Favourite Christmas Song

no, this is the version i found too and it's not the same song
the lyrics to the choir song i'm talking about were

'over the hills and over the vale, over the fields of snow
the christ child came and brought for me
a golden shining christmas tree
it was a cross, where on would grow
all happy things the world could know'

it was really quiet and in a minor key and sounded nothing like that song but i'm prettttttttttttty sure it was a christmas song lol!!
That's the second link I gave you. You guys just modernized the lyrics. It's called O'er the Hill and O'er the Vale. It's old so it has a lot of versions. We're talking 1200's old.
Annie, even the lyrics you posted say "over the hills and over the vale."

why are you so obsessed with being right about this
im pretty sure its a different song the one im talking about is a norwegian carol and the tune is totally different not to mention the composition of the verses is completely different too
but even if its not a different song i mean really why does it matter so much i mean really
why are you so obsessed with being right about this
im pretty sure its a different song the one im talking about is a norwegian carol and the tune is totally different not to mention the composition of the verses is completely different too
but even if its not a different song i mean really why does it matter so much i mean really
I'm just trying to help you find your song??

This version more familiar?
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree, Have a Holly Jolly Christmas, All I want for Christmas is You (Both versions are fantastic), & It's Beginning to Look Alike Like Christmas

Generally, all Christmas music are fantastic, and it fits the mood of the holidays.
Silver Bells, Noel, All I want for Christmas is You (idc Mariah Carey y'all), and Do You Hear What I Hear came to mind, but overall holiday music is nice
I like "All I want for Christmas is you" and "We Need a Little Christmas"

I love Christmas music, though, but there are only a few songs in addition to those two that I'm ever able to listen to on repeat. :p
Shakin Stevens - Merry Christmas Everyone.
Its very uptempo and cheerful.
I don't celebrate Christmas but my favorites are All I Want From Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey and Santa Claus Is Coming To Town~
All I Want for Christmas is You
Oh Holy Night
Wonderful Christmastime
Christmas Don't Be Late
Last Christmas, guiltily...
Sleigh Ride!
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree!

I love most Christmas music. God, I love Christmas!
Carol of the Bells

and of course Let It Snow and I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

......I love snow and flakes and blizzards and snowmen. Must move to the Arctic.