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how long to complete a town?


poke it out
Aug 27, 2017
Yellow Star Fragment
Star Glow Wand
Yellow Feather
i started a new town about a week ago and i've been playing daily, but i wanna finish this town before ac switch comes out. how many hours does it take for a town to be completed and not a work in process? does anyone have a completed town that can tell me? thanks y'all
I haven't completed my town yet and as far as I know I'm very far from it. I've heard people work on towns all by themselves for 3 years almost so I guess it almost depends on how much help you get from people and then how much you kind of do yourself. And then also what exactly you plan to do with your town since pwp projects and the works are absolutely random and you can't entirely control what happens in your town.
I was working on my town for roughly a year and a half before I completed it. I wasn't in a rush, though. I play at my own pace with no time travel and I bought very little from others on the forum, only the DLC that I couldn't obtain on my own basically.

If you focused on completing your town and purchased everything you need in bulk, like flowers, saplings, etc, then I'm sure you could finish your town up much faster than I did.
Towns take A LOT of time to complete. Don't rush it, as it won't be your best work. Take your time to enjoy the game and work your way up! It's a lot more fun that way. Also, you can play both games, and won't need to just stop playing as switch comes out. I won't stop playing 3ds probably, as I am really enjoying it still. Best of luck!! :)
It depends on you really and the kind of town you want to create, how many characters you'll have and how expanded the houses will be, and how much of a completionist you are. I suppose if you're only looking at it from just a design standpoint and not a completionist standpoint where you experience all events/fill museums/encyclopaedia, etc, you could finish it as soon as you unlock all the PWPs that you need, and upgrade your houses as far as you want. All the furniture/flowers/bushes/trees, you can buy off of the shops on this forum so that would take not much time. If you time travel and do the diving trick and only have the mayor character to worry about, I presume you could actually finish your town within 3 months of very hard and tedious work. I don't think you'd enjoy playing this way very much.. I've played my town since Feb 2015 and I'm still not done - of course I took a lot of breaks so I probably only actively played just over a year's worth since my town tree is still not at it's largest (500 days I believe is when it gets its biggest). So I think if you try to rush finishing your town before AC Switch comes out, you won't have fun and you won't be satisfied with the outcome since you'll be stressed and probably settling for certain things just to make the deadline. Are you planning on never picking up New Leaf after AC Switch comes out? Cuz I see nothing wrong with working on your town little by little even when the Switch version comes out :)
Complete? A town? Are you alright?

Jokes aside, I think it really depends on the town and person, what they consider complete. Moriyo Village is about 80% complete, but it's themed and fully landscaped. I've been working on it for over a year now. Some consider getting full mueseum, catalogue or a perfect town as complete. A complete AC game is really subjective and has its own standards set be each person.
It depends on what you are going for. If you just want it to look nice (ignoring badges/milestones), that is likely doable around a year. It can be faster depending on how easily attainable the items you are going to use are. The amount of planning can take a fair bit of time as well. Currently, I may consider my town complete as of last month as that was when I got the last badge. I have been working on my town since around the US release date. Obviously not everyone cares about "that kind" of completion, so it is subjective.
For me, a complete town is when I've completed decorating/landscaping my town and houses for a final DA upload. I usually time travel loads to get to that point though, so playing without TT will obviously take you longer. Every town I've done I've "completed" it within a year. After that, I work on my badges, catalogue, and exhibitions slowly and steadily. To this day I haven't finished my catalogues and badges in either of my towns lol.
Honestly, in all the years I'm playing this game, I never had one town where I could
say it was "completely complete". There was always at least onething in my town
which wasn't finished and where I worked all the time on it, whenever it was the
placement of trees, to re-build the other character's houses, redesigning my mayor's
house etc. Basically, I always had a town which wasn't complete, it was kinda complete
in a way where I was happy about it, but could have been better, to say it that way.
And I'm not going to start talking about "completely complete" the whole game. That's
something I never managed to do in any Animal Crossing game I played, lol.

Anyway, I guess it's the best to not rush at all, to take the time to complete your town
until you think "yep, it's done". Depending what kind of theme you want to have in your
town, what villagers, characters and all that, it can take some time. To say it that way,
it varies from player to player. But yeah, like I said, take your time, the best thing what
to do in my opinion.
Honestly, in all the years I'm playing this game, I never had one town where I could
say it was "completely complete". There was always at least onething in my town
which wasn't finished and where I worked all the time on it, whenever it was the
placement of trees, to re-build the other character's houses, redesigning my mayor's
house etc. Basically, I always had a town which wasn't complete, it was kinda complete
in a way where I was happy about it, but could have been better, to say it that way.
And I'm not going to start talking about "completely complete" the whole game. That's
something I never managed to do in any Animal Crossing game I played, lol.

Anyway, I guess it's the best to not rush at all, to take the time to complete your town
until you think "yep, it's done". Depending what kind of theme you want to have in your
town, what villagers, characters and all that, it can take some time. To say it that way,
it varies from player to player. But yeah, like I said, take your time, the best thing what
to do in my opinion.

I don’t bother with the museum. My first town, Applewin, is closest to completing the museum. But when it comes to spiders, tarantulas, etc. those creep me out. So, I don’t bother.

A complete town for me is what the town has, on the outside, and the houses of the humans. If they are to my personal satisfaction, I consider it completed.
My towns arent even perfect yet!
Town Kenma: Almost played for a year, not a perfect town yet! Havent collected the museum fossils and bugs keeps dieing from the scorpion
So take your time
It also depends what you consider that must be completed:
  • Musuem (fossils, Sea creatures, bugs and paintings)
  • Perfect Town status
  • PWPs you want
  • path tiling
  • dreamies