Fauna vs. Diana


Junior Member
Feb 3, 2017
Please only post you're opinions on who you prefer please :)

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Fauna- I like Fauna not because of her popularity but because she is a really nice villager to talk to. Her house is also really cute inside and out, and she is also really pretty!

Diana- I like Diana also not just for her popularity but because just like Fauna she is nice to talk to, she's really cute and her house looks amazing!

Overall I prefer Fauna just because I feel like she has more of a personality, please don't hate on me :p ;)
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Both! I can't honestly pick one over the other.

I had Diana as a random move in on my first town, before I knew about Tiers and popular villagers and the like. I thought she was a chihuahua... because she looked like my sister's white chihuahua. XD I thought she was adorable and she'd always fall asleep on a tree stump by her house, she was always so nice as well so that's why I still like her a lot, she gave me a good first impression when I first started playing the game.

Fauna I also had as a random move in on my second town I think, I believe she might have even been a starter and I was super mad cause her house was somewhere awful so I had to let her move. She's just really cute cause she reminds me of Bambi and stuff, I love deer and she fits with so many themes. She's also really sweet.
diana. she's in my town and i've never had fauna before. fauna looks pretty nice but i like diana's appearance more
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I would go with Fauna. I love her design ways more. Also normal villagers are cuter than snooty ones and i like animals that just look like realistic animals (like Fauna). Fauna's exterior is cute and natural btw more natural than Diana's one.

Fauna was a random move in my first time and I just loved her from the beginning! I didn't knew anything about Tiers and that ****, I just loved her natural appearance, such as her house and interior design! Her "quotes" are cute and I love the fact that she just looks liek Bambi!
In my opinion you should get Diana, she's just so gorgeous and her pastel color scheme is perfect. Fauna is great as well but if i were presented with both of them, i would have to choose diana.
I love both of those cute deer! Fauna has a more natural look to her while Diana stands out more, but I enjoy having the contrast in Canaan.
I go with Fauna since she is my first normal villager and also a starter when I started playing New Leaf over a year ago.
I don't have interest in Diana since I have two snooty villagers already in the same town which Fauna lives.
Both overalll.
Fauna for picture quote/quaint appearance.
Diana's personality/house/theme.
I have them both and I think I prefer Fauna. I think it might just be a sentimentality thing since I've had her much longer though.
Diana haven't clicked yet but she still seems nice. I would choose Fauna though. A simple deer that's really cute.
I have Fauna for 3 long years and i really like his natural design so i go with her because of the time i have her but now i have Diana even when at first i don't like her now is one of my favorite Snooty Villagers.
Fauna!! ( I have her in my town and I'm a sucker for normal villagers. ) Although Diana is very cute, her snooty personality is what makes me dislike her. Not too much of a fan of snooty villagers...lol
I would say Diana, because I like her design more, and because she is more Pastel-themed, which I like. Pastel-Themed towns are one of my most favorite themes, but Fauna looks good too, I would just rather have diana.