Ignored Horses

I have - and absolutely adore - Annalise. I wanted her in my town and I was excited when she showed up in my campsite. I had much fun convincing her to move into my town as well; we ended up playing rock-paper-scissors (which I won three times in a row :p). She's very sweet and kind. Not to mention she always tells me someone is thinking of leaving! That and she loves selling me random furniture. :)
I don't like the horses at all. But there are few species I do actually like.
Ed was one of my original villagers in GC and I want him in my town at some point for that reason! I also love Annalise, and want her at some point too.
Oh. Horses are considered. If you take Julian and Colton, they are quite popular :3
Perhaps not the female ones :B
I see a lot of Annalise shoutouts already. c: Saw her in my campsite once, thought she was adorable, too bad my town was full at the time.

Winnie, Savannah and Papi are quite cute too.
You cant do leapfrog with unicorns so horses are better
Papi is the bomb. I was psyched to have him as one of my original five. Okapis are so ridiculously rad, it's criminal. One time in fifth grade I had to write a paper on okapis and when my class went to the zoo to observe the animals we were writing about, the okapis all just stood still and chewed cud for the whole 15 minutes I took notes on them. So chill, so dope - mind blown.

But seriously though, Papi's terrific. My other favorite horses are Savannah and Annalise. Aside from Papi, I also have Julian, but I'm not crazy about him and waiting for him to ask to leave so that I can give him to a friend.
ugh Papi i can't stand his name and he is ugly so errrgh no
You can't stand a Spanish word that translates to "father" in English? Okay... But other than that, beauty is in the eye of beholder, so it's all preference from here on out.
Yea it sounds creepy to me :c
I don't know what kind of creepy you're talking about, but I could see why it could be considered creepy now. I was only looking at it form a literal type of view, not so much on what kind of connotations it could have. xD
All of the horses suck.. Julian and Colton being the worst of the worst..

The only presentable horses are Roscoe (who I adore), Savannah and Annalise
Savannah and Winnie are the best horses, with Roscoe a distant number three.

I don't understand the hype behind Julian at all. Is it just because he has a horn?
I am so mad that Ed moved out. He was a good horse but he moved out and a villager that scares me a bit moved in.
Winnie is #1 for ever, I have her in my cycling town (as well as Victoria) but can't move her over as I don't have a second DS, flergh!