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✦ Critiquing Dream Towns ✦

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Queen of Ducks
Jun 20, 2017
May Birthstone (Emerald)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
January Birthstone (Garnet)
100% (91) +
This is where I should put it, right? If not, I would like it to be moved.


Hi! I'd like to critique your Dream Towns since I saw one of these types of threads way back when I first started. I feel like this would inspire me to make my town more prettier by taking a gander at your own towns through my dreams. I'll be creating a waitlist and a review log so I can keep track of what dream towns I'll still need to visit and which ones I've already done.

Disclaimer: I have a fragile and weak heart so I would prefer if you didn't give me any scary dream towns to go to. Maybe I'll be brave enough to go to some later but for now, I'll pass.

Please leave your character's name, town name, and dream address in your post. For convenience, use this format:

(character name here) ✦ (town name) ✦ (dream address)


Cherub's Town
Tee-Tee's Town
CCookie's Town
Eden's Town
Cascade's Town
bunnyft's Town
FFlare's Town
Lanstar's Town
Sstream's Town
LaylaTM's Town
angiepie's Town
tesss's Town
MelbaB's Town
Ntommyp's Town
Nooblord's Town
Radagast's Town
Tessie's Town
M4b5m4nn's Town
Psicat's Town
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Ah if you wanna check mine out I would luv it ^^ Its not finished yet but any feedback would be lovely~
~ 3067-7890-1856 ~
Demetria ✦ Pn?vma ✦ 6B00-0048-8905


First off, the patterns around the town tree are really pretty! I love the randomness of the paths and trees throughout your town. Some people (including me) would be jealous to have that kind of messy-but-still-looks-good vibe. Milky's house looks really good and well done! I already love kitchens and bathrooms and love them even more when people get creative with the idea. It's probably my favorite most house in your town! Morgana's house is so pastel and adorable. The villagers are really cool as well.

But there are some downsides...

The rooms in Demetria's house are a bit mismatched. Her top floor has a kiddie stereo with the gothic/rococo interior which does not go all that well for me. It doesn't seem like you've decorated Morgana's basement and she has a bedhead (unless that's what you wanted). While the landscaping is very pretty, there are items like gyroids, random perfect fruit, pitfalls, and flowers that don't exactly harmonize with the rest of the town (same with Demetria's home unless that was the look you were going for). Also, the paths weren't very defined and I constantly got lost trying to walk through an area that wasn't where I was supposed to go.

Some recomendations...

Remove the pitfalls, especially the regular ones because it looks too modern-esque in a forest town imo. Have you also tried removing some mushrooms and gems from Demetria's home? (is this character supposed to reflect what kind of items you like? If so, then it's you and I can't really change that). Try patterning the flowers and move them more around the path so people have a more clear direction on where to walk, since I had a bit of a hard time navigating myself.


Overall, I loved the landscaping, and the villagers in the town but it was a bit discordant and inharmonious in terms of traveling and the random items scattered every where. I hope you take my advice to heart in case you wanted to fix it up in the future.
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thank you very much for the feedback, i have actually removed my pitfall seeds and the random items are supposed to be scattered everywhere but i could definitely do a lot of cleaning up to make it look nicer. my characters are supposed to be a bit off and funny but they could be portrayed in a better way. i admit i've been lazy decorating houses (especially demetria) and i do think it's hard to navigate but i just know my town so well i overlooked that
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Hello there! It's still a work in progress, but I'd be happy to get a critique of how Hangzhou is doing so far ♫

Mei ✦ Hangzhou ✦ 5D00-007A-FB41

Thank you! :D
Pascel ✦ Iva ✦ 6B00-0018-0748


I love the bus stop area. The purple and black rose arrangement looks very pretty and the bush/flower pattern lining the roads looks very proffessional. The fire pit and the windmill areas in the south part of your town looks really good. I loved the cool spooky basements, Pascel's back room library, and left room. I especially loved Freya's house, and my favorite room in her house is her bathroom! I like bathrooms. Also golden butt fruits!

Some downsides and recommendations...

I don't know if it was intentional or not, but some of the villagers' houses look like they've moved into the paths like Fauna and maybe Julian. The very north part of your town is very empty, the paths are just the same throughout your town when you could've added some rock path patterns to mix it up a bit. But I think that's it!


- - - Post Merge - - -

Hello there! It's still a work in progress, but I'd be happy to get a critique of how Hangzhou is doing so far ♫

Mei ✦ Hangzhou ✦ 5D00-007A-FB41

Thank you! :D

I'll review your town a bit later since I gotta play some other games.
Mei ✦ Hangzhou ✦ 5D00-007A-FB41


First off, I really like your paths! The flag is really good as well and I love the zen garden in front of Town Hall. I can already tell it's a very Asian type of town and the PWPs are very correspondent with that theme. I love the use of sweet olive bushes in your landscaping. Your human residents have fantastic messages and my favorite house is Serpent's. I also really like Mei's back room.

