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Games Too Difficult for You to Beat?

Also, while being games I really WANT to beat, I've never actually beaten a Zelda game. The farthest I ever got was Minish Cap, and I'd love to give it another try sometime soon. I grew up watching one of my brothers play OoT and TP, which I think just.... made them less fun to play, lol, since those are the two games I give up on earliest. Maybe I'll get around to beating BotW sometime, but I don't really love the divine beast dungeons and I want to actually get the "true" ending.... so whenever I play, because again, ADHD brain, I just wind up doing something else I find way more fun but not actually progressing (I think I have something like 150 hours and have done half of the divine beasts). I entered the desert one, fiddled around for 10 minutes before getting bored and spawning away to go run in a field, haha.

That reminds me. I have never beat a Legend of Zelda game either. I remember playing Ocarina of Time years ago and I got stuck near the beginning because I had no idea what to do. I’m not really a fan of the Legend of Zelda franchise to be honest. I kind of want to try my hand at a LoZ game again... but actually probably not, lmao.
That reminds me. I have never beat a Legend of Zelda game either. I remember playing Ocarina of Time years ago and I got stuck near the beginning because I had no idea what to do. I’m not really a fan of the Legend of Zelda franchise to be honest. I kind of want to try my hand at a LoZ game again... but actually probably not, lmao.
Oh I feel that hard! I honestly think I have a lot more fun watching people play it than playing it myself. I just usually find myself getting particularly bored or frustrated in the early bits. If you wanna try again, I can't recommend Minish Cap enough! It's one of the more forgotten ones, but is a fairly quick and simple play. I really love the graphics, the vibrant colors, and the MUSIC! Plus, if it turns out you don't like it either, unless you use roms which either way you're not losing money, you're not out of much cash compared to a lot of the others. It's overall just a really cute and fun 2D Zelda (which might be worth exploring if you didn't vibe much with OoT, which I don't really either gameplay wise).

I also rec BotW since honestly I probably like it the most because it's one of the least Zelda-like Zeldas, but it also lacks what my favorite parts of Zelda is (cool story, unique memorable music, awesome dungeon and boss design), but that's a much heftier investment if you already know you don't like the franchise. Even if I don't know if I'll ever beat it, it's probably the most friendly to my personal "pick up and play" style that clashes with the entire rest of the franchise. Even if I don't know what I was doing, I can just go run off in a direction and have fun hunting and exploring, even if I don't make much any headway in the main quests.
Oh I feel that hard! I honestly think I have a lot more fun watching people play it than playing it myself. I just usually find myself getting particularly bored or frustrated in the early bits. If you wanna try again, I can't recommend Minish Cap enough! It's one of the more forgotten ones, but is a fairly quick and simple play. I really love the graphics, the vibrant colors, and the MUSIC! Plus, if it turns out you don't like it either, unless you use roms which either way you're not losing money, you're not out of much cash compared to a lot of the others. It's overall just a really cute and fun 2D Zelda (which might be worth exploring if you didn't vibe much with OoT, which I don't really either gameplay wise).

I also rec BotW since honestly I probably like it the most because it's one of the least Zelda-like Zeldas, but it also lacks what my favorite parts of Zelda is (cool story, unique memorable music, awesome dungeon and boss design), but that's a much heftier investment if you already know you don't like the franchise. Even if I don't know if I'll ever beat it, it's probably the most friendly to my personal "pick up and play" style that clashes with the entire rest of the franchise. Even if I don't know what I was doing, I can just go run off in a direction and have fun hunting and exploring, even if I don't make much any headway in the main quests.

I’ll look into Minish Cap sometime. I think the furthest I ever got in a LoZ game was in Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. Thank you for the recommendations. :)
-Most Fire Emblem games. I’m not good at strategy.
-LoZ: Breath of the Wild. The first Switch game I ever played. It was fun for a little while but I didn’t make it very far.
-I’ve been able to 100% complete most Kirby games. Mass Attack is an exception. There’s one stage in Volcano Valley that requires 10 Kirbies to enter and is a mid-boss marathon, and I have not been able to get a gold star(complete the stage without taking any damage) on it. It’s the one thing preventing me from getting 100%. Very frustrating. Other Kirby games I haven’t 100% completed include Kirby Tilt ‘n’ Tumble(it’s a motion control game), Kirby Air Ride(sooooo many boxes on that checklist...), and Kirby Canvas Curse(those sub-game medals are out of my reach).
-Got stuck in an early section of Super Mario Galaxy. lol
Minish cap is probably the only LoZ I completed I think, mostly cause it was pretty easy compared to most LoZ games and I loved it a lot which helped.

Also, the first Rayman game for GBA. I mean some of the cages are impossible getting so even if you actually progressed far those cages literally stops you from 100%-ing it cause you need to free all the cages-critters. 3/hoodlum havoc was also pretty annoying while 2 for GBC was ironically pretty easy and I used to speedrun that for fun lol
the only games I can think of are zelda: a link between worlds and deltarune. not because I’m bad at them, because I have a short attention span and got bored :’)
oh! and undertale! I have never gotten farther than asgore (on a pacifist route, i only got past papyrus on a genocide route because I couldn’t stop crying lolll)
I could never beat a freaking Donkey Kong game... except for Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (Wii), but that one felt WAY too easy to be counted.
DK Jungle Climber (DS), Donkey Kong: Country Returns (Wii), and Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze (WiiU) are all left sitting in my cupboard obnoxiously reminding me I have not and can not beat them. 😭 Why are they so hard???

