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How many children do you want?

I'm not sure if I ever want to be in a relationship tbh + being pregnant/giving birth sounds... extremely unpleasant and painful

I would take giving birth 10 more times over being pregnant just one more time, which really says something because giving birth was the most excruciating pain I've ever felt by far.
I only want one right now.

I feel like I'd be overwhelmed with more than one.
I don't want children. I may change my mind someday, but I can't fit a child into my life. If I ever did have children, I'd want to be able to be there for them at all times, for everything they'd ever need and be able to take care of all of them. Unfortunately, I'm admittedly too selfish to have that responsibility. Too many things I wanna do in my life.

My partner wants kids, though, so that's a bit of a struggle. Hopefully I'll be able to compromise by giving him children in the form of animals, though!
A lot of people here really do not want kids because of the birth and pregnancy thing, huh? I'm so glad I'm not a woman for that reason, I pity you but it's definitely worth it. :)
I don't have an exact number in mind but at least two. I'm an only child myself and I wouldn't wish it on anyone else lol
2 kids will be great!

I already own 2 dogs, my fiance got 1, so adding 2 more to be taken care of will be a nice addition loool
zero, there are many reasons as to why i don't want children but one of the biggest is that i'm afraid i wouldn't be able to take care of a child properly. it's not that i think i wouldn't be able to feed them or whatever, i'm afraid i would mess them up emotionally or mentally or something because i'm terrible with feelings and i think i should be able to take somewhat okay care of myself before i went on to take care of a tiny human. i don't want to make someone grow up under bad circumstances or with an unstable parent
If I were to have kids, I'd have multiple kids. At least 3. I guess 4 might be too much to handle. But I don't really plan on having kids. It's not like I couldn't handle special need kids or whatever, I just don't think I'll ever be 100% passionate about being a mother and I think kids deserve better than that. But I might foster or adopt depending on my life partner.
Well, my wife is pregnant with our first, so at least 1.

I was an only child and really liked it. I was certainly lonely at times, but that's also what pushed me to video games and the internet which made me who I am today.

If we do have another then I'd want it pretty soon so they can grow up together. No more than that, though!
Well, my wife is pregnant with our first, so at least 1.

I was an only child and really liked it. I was certainly lonely at times, but that's also what pushed me to video games and the internet which made me who I am today.

If we do have another then I'd want it pretty soon so they can grow up together. No more than that, though!

Ah congrats!