Autism Speaks

This is the last thing I'm posting here for now. Here's the really awful video made by Autism Speaks that they took off their youtube channel. Fear mongering for $$$
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Oh, and in case anybody brings up the "high functioning, low functioning" debate, "low functioning" autistic people also do not think autism is negative, it's the way they are treated and misunderstood that makes them suffer.

also, just so people reading this thread know, "low functioning"/"high function" things are stupid and inaccurate because autism is a spectrum and there are a lot of different ways autism can affect someone's life and needs and whatever. it's not a scale from "socially awkward" to "nonverbal (except for screaming), never touches anything, avoids everything that has to do with people, and only cares about trains" and i think a lot of people don't know that

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This is the last thing I'm posting here for now. Here's the really awful video made by Autism Speaks that they took off their youtube channel. Fear mongering for $$$

im s c r e a m i n g is this for real what the **** how is this organization real and supported by anyone ??????????????? is this the trailer for a horror movie where Autism is the psycho serial killer that murders all the innocent children and their families .....

also "with voodoo" edfryhujikolkjhgffgh . and they Love their children but make horror movies about autism lmfaoo.................,
This is the last thing I'm posting here for now. Here's the really awful video made by Autism Speaks that they took off their youtube channel. Fear mongering for $$$

y are they talking about it like it's a disease that will kill ur kid
you cant cure autism unless you want to take out a child's brain/parts of a child's brain and replace them, which is impossible without causing more damage to the child than what this company seem to think autism does
also i find it incredibly selfish to only think about yourself and your marriage, rather than taking care of your child who is capable of functioning in society.
then again this was also made under the guy who wanted his autistic son to drown in the pool to save them the trouble.

did me a heckin big angery react

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I don't think people understand that Autism can yes a be problem for some people, but it's hardly noticeable, I have been friends with people for years and never learn that they have it. It doesn't lessen my view of them because I don't care, it doesn't affect our friendship so why should I? Just like TS or Asperger S, it doesn't matter, people have it let's move on

yes, and it shouldn't bother other people if someone has autism in your class, your family or in your place of work because they deserve the same respect as anyone else.

there was a boy in my old high school that was autistic and was bullied heavily. sadly i was friends with a group of people who bullied him. he'd get kicked and shoved and punched and id stand up for him and get **** on for sticking up for him. i was really embarrassed to be friends with those people and they turned on me eventually so they were total *******s. i hope hes okay now.
Yea saying to cure autism is another arrogant form of control from the fear of the majority
Autism Speaks is SUPER messed up. This mother of an autistic child said to the camera (in one of their videos) that she literally once considered killing herself and her autistic daughter by driving off of a bridge. She said that the only reason she didn't do it was because of her other, non-autistic daughter.

And this is the organization that calls itself the biggest advocate for autistic people. *shivers*

For real, though, I once saw an Autism Speaks poster right outside of the special needs classroom, so I tore it down. There were more, but I didn't take the rest down since I heard someone coming.

Pretty messed up, ableist stuff. :(
autism speaks is so ableist it's absolutely disgusting. autistic people are not some terrible burden on society and they don't need to change if they don't want to.

all of these parents talking about how haaaaard it is be raising an autistic child don't seem to actually view their children as human beings. yes, raising a child with autism creates certain challenges that the parents of non-autistic children do not face. no, that does not mean that your child is somehow a burden or that you are allowed to treat them as such. do they not even realize the psychological effects that has on somebody? treating them like a burden??? it's happened to me many times before and now my self-esteem is non-existent.

if these parents weren't prepared to have a child with autism, then they weren't prepared to have a child at all. and if i hear one more disgruntled white suburban mom crying about how little johnny makes life ~so hard for her~ i'm gonna LOSE IT lmao
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Honestly! I hate how everyone's made to feel like a burden if they aren't neurotypical and able-bodied.

When I was a little younger, my dad once mentioned the price of my medicine to me. I think he meant it in a "look, we love you so much that we're spending this much on your health" kind of thing, but it really weighed down on me. Like, damn, I'm a burden on my parents. Without me, they wouldn't have to pay $500.

