How Many Landscaping Items Are In Your Town?


Poyo Puffs
Mar 10, 2015
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
White Hyacinth
Mother's Day Carnation
Pink Hybrid Rose
Pink Hybrid Tulip
White Cosmos
Just for fun, make an educated guess on how many of each flower type, bush, clover, etc you used to decorate your town with.


For my town of Light, I have around 100 of each purple flower and blue flower, probably around 150 clovers and currently 200 bushes. :D

For my town of Bijou, I have about 120 of pink carnations, 120 of white carnations and about 180 bushes.
Hmm I'd say I have just under 200 trees (maybe 20 cedars, 10 cherry, 20 peach, and the rest saplings), 20+ stumps with special shapes, 70 bushes (mostly azealas and hydrangeas). For flowers I have lots of carnations, and all white, purple and blue flowers. No yellows or reds cause I'm not too fond of those colors. I do have a few orange hybrids next to the campsite and Cheif's house. I have some more I want to do stil but man trying to estimate them all has made me see how much I have done already haha :D
so many flowers, clovers and bushes, that's pretty cool! i think i probably have under 100 trees and most are peaches, one special stump (so far), and no bushes as of yet (still gotta work on that)

i also have a variety of hybrids, most of which are roses! \o/
400 give or take normal trees, probably around 200 flowers, and maybe like 100 bushes or so
Uhm I'm up to perfect town on trees so I guess
80 cedar trees
6 total fruit trees
24 oak trees
I guess around 100 bushes maybe?

I'm working on flowers but 20 black tulips 20 purple tulpis 15 purple pansies 4-10 orange roses,black lilies and black cosmos
20-35 orange tulips
50 white tulips, white lillies

Wow more flowers than I thought XD
Now I want to count so I know for sure.
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About 100-150 bushes (not planted, but in bags all around town, still need to figure out a time to actually plant them) And, about 200 blue/gold/black roses? Also, the extra random flowers, trees and clovers
Too many to count, lol. But if I had to guess, I'd say I've bought at over 200 blue and gold roses. My white flowers must total 500+ though. And I bought about 50 bushes at one time once soo maybe 100 bushes. And I think I have about 75 trees and 50 clovers, so that's a grand total of about 975. Wow that's a lot.
Thats an interesting thing to know about a town, I have never thought of it. I have no idea how much of what I have, but every patch of land is covered in my town and I use all the flowers. The flowers I have most of are probably the white and blue violets; I love them violets.
I don't really pay attention but most likely I have around 120 trees including the ones at the beach, 200-300+ flowers (majority are blue, purple, orange and black hybrids) and close to 100 bushes.
I'm guessing I have around 200+ flowers (all colors and kinds inculded, so many i store some on my beach), about 50 bushes, no clovers becuse my boyfriend picked them all.. and 120+ trees maybe?
Too many. I went around chopping down all my durian and lychee trees today as I just don't like the look of them.
I spent way too much time on this...

Roses: 2 red, 2 orange, 2 yellow, 82 blue, 78 purple, 15 pink, 27 black, 26 white, 84 gold

Tulips: 19 orange, 43 purple, 48 pink, 9 black, 8 white

Lilies: 27 pink, 10 black, 28 white

Pansies: 68 blue, 53 purple

Cosmos: 14 pink, 21 white

Violets: 48 blue, 17 white

Carnations: 32 pink, 103 white

Regular trees: 14 saplings, 12 money trees, 41 fruit trees, 2 stumps

Cedar trees: 65 cedar trees, 15 stumps

Bushes: 52 hydrangea, 45 hibiscus, 21 sweet olive, 97 azalea, 69 holly

Mushrooms: 56 famous, 41 elegant, 23 round, 4 flat, 4 skinny

Miscellaneous: 126 Jacob's ladders, 160 clovers, 23 bamboo, 6 fruit baskets, 6 lost items