General Town Meeting Thread


Retired Staff
Dec 28, 2004

Hello, and welcome to the Official Town Meeting thread. This is where you can arrange when you want someone to visit your town, or if you want someone to come to your town. Remember the rules of TBT, as they apply here. So, open those gates, and get posting!
NitroSoldier: Weedstar in CHILLMAN, 2964-1352-9473

i Live in Australia with a Very Fast PC, Nintendo USB Wi-Fi Stick, 1.5Mbit Connection
i save often when players join, i have a few spots left on my last page to register players i was woundering if anyones out there?

i have 28 playwers registers but no gates open ;( anyone wants to Fish,Hunt Bugs,need any apples?,help planting?, Trading etc.
I am a Hardcore Friendly ACWW Fan that is hosting Australia's First Tournament @ and i am well respected through out the community, Have Fun all!
its 4:40am 13th DEC now Yawn here ;P in Australia, SA Adelaide as posting this, No gates open, Mine is as i am typing this post..i have a 65% international players on my list and 25% Australian Residents, 10% room left...PM me if ya want me to add you in.
My open gates with no visitors are the result of inviting my friends but getting detention and telling me when I already opened them.

:( can someone visit?

My gate is open! I may be gone for awhile doing some chores but I will be back just wait.

Note my shop is not open.
I have Cherries as my local fruit. (Don't forget to bring me fruit)