Do you think that Luna and the Dream Suite will return in some way?


Marshal Fanboy
Feb 4, 2018
I really really REALLY liked Dream Towns in ACNL. It was awesome to visit amazing towns with gorgeous design. Especially with outdoor furniture, new paths, etc., it would make the towns you visit even better. What do y'all think?
I would be pretty surprised if Luna and the dream suite didn't return! I will be upset if it doesn't, it's a very nice addition to the game and with so many new features it will be so fun to see other towns! Maybe we will get more abilities in dream towns even? Like we could take home a souvenir such as the town fruit. Idk
i'm sure we'll be able to visit other towns again, it was a huge thing in ACNL, but i'm not sure if it will be the same and if Luna will return. I believe she will though in some way, i'm curious about whether we'll have a main street at all? i dont remember seeing it in the trailer
I don't see why they would remove something that became so popular, so that's why I'm going to go with yes.
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I hope not. Luna was an uninteresting character at best and I barely used the dream suite.
Perhaps they'll do some other way of transportation of someone's town without interacting with real life people.

Hmm. Maybe Luna will get her job back, but its too soon to talk about this I'd say.
I hope so, I really enjoyed the Dream Suite! If they get rid of the dream aspect I could see Luna being the owner of a Spa of some sort instead, but I don't see much reason to getting rid of the mechanic entirely.
Let's just say that Luna is one-off character. Every other character is anthropomorphised (humanized), in such a way that they never really take the shape of a human. But Luna is the only female character that has boobs. It's disturbing and doesn't fit in Animal Crossing as anteaters do not have boobs in nature... Let's axe this one.
Yes I would like to see her come back. I didn't use the Dream suite that much (except for the bells) but I saw a lot of people enjoy it and I think it's a good way for people to share their amazing towns to the world!
I think it'd be dumb not to bring it back since it was very well liked.
Also I love Luna! Bring back our only boobed character.
I don't see why they would remove something that became so popular, so that's why I'm going to go with yes.

True that, it was defo a massive and popular thing in New Leaf.
It would be such a let down if this wasn't continued, even with the new surprises that are coming to the game. I have my fingers crossed !
I will not be surprised in the least if she and the Dream Suite are back in some manner.
I have no qualms if she is removed or not

Let's just say that Luna is one-off character. Every other character is anthropomorphised (humanized), in such a way that they never really take the shape of a human. But Luna is the only female character that has boobs. It's disturbing and doesn't fit in Animal Crossing as anteaters do not have boobs in nature... Let's axe this one.

But Luna is a tapir, not an anteater, and tapirs in Japanese/Chinese mythology (also known as Baku) are thought to eat dreams and nightmares, hence why there?s a tapir
Let's just say that Luna is one-off character. Every other character is anthropomorphised (humanized), in such a way that they never really take the shape of a human. But Luna is the only female character that has boobs. It's disturbing and doesn't fit in Animal Crossing as anteaters do not have boobs in nature... Let's axe this one.

This is not true. Joan also has boobs. They make me uncomfortable, lol.
I truly, truly hope so, because the dream suite and designing themed towns for others to visit via dreams were my favourite feature of NL for sure.