Fishing tourney


Senior Member
Aug 21, 2020
My best is 8 - I'm nowhere near as good at fishing tourneys as I am at bug offs. I find the wait for the fish to bite slows me down a great deal. On one go this morning, I almost caught another one, having caught the fishes attention with over 10 seconds to go. It was one of those occasions where each individual bite seems to take an age, and the fish took 5 bites, so that fish didn't count towards to total even though I was reeling it in when time ran out. So frustrating!

Does anyone have any fishing tourney tips?
Craft fish bait. Gather manila clams by digging the dark spots that spit water along the shore.

That way, you can just stand on one spot and throw the bait. Fish will spawn immediately then you can just cast your rod. Repeat.
Yup, I agree with what the user above said.
Throw the bait and cast the rod immediately once you throw the bait. The fish will automatically go for your bait.

it would definitely work if you’re facing south when you do this because you’ll be directly facing the would-be-fish. I’ve caught 10 fish using this method :D
Thank you all! All of these tips were so good! I got 10 in 3 minutes! The trick was the fish bait and facing south, casting into the ocean! Good luck all!
Fish bait, fish bait, fish bait! I can usually get about 11-12 in a sitting with fish bait. My suggestion is to load up on the stuff the week before, if you don’t already have a large supply.