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it’s taken me so long to understand that (and I’ve had a lot of experiences, both good and bad) but I’d argue that everything that’s happened in my life so far has taken me to where I am and I truly believe it’s all happened for a reason, even the truly bad stuff that happened to me like losing my grandma.

I think more recently, I left a bad relationship a few years ago (which I moved away from home for), ended up staying here and met my current partner and went to college. I can honestly say I am so thankful for what I’ve went through because without it I wouldn’t be who I am today & wouldn’t have met my partner ❤️

I know not everyone has been able to see the light in these situations, but if anything the bad experiences we have teach us how to cope and what to expect. It’s never easy but you’ve gotten through the hardships before and you can definitely do it again!
Not really.

I believe that you can learn from everything that does happen. But, correlation =/= causation.

I'm definitely not one of those people who is like "Oh...this good thing fell through so that something better could happen". Instead, I'm like "Well, that could have gone better. Lesson learned." Lol. Always be learning and growing. Making good out of a bad situation is mostly related to having a positive mindset...and for that reason, I guess you could say that karma is somewhat real. If you want to find good in bad situations, you will...so people with good attitudes usually have "good karma". Still...it's not a tangible thing that you can rely on. Bad things still happen to good people for no reason at all.

If you want to feel like something good has happened for a reason, then that's mostly just because you're thinking positively. Which is a great place to be. Likewise, if you want to feel like bad things happen to you because the world is against you, then you will find yourself in a negative place for your entire life. But...the whole thing is like trying to spot an elephant in the clouds. You will always see things how you choose to. And when it comes to being in the "right place at the right time". That's just serendipity. It's nice when it happens, but I don't necessarily think it goes any deeper than that.
I don't personally believe things happen for a reason but if somebody else does and that brings them comfort then I won't shame them for it.

I can see how it might make people feel better and bring them comfort in otherwise awful situations. If they can justify it as, that was super awful but at least this good thing came from it - then the situation isn't as bad and I'm not going to take that away from them. I personally feel like any bad situation that happened to me I could've learned the same lesson from a positive version of it. Ie: My mother was a terrible person. I didn't need her to be a terrible person in order to teach me to be more emotionally resilient person or to be kind or whatever else. A loving, stable, healthy household also would've taught me those things.

I think it can be helpful to see the positive in things but I don't fall into the belief that they specifically happened so I could learn a lesson from them. They just happened, either by chance or because of a decision that was made. If I can learn a lesson from it then that's fantastic and I'll try to do that as best as I can.
Yes!! I do believe things happen for a reason
This is defnitely a philosophical and difficult topic and when i start thinking about it it seems like an endless diacussion.
But today im kinda inclined to think that everything has a reason to happen wether is to teach u something or to put u in a position where you have to confront certain adversities that in the end will make u stronger abd mature
It seems like a religious kind of thing, where some people tend to believe that those things happened because of divine intervention. I totally respect this point of view and it also may be the truth behind it bit i rather think that regardless of the faith aspect, bad things amd good things arr going to happen to you and the whole reason behind it is that those experiences somehow need to happen to: 1) make you alive. 2) teach u how to vecome better and 3) show some meaning of your life
Not at all. Or else I'd have to also believe that people get hurt, get sick, etc for a "reason". I think that it's up to us if we want to see a reason for something happening. But otherwise, things happen because of other people's choices, your own, or just randomly.

