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Ever had a major surgery?


call me Bug 🇨🇦💜🐛
Oct 30, 2011
Sweet Balloon
Sweet Balloon
Sweet Heart Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Sweet Feather
Glam Feather
Heart Glow Wand
Pink Feather
Purple Feather
I'm supposed to have a major surgery on my knee this Friday in the AM, and this is the first time I've ever had an operation this serious done, so my anxiety is very much settling in.

So what I'm wondering is, has anyone here had a major surgery done? If so, how did it go? I'm mainly worried about them putting me to sleep and wondering how I'm gonna feel in the recovery room. I'm hoping getting good input will calm my nerves a bit.

UPDATE: My surgery this morning went very well, I had no issues with the anaesthesia, and I didn't wake up in agonizing pain like I thought I would. So all is well! Thanks everyone for sharing your stories!
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i've never had anything as major as knee surgery, but I have had a few minor procedures I had to go under for. They all went really well for the most part.

As for anesthesia in my experience: generally I remember it being given to me and then waking up in recovery.
Waking up you feel kinda groggy and out of it, but if they've got you on pain meds you probably won't feel any pain. I never did in recovery.

I don't have any horror stories or things like that, and I hope your surgery goes well and wish you the best of luck! <3
I had a cyst removed from my upper thigh a few years ago, but nothing compared to knee surgery. They put me under and the next thing I knew, I was in recovery. There's not much to it. When you're in recovery, you won't feel any pain really. That comes a few hours after the pain meds wear off. Since mine was in my leg, I couldn't walk for about 2-3 days post surgery because of the incision site.

The only thing that freaked me out a little is that when I was coming out of anesthesia, I had memory loss and I kept asking the poor nurse every 5 minutes if everything was fine and I kept asking if the water she gave me was mine or if it belonged to someone else. That went away pretty quickly, though.

Also I woke up during the surgery and I thought I was being kidnapped so I started like fighting them LOL but that won't happen to you I'm sure. They just didn't have the amount set right for me.
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i had heart surgery when i was either three or four. all i remember was watching spongebob afterwards, but i did not wake up during the actual procedure haha. my parents said that i apparently acted really funny afterwards (probably from the anesthesia). that's the only thing you should probably know about the anesthetics. it was a successful procedure though! good luck on your surgery~
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I've never had a real major surgery, although I did get put completely under when my wisdom teeth were out because the buggers were problematic.

Waking up, I honestly thought I hadn't been operated on yet and I kept asking my dad when they were gonna start. Like Bcat and Soigne said, it's pretty much like one second you close your eyes in the operating room and the next second (to you) you're opening them in the recovery room. I'm not going to tell you to not be anxious, because that's natural, but you shouldn't be too worried. The actual surgery part will be over, quite literally, before you know it. :)

I wish you the very best of luck with the surgery & your recovery! I'm sure everything will go very smoothly, and you'll be snacking on that primo hospital food in no time.
Idk if it counts as major, but I did have to have two correctional club foot surgeries twice. Once when I was one and again when I was 7. All I really remember about it is that being in the hospital was a lot more fun as a kid.
The biggest surgery I had done was wisdom teeth removal and that was a breeze. Everyone told me it would be so painful but I didn't even need any pain meds. I hope your operation goes well!
Oh actually I was in the hospital a bunch from age like 0-4 for kidney problems but I don't remember that at all
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yep, my parents have told me about how when i was born my intestines were all twisted up (i can't remember the name of the condition) and i had to have surgery when i was a few weeks old to fix that. to this day there's a gross scar on my stomach and it makes me quite self conscious.

they also removed my appendix, just for the heck of it i suppose

in a few weeks i'll be getting my wisdom teeth taken out and i'm really scared i'm gonna say a bunch of stupid stuff while i'm drugged up
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I've been fortunate enough to never need one, but i hope your surgery goes well! <3
my stepmother told me about her experience, she needed heart surgery and has something metal around her heart or some metal thing she needs for it, she told me the same thing a lot of people have: she was told to count backwards and then she just fell asleep without realising and felt like nothing had happened after she woke up. i'm very glad i haven't had any sort of surgery at all though.
I passed out even before getting to the OR. They gave me a relaxing drug thingy and it was early and I just passed tf out. I was angry at myself cause I wanted to see the OR. lol
Woke up in recovery with a warm blanket, super groggy and thirsty as hell. They gave me some ice to munch on and some crackers I think.
My surgery wasn't overly major. Just removing the gallbladder.
I had a tumour removed from my femur back in 2010, that's the only surgery I've ever had in my life. I was quite nervous at the time, but you pass out so quickly that you won't really remember much before going in, and the next thing you'll know is that you're partially awake in the recovery room. I'd imagine it must be funny for the nurses administering the anaesthetic; they ask you a bunch of questions to keep your mind at ease, and I'm guessing you could be in the middle of an answer before just flat out falling asleep.

Knee surgery sounds tricky, and I'll bet that the recovery period afterwards will be quite gruelling. I know I was on crutches for several months after my surgery, and the first few days will be rough since you won't be able to move as you would normally. But each passing day will get a little better, and before you know it it'll all be a distant memory. Good luck to you, and take care of yourself!
I was out under for my wisdom teeth. All I remember is the surgeon asking if I want the radio on.

A month ago I also had my my upper frenulum (that piece of skin that holds your gums to your lips) removed. That was basic dental freezing.

In a few months I go for a more "major" dental work. I'm having my gums (and bone) cut and reshaped. I did opt for sedation, but I will be awake. I'm not to concerned, I liked the periodontist
The only "surgery" I've had is dental surgery, so no. I have debilitating medical anxiety so I wouldn't be able to cope with having to go in for major surgery...
oh good luck
I've had too many surgerys so
my knee was replaced with (fibia) metal plates and screws

but all is ok
but relly my last two I just count backwards and tadda you wake up

strang my cousin had those wisdom teen removed too :)...( mine are still here I saw them in an xray)
had an rare allergic reaction to the med

she starting relly weird *yea you will know it if you see it*
like CrAzY MK ultra illuminati like
not the usual *weird* with that drug
she sounds crazy and drunk she was recorded but she don't remember :-/ being weird (she was trying to take her clothes off)
I hope it goes well! I haven't had anything too major, as the biggest one I had was getting screws put in my knee now exactly five years ago, in January 2013. Aside from that, I had oral surgeries where I got teeth removed in 2010 and 2012.
I had a c-section after trying for hours to push out an unknowingly 13lb baby. Lying there awake on the table while they cut into me was absolutely terrifying.