Do you like to paint your nails?

Do you like to paint your nails?

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I always bite them, so I can't let them grow out long enough to make them pretty.
i guess so but i've never been that good at painting them. and then i started working in hospitality so i wasn't allowed to wear polish. i kinda miss it but i always thought nail polished didn't look right on me anyway, my hands don't look that soft or delicate tbh
i guess so but i've never been that good at painting them. and then i started working in hospitality so i wasn't allowed to wear polish. i kinda miss it but i always thought nail polished didn't look right on me anyway, my hands don't look that soft or delicate tbh

I'm painting your nails when we meet. I've a crazy amount of colours you won't be disappointed.
I love painting my nails, but they don't last long because I work in the produce department at a grocery store lol

imagine digging through potatoes and wet lettuce all the time and then guess how long painted nails will last lmao
I used to consistently, but I haven't in some time now. I've been wanting to for the past few weeks, just still haven't bothered cause I hate not being able to do anything for a while when they're drying. I used to be really into nail art in high school and would do all sorts of cool designs and techniques. My nails are nice and long and I feel like painting them just makes me want to pick them too so it's probably not beneficial for growing my nails out. XD
no but ive been thinking of painting them because i keep ruining my nails and they look terrible, so maybe if i painted them (even w clear nailpolish) it'd be easier for me to not make my fingers bleed every time i touch my nails ....
I like to paint my nails but they aren't always painted. When I feel like painting my nails I do.
I like having my nails painted, but I work with chemicals, including acetone, on a regular basis, so it's just a waste of time and money to buy nail polish and paint them. I will for special occasions like weddings and dinners and such, though.
lately i have been getting a manicure and shellac once a month. when i was really little i used to paint them, then i stopped completely, and now i have someone else paint them
I haven't done them in years now, so no :D I used to paint them when I was in middle school/early high school
I dont think mine have ever been painted, but it's possible i let a girlfriend do it once...
I did once on with this Japanese guy at this Japanese thing my high school did. He was cool.
I love having painted nails, but I always have a silly excuse to not bother to paint them. I want to paint them this brand new nail polish I bought, which is a lovely mauve (shade of purple.) I will get around to doing it, well I hope I well. NO MORE EXCUSES! :) ~
I like the concept, but I can never get it perfectly right and it gives me panic issues and I end up scraping it off of my nails after all of that hard work. Plus, it feels weird, from a sensory perspective.
When I was in primary school I used to paint my nails a lot since it made me feel fancy. I had quite many bottles of nail polish in different colors and my favorite one was a dark cyan-ish color.
I haven't painted my nails for years now though since I'm the worst at holding the brush steadily. :p
I dont like how painted nails look like so no
Never understood why people around me did it so much lol