Games Too Difficult for You to Beat?


Your Typical Trickster
Sep 1, 2013
Blue Junimo Easter Egg
Splat Easter Egg
Shooting Star
Tetris Grid
Kirby Easter Egg
Rainbow Feather
Chocolate Cake
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
This is the thread we come to swallow our pride as gamers and talk about games we feel are out of our skill set. Now "beat" can be very flexible. You can talk about games you feel like you can never get 100% completion on, games you can't beat on a certain difficulty, or even just a game in general is too hard to finish. Mine would be Super Monkey Ball 2 with the Expert levels. With the amount of lives and continues they give you I've never been able to make it very far to finish all the levels. I've been playing this game for years but it's still incredibly challenging and requires a lot of skill. Even with lots of practice I feel like it's definitely out of my scope of abilities to complete, but that's what makes it fun! What game for you do you feel like you can never really beat?
this is going to be really sad because i can never beat a game
I'm not sure if this counts but I've never been able to unlock all characters on MKWii
I can't beat Pokemon Y (or any pokemon game really) for the life of me, mainly get stuck at the Elite 4 or Champion
Still stuck on an early chapter of Paper Mario TTYD
This is the thread we come to swallow our pride as gamers and talk about games we feel are out of our skill set. Now "beat" can be very flexible. You can talk about games you feel like you can never get 100% completion on, games you can't beat on a certain difficulty, or even just a game in general is too hard to finish. Mine would be Super Monkey Ball 2 with the Expert levels. With the amount of lives and continues they give you I've never been able to make it very far to finish all the levels. I've been playing this game for years but it's still incredibly challenging and requires a lot of skill. Even with lots of practice I feel like it's definitely out of my scope of abilities to complete, but that's what makes it fun! What game for you do you feel like you can never really beat?
YES! Monkey Ball stages get REALLY hard REALLY fast! To this day I haven't beaten all of them.
I'm not really great at gaming so uh...

Games I can't finish in general:
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
Mario & Luigi: Dream Team
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance
Probably any Mario platformer other than Odyssey
Super Mario RPG
Yoshi's Story
Pokemon Trozei
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Kirby's Dream Course

Games I completely gave up on trying to finish 100%:
Kirby's Dream Land 2
Kirby Mass Attack
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Splatoon 2
A Hat in Time

There's probably some other games I'm forgetting, since I've played a lot.
I sadly had to come to the conclusion that the Mario & Luigi series just isn't for me. I was really interested in it, but I can't handle the battle system at all.
The majority of the time, I'm able to play a game to the completion of the main story, but rarely do I have the commitment to actually complete the game's various post-game levels and bonus content. But most of the more notoriously hard NES games are just not doable for me. The original Zelda, Metroid, Castlevania, and Ninja Gaiden to name a few. One night, I lost track of time and inadvertently stayed up all night trying to beat Castlevania, but I simply couldn't do it.

Puzzle games like Puyo Puyo, Tetris, or any tile matching game are also a little beyond my reach, which stings the most because I'd really like to be good at them. Unfortunately, despite how much I practice, I never get better, and whenever someone much better than I attempts to show me what I'm doing wrong, they just happen to be blessed with inexplicably lucky RNG that completely undermines whatever point they're trying to make.
I never managed to beat The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes. But in my defence, people online were awful and you always had that one person who just loved to throw you off a cliff. Not to mention that playing single player became very difficult after while and was just overall impossible.
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I'd have to say skyrim, it's not that I cant beat it because of skill I can't beat it because I got glitched out of quests n cant finish them n I just plain can't figure out what I'm supposed to do anymore( that's not even mentioning the crimson nirmroot) I haven't picked it up in quite a while so I may have a second round trying to finish some bits off aha
I find Sonic Rush and Sonic Unleashed difficult to beat.

I really want to replay Sonic Unleashed. I owned it on the Wii as a kid, but the Xbox version was way better apparently. Hub worlds, DLC and all. Since it's backwards compatible with Xbox One I decided to buy the game and all the DLC. Haven't gotten a chance to play it yet though.
I really want to replay Sonic Unleashed. I owned it on the Wii as a kid, but the Xbox version was way better apparently. Hub worlds, DLC and all. Since it's backwards compatible with Xbox One I decided to buy the game and all the DLC. Haven't gotten a chance to play it yet though.
Oooh hope you enjoy! It's fun, despite what I said above lol. I didn't know the Wii version had less content. I have the Xbox version. The hub worlds are a nice touch.
The majority of the time, I'm able to play a game to the completion of the main story, but rarely do I have the commitment to actually complete the game's various post-game levels and bonus content. But most of the more notoriously hard NES games are just not doable for me. The original Zelda, Metroid, Castlevania, and Ninja Gaiden to name a few. One night, I lost track of time and inadvertently stayed up all night trying to beat Castlevania, but I simply couldn't do it.

Puzzle games like Puyo Puyo, Tetris, or any tile matching game are also a little beyond my reach, which stings the most because I'd really like to be good at them. Unfortunately, despite how much I practice, I never get better, and whenever someone much better than I attempts to show me what I'm doing wrong, they just happen to be blessed with inexplicably lucky RNG that completely undermines whatever point they're trying to make.
For Puyo, I’d recommend learning Stairs if you haven’t been told this already.

It’s quite simple and very forgiving in both placement of pieces you can’t make fit (just put them on top of parts of the stair you completed already) and in terms of garbage sent your way. Just learning the basic stairs setup should get you through basically all Puyo Puyo story content. Id be happy to answer any questions if you want to know more!
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As for games that I can’t complete, I’m absolutely garbage at platformers, I still never beat super Mario sunshine, galaxy, or galaxy 2 ;-;
I've never been able to beat Pikmin. I'm terrible at managing time in general, and I panic whenever there's an in-game timer. Pikmin just happens to have both of those... I also get lost very easily.

I'm also stuck on a mission in both Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and Assassin's Creed 3 (both of which are stealth missions! OTL) I can probably get past the one in Brotherhood if I really tried, but for some reason I completely struggle with AC3. The mission requires you to tail a target and you have to stay within a certain perimeter to hear what they're saying. I could not for the life of me stay within the circle without getting caught. I pretty much rage quit the game.
I never managed to beat The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes. But in my defence, people online were awful and you always had that one person who just loved to throw you off a cliff. Not to mention that playing single player became very difficult after while and was just overall impossible.
My sister never finished the game either because the online never had good connection witg other players. So it was hard for her to try to complete the game.
In general I'm pretty bad at beating games (I think it's ADHD brain making focusing hard, and when I get back to a game after not picking it up after a while I want to start over, and thus the serpent consumes its own tail), but in particular I struggle with the coordination for combat games. I bought a special physical edition of River City Girls, and I love the design..... but I'm just no good at beat em ups, and my fingers really struggle with doing anything other than mashing and hoping for the best. And this isn't just a me being new to the genre thing, I struggle to do little more than basic maneuvers in SSB despite playing since I was a kid.

Also, while being games I really WANT to beat, I've never actually beaten a Zelda game. The farthest I ever got was Minish Cap, and I'd love to give it another try sometime soon. I grew up watching one of my brothers play OoT and TP, which I think just.... made them less fun to play, lol, since those are the two games I give up on earliest. Maybe I'll get around to beating BotW sometime, but I don't really love the divine beast dungeons and I want to actually get the "true" ending.... so whenever I play, because again, ADHD brain, I just wind up doing something else I find way more fun but not actually progressing (I think I have something like 150 hours and have done half of the divine beasts). I entered the desert one, fiddled around for 10 minutes before getting bored and spawning away to go run in a field, haha.