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How do you mix sets and still have a good looking room?


Senior Member
May 28, 2017
White Cosmos
Red Cosmos
Pear (Fruit)
I tried to move away from having only one set in each room of my house, and I tried to make a living room, but I think that it turned out awful.
THIS is what it turned out like (ew)
It's super cluttered and ugly, and I don't think it goes together at all. What's the secret to making a pretty room without using a pre-made series?

(Also, in case you have no idea what I was going for, I think it was supposed to be a modern living room. There's also a little bit of a study/work area in the top left corner. I have no idea, just tell me what I'm doing wrong.)
I think you have to find more sets that work with each other. I really like the classic end table with the two minimalist couches like that, I think more combos of those two sets would look good together and then one or two accent pieces from a third set would work. Too many different series could end up clashing. The fireplace looks good with it, and the plants all go well too. It takes some work but I think with some experimenting you start to find what works well together!
Doubling up on furniture sets is a good idea if you are in the HHA challenge. I did the challenge with my house set as Stylish. I thought that the Astro set customized to black and blue went well with the Minimalist set customized to gray. I used the Sci-fi floor, and I think the concrete wall as well. In a different room I did the Modern set customized with silver ore together with the sleek set. I can't remember the name of the rug and wall (edit: Stripe wall and carpet), but they were the modern looking ones with diagonal grey and black lines. Through pure luck I found out that the diagonal reflections on the silver furniture matched the lines in the carpet and wall! I had some other customized combinations, but those were my favorites. Good luck maxing your HHA score.
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I think it really helps if you have a story. Like if someone made a botanical room, is it a clean or messy room? That helps with the layout.

For example, I'm making a fortune teller room (wip), I want it to be cluttered, and the focus to be the interaction between the teller and customer along with all her knick knacks. My color palette is cooler hues: purples, blues and browns. Accent colors are yellow/gold's and reds. Neutrals are green and silver.

Next, I figure out who is this person and what would they own. I picture this person to be kind of gypsy/witch-like. She would have​ even lots of oddities, plants and books. Those are my accent pieces. I also add food items like tea because this is home to her.

It can be a lot of trial and error. I've bought the greenhouse box and it didn't fit. It's all about​ experimenting and there's no fast pass for that.
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I've said this over in the HHD sub-forum but HHD is a wonderful way to pre-design rooms before grinding TBT, Meow points, whatever, to get rare items or refurbish furniture that you find just doesn't do it for you.

That said I really like your room!
I gave up on the HHA challenge because it always bugged me that my town was missing so many basic resources, so I converted my mayor's house into a Community, Fitness, and Emergency Response Center. It took a long time, but now my mayor lives on the top floor of the Community Resource Center, and my villagers have a place to buy a Pretzel when they want one. Anyhow, it was fun trying to think of services my villagers would like, and ways to make those places within the game. I didn't care about HHA scores this time, I just wanted to make something that I thought the residents of my small town would like. As an aside, I would really love it if someone visited my dream town and let me know what they think of it. Constructive criticism is welcome. My town is called Archet, and it's dream address is 5E00-0023-B235 . Thanks!

P.S. The person above me said to use HHD to plan a room. That is a great idea!
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I've said this over in the HHD sub-forum but HHD is a wonderful way to pre-design rooms before grinding TBT, Meow points, whatever, to get rare items or refurbish furniture that you find just doesn't do it for you.

That said I really like your room!

This! I also agree that having a story sometimes helps. Gives you a sort of set theme or style to focus on!
I also really like the room you have, it doesn't look cluttered, it looks real!
OMG I HAVE THE SAME ISSUE! I'd always stick with 1 furniture set because I like things to match! It does kind of look boring if you only limit yourself to ONLY items from one set though so I tried to mix things up more since the Welcome Amiibo update. What I do is I stick with 1 set generally and then I try to find a piece that could fit in with the rest. For example, in my princess series room, I customized the fancy table to white (it's really more of a blue tint) and used it to display an item. Another thing you can do is go for the same color. Pick furniture that have the same color or color schemes that look nice together. You can also try same "finishes". Pick all wood furniture or furniture with a lot of metal. You can also use two different furniture sets, but try to limit yourself to 2 or 3 (3 if the sets look good together), otherwise it looks too disorganized.

