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I know enough about them to assume they're both racist, so who cares if I call them scumbags.

You have your priorities are all wrong, I don't understand what goes on in your head.

I don't think you have any other priorities in this thread other than to troll.
I know enough about them to assume they're both racist, so who cares if I call them scumbags.

You have your priorities are all wrong, I don't understand what goes on in your head.

I re-read the thread so I got this straight. Neither of them seem racist so unless you have some secret file on them or something I don't see where you'd get that from. Reindeer doesn't want to demonize this guy because he might've been a neo-nazi, which doesn't seem like enough to call him racist over. It's not like he's saying "hey, let's all be neo nazis" or something.
This isn't IRC, who cares.

You came out in the defense of someone that thinks neo-Nazis are entitled to their opinions. It's not that far of a leap to assume you agree with him, making you just as bad as him.

everyone is entitled to their opinion. replace neonazi with blacks or gays and you suddenly sound just as intolerant as the ppl u profess to despise. u destroy toxic ideologies by confronting them and dismantling them in a way that makes their ideology obviously appear awful.
I know enough about them to assume they're both racist, so who cares if I call them scumbags.
Haha. That statement just proves you know nothing about me.

everyone is entitled to their opinion. replace neonazi with blacks or gays and you suddenly sound just as intolerant as the ppl u profess to despise. u destroy toxic ideologies by confronting them and dismantling them in a way that makes their ideology obviously appear awful.
This is what I was saying. Again, I don't agree with neo-Nazi ideologies. However, that doesn't give me the right to demonize the people in that group, and thus not tolerate them. There are neo-Nazis that aren't as militant with their views as the others. You (Astro Cake) are using those that would actually harm others if they could to judge the entire group.
The comparison I made with ISIL earlier in the thread comes to mind.

Neo-Nazism, in the end, is just a political view. Why should I speak badly of them, hate them, be intolerant towards them, when I don't do the same to any other political views? It's a hypocritical stance to take.

Again, tolerance doesn't mean agreeing. I'm fine with homosexuals, that doesn't mean I'll be going to bang a bunch of men.
If you could read the paragraph again, all I said was that it doesn't matter who the developers are as long as they're not trying to push some agenda. You made that into "omg u sed neonazis not bad but sjws are!!11".

Neo-nazis are just people with a certain political view. I don't give a **** how much other people dehumanize them, because in the end you're just using a small fraction of people in a certain group to form your opinion on the rest of them.
To use Muslims as an example again, it's like saying ISIL is a perfect example of what all Muslims are like. It's not.

Next time you want to criticize someone's post, make sure to properly understand what they're saying first.
Butthurt is butthurt. You have a choice and regarding their agenda they obviously want to be famous and support their politics.