There are some downsides however (though they're very minimal)...

The flower arrangements are a bit odd. Also, some of the villager's houses don't reflect the Zen or bamboo forest around them.

Some recommendations...

I know that this town is WIP (dependent on you saying that it is) so I can sort of understand why there are so many flowers scattered around in your town but you could use violets and lilies to decorate most of the town while some others used sparingly. I would use the roses and tulips the least amount of times since they aren't exactly native to Eastern Asia unless you found a way to make the arrangement look good.

Hey! This would probably be a good time to ask for a critique, since I THINK I got most of my town exterior down (except for the left part, I plan on making a park and a mini plaza with the "Splatoon" tower in the middle?)

Also, only Marie's house and Callie's basement are done SO FAR.

My DA is below my avatar (the NN ID thingy)

Thanks in advance!
Taylor ✦ Eden ✦ 4B00-0093-454C


The paths are very pretty and simply laid out so I can tell where I'm going. Your flag is very nice as well. Very great use of gold roses and gem rock placement! The topiaries and the bell PWPs look so good with each other! I really like the flower arrangements near the fountain north of Town Hall and the cosmos flowers around the four horizontally placed villager houses. In the zen garden area, I've ever seen someone use second stage chopped bamboo as decorations. It looks very nice! The campsite area is very well done as well. Gerrhett's tent looks just like a villager visiting the campsite! It's adorable. I also love the cabin feel of Ivan's house. It's my other favorite thing besides marble bathrooms. Loved the back room of McKenna's house. I really like Taylor's back garden room and second floor.

Again, minimal negatives...

In McKenna's house, the left and right rooms were kinda barren. The area around her house is also kind of empty.


Overall, I enjoyed my visit to Eden! It looks pretty close to a finished product and I can't wait to go again some time.
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Oh dear. I forgot to put it in the format, did I?
Oh well.


First off, I really like your paths! The flag is really good as well and I love the zen garden in front of Town Hall. I can already tell it's a very Asian type of town and the PWPs are very correspondent with that theme. I love the use of sweet olive bushes in your landscaping. Your human residents have fantastic messages and my favorite house is Serpent's. I also really like Mei's back room.

There are some downsides however (though they're very minimal)...

The flower arrangements are a bit odd. Also, some of the villager's houses don't reflect the Zen or bamboo forest around them.

Some recommendations...

I know that this town is WIP (dependent on you saying that it is) so I can sort of understand why there are so many flowers scattered around in your town but you could use violets and lilies to decorate most of the town while some others used sparingly. I would use the roses and tulips the least amount of times since they aren't exactly native to Eastern Asia unless you found a way to make the arrangement look good.


Thank you for the critique! ♫
Yes, the flowers are everywhere, it's really something I should work on. I'll sort them eventually! >v<
Cascade ✦ Fairview ✦ 5B00-007D-740E


The path patterns are very, very pretty and versatile! The flower arrangements across town are also very well done. I really liked the area around Marina's house, in particular. The landscaping above Marty, Shep, and Diana's house is very cute, and the playground area is adorable as well. In Cascade's house, my favorite rooms were her right room and her basement garden.

One downside...

The interiors of Ciara's and Chase's houses did not look completely finished (you did say that the town was still a WIP so there's that).


There's not much else to say about it. The landscaping looks complete and all you need to finish are the houses.
Hayden ✦ Fairview ✦ 4C00-009A-8F5F


I like the signboard designs, they're very detailed! Your flag is pretty cool. I also really like Marie's house so far.

Some negatives...

There are a lot of cracks and random items on the ground. I think it makes an otherwise very pretty modern town look messy. There are a lot of flowers scattered through your town, and it's not exactly clean and orderly either. The main room, left room, right room, and second floor of Callie's house is just barren. What are you going to do with those? Also the houses of Hayden and Emily are pretty empty.

Some recommendations...

Move all the random flowers to your beach. And are you doing anything with the random furniture/ clothing on the ground? If not, sell them if they're orderable.


Overall, You've done a great job with pattern designing but your landscaping needs a little bit of work.
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Flare ✦ Skyfall ✦ 4C00-000F-95F3


Your paths are so pretty! The area around the Cafe looks really good and symmetrical. The area around the campsite looks super nice as well. I loved how you put your villagers in their own little place rather than them being in one straight line. It's a really nice change of pace. In Shade's house, I liked your use of space, especially in the basement where it would otherwise be pretty empty and boring. Even though both Princess and Madison's house only had one room, you've decorated them very well.


The little picnic area in the southeast part of your town is too hidden. Also, in Flare's house, it's a bit too dark for something to express the Asian culture with lots of bright colors to do well in.


Cut down the perfect peach trees in the front of the picnic area. You don't have to dig up the stumps, I think the little area would look better with stumps than just nothing at all. Try lighting up all of Flare's rooms so that more of the colorful furniture items can shine.

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