As for that specific room, I think you did a good job. It could look more cohesive if you made some changes though. This is all my opinion so if you disagree, that's fine! First, the modern cabinet sticks out like a sore thumb. I'd use another desk instead, one with leg room. I think it would also look better with just 1 chair, on the side of the laptop, since usually work desks only have 1 chair. I'd move the ranch tea table closer to the sofas, or get an Alpine low table, so it looks like a coffee table. If you want a tv stand, use another Ranch tea table or you can get the Standing TV item from the Welcome Amiibo update. I would also customize the alpine furniture and the classic table to their respective darkest wood shades, because I find them similar in color.
Personally, I think it looks fine. I would just use a darker hardwood flooring, try some different wall papers, add more chairs around the alpine table. I would also find a nice clothing pattern to place on the alpine table and chairs, and move the fireplace to the back wall so it's a focal point in the room. I can't stand cluttered rooms, and I really don't think yours is overly cluttered.
You wanna stick with a few complementing colors, and have the same color of wood on the furniture. I like looking at examples of real rooms on pinterest when I'm rearranging my house.
I gave up on the HHA challenge because it always bugged me that my town was missing so many basic resources, so I converted my mayor's house into a Community, Fitness, and Emergency Response Center. It took a long time, but now my mayor lives on the top floor of the Community Resource Center, and my villagers have a place to buy a Pretzel when they want one. Anyhow, it was fun trying to think of services my villagers would like, and ways to make those places within the game. I didn't care about HHA scores this time, I just wanted to make something that I thought the residents of my small town would like. As an aside, I would really love it if someone visited my dream town and let me know what they think of it. Constructive criticism is welcome. My town is called Archet, and it's dream address is 5E00-0023-B235 . Thanks!

P.S. The person above me said to use HHD to plan a room. That is a great idea!

Hi! I visited your town, and I really really enjoyed your library building! I think the boiler room section in the basement was a really really nice touch. Your town is really modern and super cool!
Refurbish furniture to make the cors better matching. Like in that room I'd do all the Alpine furniture with a white pattern. At least the table.
matching colors and/or sticking to one color scheme is a great way to make a room look nice!
i think it's also a good idea to take notes from other villagers' houses to see what looks nice. for example, when cheri moved into my town i discovered minimalist and astro furniture go really well together.
yours doesn't even look that bad. a few changes and it would work imo. it feels personal!

typically when i mix sets, i work with a theme in mind. for example, a zen living room, or a cute pink and white themed bedroom. the more specific your theme, the easier it is to mix sets and not have them clash imo. it's still hard with a theme though, because i find it difficult to remember all furniture pieces that would adhere to my theme, so going on moridb also helps for inspo! but of course that requires searching time.
It's kinda trial and error really. I keep trying with different sets until I find one that works. Or I do a little research on items that can be refurbished and picture a mental image of what it could look like with another set. I've found using a basic set such as the minimalist one, and mixing it with a more elaborate one can make a look nice. Or you could just practice making homes on happy home designer, i've found i've gotten better at interior design by playing the game. I used to have my furniture all part of sets, and against the wall.
I typically focus on two sets of furniture to start, particularly if they have a color in common, such as the white of the Astro and Minimalist sets. Once I have the basic layout of a room down, I start adding some extras that match the color scheme of the room. Once I get my house back to what it was before the reset, I'll post some pictures to show what I mean.
Thanks so much to everyone who responded! I tried to follow a lot of the advice, and came up with this room, which I think looks a lot better! Thanks everyone!

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Omg it's upside down
I don't think mixing different sets is necessary to make a room stand out. Incorporating different themes or furniture pieces that aren't in sets can help give a room character. I really like rooms with strong contrast. I think some orange or dark brown would look great with all that blue. But yeah, I think it has improved from the the 1st pic.

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I gave up on the HHA challenge because it always bugged me that my town was missing so many basic resources, so I converted my mayor's house into a Community, Fitness, and Emergency Response Center. It took a long time, but now my mayor lives on the top floor of the Community Resource Center, and my villagers have a place to buy a Pretzel when they want one. Anyhow, it was fun trying to think of services my villagers would like, and ways to make those places within the game. I didn't care about HHA scores this time, I just wanted to make something that I thought the residents of my small town would like. As an aside, I would really love it if someone visited my dream town and let me know what they think of it. Constructive criticism is welcome. My town is called Archet, and it's dream address is 5E00-0023-B235 . Thanks!

P.S. The person above me said to use HHD to plan a room. That is a great idea!

I really like what you did with Todd's house, especially upstairs and the clinic. Great exterior too :D
For me I always do it based on color schemes, like for instance I'll make a room all white and pink. I also like to mix sets that seem to naturally go together like for instance the princess series and the rococo series customized to white really match and they're also both fairy tale themed. Also sometimes the thing I find that ruins my room isn't the furniture but instead is the walls/floors so basically keep trying wallpaper and flooring until you find one that actually isn't too busy and matches fairly well