Biggest thing you own


Feb 28, 2014
mkay don't get rude here, this is a pg section


what is the biggest thing you own? besides things like cars

i have a giant Leafeon called Orion & everyone trips over him <3
If we're not counting my house, car, or furniture, then the largest thing I own is this porcelain Rustie doll. She is 42 inches or 3.5 feet tall and her name is Champagne. I've had her for at least 20 years now and she's one of my favorite dolls.

lol my angel hello kitty plushie i mentioned in that other thread probably (again not my pic too lazy to unbury from where it is lol)

another thing i have is a huge unicorn plushie that i use as a pillow (no pic it needs a wash). i think the hello kitty is bigger then it tho? and i have one of those blow up baseball bats from a carnival thats pretty big.
An older piano that I recently inherited from a deceased relative. It's not too badly out of tune for having sat dormant for so many years, actually. I'm impressed!
Biggest thing I own that isn't furniture is probably this giant alpaca plushie that was gifted to me last christmas.
Aside from furniture, the biggest thing I own is probably a super-soft back pillow that I use every day. It's so big and fluffy that I sleep on it as well.
The biggest thing I own is probably my piano. It's a petite baby grand, meaning that it's only about 4 ft long, but it's still realtively large (about the size of two upright pianos) and it weighs a lot.

besides that (since it might be considered furniture) I suppose the biggest thing I own is my dog lol. he's only (almost) 10 months old but he's a golden retriever and he probably weighs about 60-65 lbs right now :p
besides the pikachu i mentioned in that other thread...
ohhh ok i understand now XD

HMMMMMM....... it's hard to pick out of everything i have overall but i think my most underrated toy/plush is this giant bootleg pikachu my mom got me from the thrift store. it's ALMOST as big as me and it was only $10 somehow!!!!! i couldn't BELIEVE it when i saw it
it's my giant my melody plush! she's about half the size of pikachu and she's my favorite my melody plush of all the ones i own :D
The biggest thing I own besides my house and car is my tv I guess? I mean it’s pretty big
Yeah now that I'm looking at them, technically my TV is the biggest thing. But the most needlessly large thing I own is this big stuffed animal of my college's mascot (not going to post a picture for privacy reasons since it looks exactly like the actual mascot who appears at sporting events & it's wearing a jersey with the school name on it)

I think my dad got it for me for Christmas my freshman year after he saw me eyeballing them in the student bookstore while buying my first semester books (it wasn't even that I wanted one, they were just hanging from the ceiling in the bookstore like those huge carnival prizes). I don't know when he found the time considering the lines that day...
My house. jk

here are the big things. I have a barbie dollhouse, disney princess castle dollhouse, a stuffed animal snake that is very long. And when having him sit up he's actually taller than my ceiling even though my ceiling isn't short from top floor to ceiling....embarrassing. And finally my TV
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An older piano that I recently inherited from a deceased relative. It's not too badly out of tune for having sat dormant for so many years, actually. I'm impressed!
my piano is so old and in bad shape xD Lucky you though that it doesn't sound bad for your piano.
Other than furniture, the biggest individual thing I own is blahaj, aka the Ikea shark. The biggest collection of things by number is probably my Tsum Tsums. The biggest collection by size and weight is my board game collection.

Not my picture and I unfortunately only own one.

I have like no big items, but my couch is huge, so would that count? Otherwise it’s my wall sculpture by Haziza that my parents got me for my room. It about 1.3 metres wide and super colourful aka a beautiful momma object!
Other than house, car, and basic furniture, I suppose my largest item would be my Ashford Elizabeth spinning wheel. They stopped making her in (I believe) 2004, and now make an Elizabeth 2. I love her because she spins nicely, but also looks like a Sleeping Beauty/fairy tale spinning wheel.

I don't have a picture of mine, but here's one I found online. It has the same natural finish as mine. The wheel is 24" in diameter.