There are others I can't beat, but this series sticks out because it has multiple offenders.
Super Paper Mario for the Wii. I loved the entire game but I simply could not beat the final boss. I can 10000% suggest the game but it was so tough for young me that I just left it undone. Now I don't remember how to play, so it's done me no good to try and pick it up again!
As a completionist, I beat every game I play to the fullest extent possible (all things collected, alternate endings etc.)


I purchased Cuphead months ago, and I still haven't beat it. I can see it being doable for me, but it literally takes too long for me to memorize attack patterns so I give up quickly and only play in spurts. As of right now, I only have Dr. Kahl's Robot left to beat (before King Dice/Devil of course), and it's an insane bullet-hell mess. I'm sure if I wanted to sit down with it for a few hours I could do it eventually, but knowing that's what I'll have to do sucks my willpower out of me lol
As a completionist, I beat every game I play to the fullest extent possible (all things collected, alternate endings etc.)


I purchased Cuphead months ago, and I still haven't beat it. I can see it being doable for me, but it literally takes too long for me to memorize attack patterns so I give up quickly and only play in spurts. As of right now, I only have Dr. Kahl's Robot left to beat (before King Dice/Devil of course), and it's an insane bullet-hell mess. I'm sure if I wanted to sit down with it for a few hours I could do it eventually, but knowing that's what I'll have to do sucks my willpower out of me lol

Cuphead is a really good one! My sibling and I beat it on co-op mode and it took us so long. We haven't even scratched the surface of the expert mode. That's a whole new nightmare. Definitely one of the hardest games I've ever played if not THE hardest.
I’ve never been able to beat Need for Speed Underground’s story mode, thanks to a seven-lap circuit race. In theory it’s just driving through the same route over and over so it should be easy, however as the race went on I’d get increasingly anxious which eventually lead to a crash. The high levels of rubberbanding means that one crash could cost me the whole race. Even more so if I crashed again.

I feel with many more attempts it may be possible for me but since doing attempts alone makes me unnerved(alongside immensely frustrated), I’m less enthused about trying again each time. Haven’t touch it for quite a while.
super metroid is crazy difficult. im enjoying it ofc but the skill level is definitely much higher than a lot of other games lol. been stuck on kraid for like, a month now :( ill honestly probably never beat it but hey thats okay ig
I guess I sort of have this issue because I just don't play a lot of games. I usually finish the story, but I hardly have patience for post-game stuff.

Case in point, Pokemon Sword. I'm on the Champ, but all my mons are like 10 levels under, so it's just hard to overcome the barrier (yes, I rushed to the end, it's partially my fault, lol). I know I can beat him if I spend like an hour grinding max raids, but I'm just too lazy to do it at this point.

I don't have games I can't beat though, just unfinished ones xP 99% of the time i'm just too lazy to get back to it.
Any Professor Layton game. I’m just too singular braincelled and all those puzzles are way too complicated for me. My sister can get through them though, and I love watching the cutscenes with her.
Honestly... most games 😅 I’m not the most skilled gamer or the smartest, haha. Fighting games or ones with precise platforming are difficult for me because my reaction time and aim just isn’t there. Puzzle games are usually a bit easier in that I’m not constantly dying but I’m not always able to figure out the puzzles without help.

I think the only games I’ve beaten are Mario Odyssey, the Kirby platformers on the 3DS, The Legendary Starfy, and Fantasy Life.

I’ve gotten close to beating some games, I think I’m in the final room of Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon but its a timed level so I’ve basically given up 😅 that’s okay though! I still get a lot of enjoyment out of the gameplay I do experience.
I fired up a new save of Spyro; A Hero’s Tail on my GameCube and according to game save I could not get past this one double jump in the tutorial which left me at 4% completion...
Can't say many games are coming to mind right now. I like difficult games, actually, difficult platformers too, so games like Donkey Kong Country and Super Meat Boy are right up my alley and actually among my favourites. Usually I stop playing games because I lose interest, not because I'm unable to make more progress.

There's one game that I never managed to reach the last levels for, though. The Lion King (1994) released on many platforms including a few Nintendo and Sega systems. Personally I played the PC version when I was young, but this game is hard. Harder than it has any right to be, to be honest. Never did make it past level 3 "The Elephant Graveyard" as a kid, and it's also where I died just now when playing it emulated, online.

The game has fast enemies, a small field of view, funny hitboxes, and it doesn't tell you what to do. It's ridiculous. 😂

My list would be too long to fit into a forum post. xD But really, I'm trash at video games, especially if there is real time combat involved. My reaction speed to things that happen on screens is horribly slow. I rarely ever play anything that involves non-turn-based battling unless it's multiplayer so that my friends can carry my dead body weight to the end of the game.

I've tried many Mario games and have never made it very far. Picked up and tried Legend of Zelda only to get frustrated and never come back to it because I can't beat any of the bosses. Don't even get me started on games that are from the FPS perspective. I just stick to simulators or more casual things don't require my instant reactions unless someone else is there to help me.
just played magical vacation for the first time a few weeks ago and it TORE ME UP.... everything was ok until the final boss. i got past it after what felt like hours,
ONLY FOR IT TO HAVE AN EVEN STRONGER HARDER FORM???? i didn't think my party was so underleveled..... now i'm not sure if i'll ever beat it! D8

also a lot of puzzle games. i'm super interested in puyo puyo but i can't even get ahold of the basics..... i've only ever beat ONE easy mode in ONE game. it's too hard!!!! i can't plan ahead like that!!!!!