g u a v a
bonk fruit
with it being earth day on monday and the new earth week forum event, is there anything that you would like to challenge yourself to do more sustainably?
personally, i feel like i can easily cut down on the amount of single-use plastics and other disposables. it can be a bit annoying but i want to challenge myself to remember to bring my reusable bags out with me and to turn down in-store bags when i forget mine. my thought is that the inconvenience of having to carry things without a bag will encourage me to remember to bring them out with me.
personally, i feel like i can easily cut down on the amount of single-use plastics and other disposables. it can be a bit annoying but i want to challenge myself to remember to bring my reusable bags out with me and to turn down in-store bags when i forget mine. my thought is that the inconvenience of having to carry things without a bag will encourage me to remember to bring them out with me.