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Cons of adopting?


I'm a girl~ ❤Barold
Dec 16, 2013
Tasty Cake
I have adopted Cookie recently from other's town. And now or occasionally she will mention about the the other town tunes (from town I adopt her) and sing it, telling me that the most unforgettable tunes. At first I thought she still new and is ok...but it's been a week or more and still....

If there any way to stop this? I did report her to Isabelle for rude language but no use...I just doesn't want her to keep telling me about where she from >< she is in my town now :(:(:(
Unfortunately there is no way to stop this :(! I've had a villager for over 4 months and they still will sometimes mention they're old town/tune (not as much as they used to when the first moved in though).
I think its cute when they sing their old town tune >u<
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I'm sorry you feel this way. I actually like hearing my villagers talk about their previous towns and friends. :)
Hahaha I think I shouldn't let this bother me too much and continue to build friendship with her! That should be the most important now =DD
I don't mind this so much.. The only thing that bothers me is when their house is beyond repair, and has bugs everywhere, and basically none of their original furniture.. I don't ever mind if it's not original, but when it's fish, bugs and fossils everywhere, I hate it
Villagers talking about their old towns/mayors/having their houses trashed are three of the big reasons why I told myself I'd never take a villager I intended to keep from someone else. I got Wendy from Streetpass, and she always talks about her old town "DaGhetto". D:

Also, it's more like a personal challenge to get my final permanent set from my towns alone. I've seen a lot of users on these forums get bored and lose interest in their towns because they got their dream villagers too easy. I have an obscene amount of bells and am good with TTing villagers out: if I chose to buy my villagers, I could probably get them all in a under a week. But easiest doesn't always mean more fun, and I can get more enjoyment and satisfaction out of the game if I find everyone myself.

So I don't adopt or bid in auctions (unless I'm getting a villager for a friend, which I consider different). If others enjoy adopting villagers from others and all of the quirks that come with having a villager that's been traveling around, then that's cool. It's just not for me.
Ohhh noooo they sing the town tune? I just made a mumble jumble of notes because I was too lazy to do a nice one... so my town tune's always been really weird. I was just too lazy to change/got used to it. There's no way my villagers can make this tune sound good when they sing it, no matter how cute they are lol.

Do they show letters in their new town too?? I send hella embarrassing letters to my villagers.
I think it's cute too! I mean think about it, if you move to another town you talk about that town too. The villagers I adopted do it too, especially Beau seems a little homesick sometimes <3
Ohhh noooo they sing the town tune? I just made a mumble jumble of notes because I was too lazy to do a nice one... so my town tune's always been really weird. I was just too lazy to change/got used to it. There's no way my villagers can make this tune sound good when they sing it, no matter how cute they are lol.

Do they show letters in their new town too?? I send hella embarrassing letters to my villagers.
They do both. xD Wendy's always singing her old tune and some of my other Wifi/Streetpass move ins occasionally show me old letters from their previous towns.
I've adopted a few times, and the only con I can think of is that their shirt or house might be changed, if you're picky about those kinds of things. I don't mind them, though.
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I actually like it too. Its like how you ask Katie about her travels. The last one i had had been to 12 towns before she came to mine. I read on gamefaq one girl had one that had been to 30 towns before hers. It just adds to the realism. On a villager leaves mine, i like to think they continue to exist somewhere, and if they went to someone elses town, thats great.
My adopted villagers sing the town tune from their previous towns all the time. I think it's cute~ I've never had them show me letters, though. Now I feel bad for the people who adopt my villagers. They'll be showing their new mayors my letters, which is just a list of foods I like or books I want to read or my favorite video games. They're probably disappointed they didn't get to see interesting letters :p

The only "cons" of adopting is that a villager's house is completely ruined. But that happens anyways, since villagers love adding random furniture to their homes.
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There's really no way to stop it. It just keeps going. My Fang from Jae keeps mentioning the unforgettable tune from Sunny. I actually find it pretty sweet and heart warming that a cranky villager can be so loving. <3
I got villagers that STILL mention their old town and sing the tune even though they've been living in my town for over 3 months. Thankfully once it's been some time since they moved in they don't mention it very often.
I find the villagers I adopted in from other towns ask to move more. Fauna has asked at least 8-10 times. Idk if it's just a coincidence.
They'll be showing their new mayors my letters, which is just a list of foods I like or books I want to read or my favorite video games. They're probably disappointed they didn't get to see interesting letters :p

I would love it if my adopted villagers shows me letters like this! I find it so interesting what people write to their villagers. I usually send my villagers letters with song lyrics or crazy haiku like poems. If I'm really stretched for things to write I do lists too - of stuff in my room usually.
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The only problem with this is that if their old town name/ town tune is offensive or has profanity in it. There are people who do name their town rudely, give their villagers rude catchphrases and make them wear rude designs. So sad... It destroys other people's experiences...
Moe moved in, and he mentioned his town twice. He never mentioned a town tune or anything else ever again.

Zell, on the other hand, is always singing his old town tune and mentioning his home. I don't mind it :)
Oh I find it pretty sweet of them mentionnant their old town.
Now that i remember I have Fang who only talked about his previous town once. He said that Jack, his previous mayor, appeared in his dream, wrote foot on his foot and all ?^? hella weird xD
Oooh. I wished they showed me letters D:
Haha i wrote rubbish in my letters such as "gimmeeeeeeee youuuuur piiiiictuuuuure" (enhancing letters to make it go longer)
All the unwanted villagers I've gotten from streetpass and people I wifi ed with had perfect Home. Luckily, but i voided most of them xD