just for that game

so ill prob buy a DS for it also just ill be hooked on it alot longer