Happy Thanksgiving 2020: What are you thankful for?


♫Cat that Jams♫
Apr 4, 2020
We all know life is pretty messed up in the world right now, but what are some things you're thankful for, in spite of all of that? Is it something big and important? Is it something small? Both? Please feel free to share what you're thankful for! I'd love to hear from everyone who feels like sharing! <3 I'll be back to post mine when it's not 3am, lol. I hope everyone here has a wonderful and safe day, whether they celebrate or not! 🥰

Edit: Ok here's mine: I am thankful for Christ Jesus and the Bible, my wonderful parents, my feline overlords & my elderly tarantula. I am thankful for each and every person as I have a deep love for people in general, including everyone reading this! :D I'm thankful that I have a roof over my head, food to eat, amenities, I have my senses, I can walk and so so much more! I am thankful for my health even though I have a lot of health issues, and I'm super thankful for literally everyone(which is just my parents and ppl on TBT) and every thing I have in my life. I am thankful I live in a country where I have many freedoms others in the world may not. I am thankful for my heritage. There's just far too much to list! I personally like to take today to reflect and meditate on each and every thing I can, no matter how large or how small. 💕
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Happy Thanksgiving 🦃. I am thankful for:

Being an essential worker. At times it has been stressful, but I wouldn't change my job for anything.

I'm also thankful for my husband and family. Thankful to have them and thankful for their health through this pandemic.

I'm also thankful for my pets. Lost all of my betta fish this year due to old age, I hope they rest easy. So happy to have my cat and gecko. 💗🐾
This year I’m thankful that I’ll be graduating, I have a nice full time job lined up with good pay and I’ll learn a ton of new things, and my family is all healthy and Covid free. I’m also thankful for tbt and the friends I’ve made on here ❤️☺️ Also thankful for everybody body else here even though I don’t talk to most of you. It’s nice to be a part of the same community and survive the horrors of 2020 alongside each other. Also thank you mods for hosting a never ending series of events to keep our spirits high. You all rock 🪨
Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃 I'm thankful for:
  • My family, friends, and S/O.
  • The TBT community and friends I've made here.
  • Graduating from university and managing to find a job in an essential industry (supply chain). Still keeping my fingers crossed for friends looking for jobs.
  • My health and that of my family's. Particularly thankful that my dad retired in 2019 and wasn't working his job in the supermarket well before the pandemic broke out.
  • Having free time now that I'm not studying all the time trying not to fail classes. 🤪
Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for my husband and my dog. I love them very much and don't know what I would do without them. I'm also thankful for the TBT community and the mods/staff who have done such an amazing job with all of the events this year.
Happy Thanksgiving!! I’m grateful for my amazing friends and family, my sweet cat (who got bitten by a snake just a month ago, but she survived so I’m just so grateful that she’s alive and healthy now), my job (it can get pretty hectic sometimes but I am grateful for my paychecks! xD), my Nintendo switch and Animal Crossing, that I’m alive on this earth, the kind community here on TBT, and most of all.. I’m grateful for today!
This year's list is definitely longer than the last's. To name a few, I'm of course thankful for my supportive friends and family who reach out to and check up on me so much during the pandemic, and to my cat who keeps me company when I study late into the night. And I'm really thankful for video games like animal crossing, shows like schitts creek, bands like kodaline, and all the other fun stuff that has helped me escape real life for a few hours. And finally, as much of a drag as it can be, I'm thankful for zoom and all the technology and coordination that makes online school possible. My mom's graduate education was delayed by two years because of natural disasters, political unrest, and other factors that endangered the safety of the students, causing the school to shut down for months until things were resolved. Yet this year I've been able to attend almost a year's worth of classes remotely despite hurricanes, a global pandemic, and a rather intense election period and thus don't have to delay my graduation at all. I'm also grateful to have had the opportunity to vote in such an important election for the US, and on top of that being able to vote by mail without waiting long lines or being concerned about my health and safety.
since i live in canada, i actually celebrated thanksgiving last month but every day, i am incredibly grateful for my friends, my mom + my cat, animal crossing, having a place to live, being mostly physically healthy and this community! <3
I am grateful for my health (in the sense that I am not sick with corona) and that I have a job and a roof over my head. Hopeful that next year brings an end to this pandemic.
I know it's not thanksgiving still but I still would like to say what I'm thankful for.
I'm extremely thankful for my boyfriend and my family and his family.
I am so thankful for having my bf in my life because he offered for me to come live with him and pay for all the expenses to let me come move in with him. He also offered to take care of me financially and he's just been such a sweet boyfriend to me.
I'm thankful for my family always supporting me and always being there for me.
I'm thankful for my bf's family because they've been really kind to me and always makes sure to include me in their plans.
I will always be thankful and grateful to my friends <3 if it wasn't for them, I probably wouldn't be here and that's saying something.