Sorry for getting dark. I'm just so fed up with ableism, aha.
... wow they still use that **** on people? thought it was illegal nowadays but eh apparently not :/

Well, you don't really choose to have autism either but I guess I get your point.

Oh definitely that **** is still legal! They did it to my grandfather and hes is so ****ed up in the head from it. haven't spoke to him since i was 7 maybe because he is soooo reclusive from it.... it made him a terrible (even more terrible) person and it should be illegal. nobody chooses to have autism and god bless every lovely person with it.

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That ***** who owns honest company compared ADHD to cancer. It isnt autism but they act like that **** is a disease. it is OFFENSIVE.
Honestly! I hate how everyone's made to feel like a burden if they aren't neurotypical and able-bodied.

When I was a little younger, my dad once mentioned the price of my medicine to me. I think he meant it in a "look, we love you so much that we're spending this much on your health" kind of thing, but it really weighed down on me. Like, damn, I'm a burden on my parents. Without me, they wouldn't have to pay $500.

Sorry for getting dark. I'm just so fed up with ableism, aha.

i feel this very strongly. i'm neither neurotypical nor able-bodied and, even though i know that my parents mean well, they've also done that exact same thing. "wow, your meds are EXPENSIVE!" like...yeah, i know...but i need them...

i'll also never forget when the girl who i thought was the love of my life dumped me, and her exact words were "it's exhausting being worried about you all the time". ouch.

just because we aren't neurotypical and/or able-bodied doesn't mean that we are not acutely self-aware. a disabled person's disability is hurting them more than it is hurting the people around them. we already feel like burdens on society due to how hard it is for us to work and study the way neurotypical/able-bodied people can...don't add in feeling like a burden in our personal relationships. that hurts so much more.
I don't want a cure for autism. I may be diagnosed with it when I was 2, but if I had to get cured right now, I wouldn't be the same kind of person I am now.
Cloudmask, that's an awful thing of her to say... I hope that you can find a girl who accepts all parts of you.
I just want to thank everybody here for being so supportive toward autistic people. The world is not kind to us most of the time and seeing people listen and take our side warms my heart. Thank you.
Though I've not been diagnosed (I'm too nervous to bring it up), I'm certain that I have it after reading up so much. Of course I've gotta be supportive. :D

Out of curiosity, are most of the people in this thread autistic? Or are you all supporters?
Though I've not been diagnosed (I'm too nervous to bring it up), I'm certain that I have it after reading up so much. Of course I've gotta be supportive. :D

Out of curiosity, are most of the people in this thread autistic? Or are you all supporters?

a lot of people on here are on the spectrum.
i myself am a supporter, someone i know has Asperger and he is just v antisocial. hes smart as **** lmao. literally a wizkid. just hates people, works, drives, handles his own, and can whoop major ass. hes wonderful. very funny and bright and handsome too. you'd never know.
This is the last thing I'm posting here for now. Here's the really awful video made by Autism Speaks that they took off their youtube channel. Fear mongering for $$$

This is the complete OPPOSITE of what autism actually is!! But I will say that sometimes (NOT ALWAYS) it may require to give extra care for the individual, it may be a bit more costly and time consuming. That is the truth But NONE of of that matters because the individuals have a big heart and and understanding of the world around them unlike other typical people.
This is the last thing I'm posting here for now. Here's the really awful video made by Autism Speaks that they took off their youtube channel. Fear mongering for $$$

i cant even finish watching this ****. i think im going to get sick.
Though I've not been diagnosed (I'm too nervous to bring it up), I'm certain that I have it after reading up so much. Of course I've gotta be supportive. :D

Out of curiosity, are most of the people in this thread autistic? Or are you all supporters?

I think I've said it before, but I'm on the spectrum. I think a lot of people in here or at least a decent amount are, seeing how I've seen quite a few stating so.
"You think that because some of our children cannot speak, we cannot hear them? That is autisms weakness.

Weakness? They sound like they are trying to brainwash the world into believing autistic people should be weeded out of the human population. This is exactly what the X-Men movie plots was about, to kill all mutants and force them to be human,
to force mutants to conform and be normal with humans.