I was told my trauma "happened for a reason." To test me. So I am a very very strong disbeliever in this idea (for myself). If anyone else believes it and it comforts them, it's perfectly fine. But please never tell someone going through something bad that it's "for a reason."
I would say yes, but only because every cause has an effect. If your house burns down due to some mechanic within your home failinig, the effect is that you're devastated, homeless, but happy to be alive. You learn to slowly rebuild because your only other option is to remain homeless. If you invest money wisely, the effect is that you could become wealthy. Some of the causes are in our control, but many or not. I see the effect as the "reason". It can be good or bad, and can drive our future choices. I guess I am approaching this question with more tangible logic than spirituality, i.e. everything happening is predestined and my future already determined.
No, I don’t believe everything happens for a reason. Some things happen... just because they happen. That being said, I’m also the same person who doesn’t believe in luck or karma as concepts. I think they’re both hogwash. My view on life is that you get out of it what you put into it, and everything comes down to a set of numbers and statistics. That’s all.
it all depends. i believe that every person you meet and the relationships that you form happen for a reason and that everyone who enters your life has a lesson to teach you. and of course, there’s the types of instances that i’ve read about where say, someone didn’t get the job that they really wanted, ended up working somewhere else and that led to them meeting their SO, starting a family, etc but i don’t really have an opinion on those - maybe it’s fate or maybe just a coincidence. that being said, i absolutely do not believe that tragedies or traumas are things that happen for a reason and tbh, it bothers me a bit when people use that as a response to someone else’s tragedy like,, if that’s something that comforts you during hard times or is something that you know would be of comfort to whoever you’re speaking to, that’s one thing and is perfectly okay but otherwise? i just. i genuinely don’t see how that’d be comforting in the face of something tragic or traumatic happening and when it comes to events like that, i honestly think that they happen just because they happen.
Not in the sense that certain things happen to help us or teach us a lesson, no. I definitely believe the timing of something can be not quite right and then later on it is and that missed opportunities can end up working out for the better, but I don't believe things happen so that we can learn from them or anything.
I am another person in the "no" camp on this. I think most of the people I grew up around were in the "everything happens for a reason" school of thought and if anything it made me uncomfortable because I just don't see the world that way. I believe in the pure randomness of the universe, a lot of good and bad things are going to happen to everyone for no reason at all.
There are a very small number of things that have happened during my life that I've thought maybe happened for a reason, like something not working out because maybe it just wasn't the right time or because something better was supposed to come around instead but overall for most things I don't believe they happen for a reason. In the majority of cases I believe that things just happen because they do with no real deep reason for them and while I appreciate that some people will believe everything happens for a reason I don't think many people would feel supported or helped by the suggestion that there was a good reason for negative things that happen to them. To me bad things happen unfortunately because that is what the world and life is like and when people are trying to come to terms with a traumatic event or grieve a loved one then I'd presume most people, though maybe not all, probably don't want to be told that the hard times they're enduring are happening for a reason.
Sometimes yes, but it depends. Most of the time things are what you make it but some things are hard to explain and seem to happen for a reason.
For me, I don't particularly believe everything happens for a reason. I feel like by relying on that philosophy it almost encourages people to not take an active role in their life and just take what is handed to them opposed to them deciding what they do. I do believe that we have control over our lives and that there is a lesson or somthing to be learned from everything though.
Yes and no. Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people.

For example, if a drunk driver kills someone else in a car crash, then there is no explaining why that specific person was the one to die. There is no "God's plan". The victim just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, the crash itself happened for a very specific reason: a person had too much to drink and then irresponsibly got on the road. As a society, we should try to prevent that from happening by having stricter DUI laws and penalties instead of avoiding the problem by trying to rationalize the crash as an "accident" as if some form of divine intervention took control out of drunk driver's hands when in reality it's their fault and their fault alone for drinking too much and then getting behind the wheel. So while there are some random events that are truly out of people's control, we should try to fix what we can fix and not use "everything happens for a reason" as an excuse not to change anything just because it's more convenient or comforting for people.
I do, but not in a spiritual way. Everything has a cause and effect. Things happen to the universe because of the laws that are in place. On a personal level much of what happens in our lives are ultimately either our decision or the results of what others did. Accidents happen, but those actions did lead to a natural conclusion.
No, especially not for the teaching reason. Maybe for helping but I don't think there's a reason for people to do that just for a reason, really.

I suppose it's individual what's in it and what you believe but I don't think personally I had that many good experiences. If people come in my life they do, no need for a reason.