Brewster's Banter - General Discussion


The Very Best Wild Child
Sep 15, 2013
Master Ball
Space Whale Plush
Strawberry Doll
Bee Plush
Clownfish Plush
Dino Plush
Sheep Plush
Welcome to the café!

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Let me think of a good first discussion…

What is your favorite season of the year? It doesn’t have to be winter, spring, summer, or fall. You can do month ranges (like September to December) or day ranges (like first 100 days of the year).
In terms of events, the last four months is typically the best time of the year. It may be fall in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern hemisphere, but Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are still observed in these four months.
Fall is my favorite season for walking around, but I do like the occasional hot summer day for swimming or jumping in a fountain.

Do you have a favorite meal/drink that you like to have in a particular season? 👀

I'm fond of watermelon & BBQ chicken/veggies in the summer, and I love a good stew or shepherd's pie in the fall/winter. Bubble tea...always.
I like all seasons apart from summer. If I had to rank them, think autumn would be my favourite, followed by spring, winter and with a very large gap, summer. I don’t like feeling hot and sticky and not being able to go outside without getting sun allergy and burned skin and with air so hot I can barely breathe.

As for Mair‘s question, I like watermelon in summer :> one of the very few perks of the season to me are the fruits that are available at that time of year.
I’ll pretty much eat anything at any time of the year, but chocolate pudding sounds good for the winter time, especially during Christmas and topped with whipped cream.

My favorite season is summer. Winter is trash in my opinion. Cold and depressing.
I’m somewhat the opposite. Summer has always been my least favorite season climate-wise (mainly because I live in Texas), and heat waves have made it worse. One advantage summer has over winter is longer days, but that is pretty much the reason why summer is hotter than winter.
so this is replacing the General Discussion thread then? huh, rip indeed 😂

I might be an outlier here but I actually really enjoy all seasons. I used to be a "hate summer love winter" kinda person, but in the last year or two I've come to appreciate all the seasons and what they bring. I appreciate summer and the warmth and stormy days, and I appreciate winter and its frigid air, and of course the seasons in between! there are things to love and embrace about them, and then when times are tough (like when it's really hot and sticky in summer, or icy in winter) it teaches us to be appreciative of the other seasons 😌
that being said, I really love spring time. seeing all the plants start to grow and bloom again, and watching/listening to rainfall, is just so wonderful 💕
I might be an outlier here but I actually really enjoy all seasons. I used to be a "hate summer love winter" kinda person, but in the last year or two I've come to appreciate all the seasons and what they bring. [...] it teaches us to be appreciative of the other seasons 😌
I agree, but with the inverse of your old "hate summer love winter" perspective (so basically Croconaw's opinion). I really like summer, but I was probably being biased since my birthday just so happened to be during the height of summer. One of my classmates from grade 8 influenced my opinions when she said that all the seasons bring something new to the table.
In terms of the general seasons, fall/winter is my favorite. Late September-January if you wanna be specific (all the big holidays + my birthday). As for food, I love a nice cup of hot chocolate in the winter. I’m also the type of person to do pumpkin spice/apple cinnamon with everything in the fall. (Incredibly basic of me, I know.)
Spring has always been my favorite season, not only because my birthday is during spring (where I'm from), but because all the flowers and everything blooms as well and it all looks really pretty.

Least favorite is winter, partially because it's cold and depressing, and partially for another reason that I don't think I need to explain again. But basically bad things usually happen to me during winter.

The great thing about winter though is that spring is right afterwards! :giggle:
I like autumn the most, there's something special about walking through fallen leaves and watching them fall down on you, I love going for long walks in fall. Plus Halloween~ Also my favorite ac event, Turkey day!!

Food wise, summer means water melon, fruity popsicles, and pine apple. I eat tons of fruit year around, but it tastes better in the summer ^^
My favorite season is always the one thats out of season. In winter, I love summer. In summer, I love winter.
Realistically? Autumn is my favorite, but I live in the midwest, so autumn lasts for 2 weeks, and then I get snowed in for the rest of the year.
RE: Food for seasons, I am a BIG (expletive) for SOUP. Soup, stew, all of it. The best for autumn, autumn veggies are perfect for soups. I gotta have as much grilled food as I can during the summer, though. Grilled chicken EVERY WEEKEND in my house until it gets too cold.
My favorite season is winter. I love piling on as many blankets and pillows on my bed as possible. But as far as food goes, nothing beats fall! Apple pie, stew, candied yams… Yum! Fall is also the best season for wax melt scents too~ 🎃
so this is replacing the General Discussion thread then? huh, rip indeed 😂

Yep. The basement's General Discussion is ded. Not that it was particularly active in the first place. :LOL:

I hate summer. Everything is too hot and sweaty, there are bugs everywhere, and people who say summer is nice and green are just gaslighting themselves. Look around! Nature is brown, dry, dying and dead!! My favourite seasons are any of the other three. These past few years spring has probably been my favourite of the three, because where I live there have been so many ducklings/gooselings just all around.

@Mairmalade: Vanilla milkshakes are the only thing that make summer even remotely tolerable.
Spring has always been my favorite season, not only because my birthday is during spring (where I'm from), but because all the flowers and everything blooms as well and it all looks really pretty.
Same! When everything is green and flowery makes my heart soar! Not to mention the fact that warmer weather just feels physically healing. And I love rain, it’s one of my favorite things ever. Rainy april days are on another level. But my favorite month is May! I was born in Early June which is a lot like May and still astrological Spring so I still consider myself a ✨spring child✨

The funny thing is, spring used to be my least favorite season. My favorite used to be winter because of Christmas but i’m more of an Easter person now ^^ and winter is my least favorite I think.

I know that I’ve said this a million times on here but there’s no harm in saying it again. I love spring so so so so so so so so so so much!!!!!
I hate summer. Everything is too hot and sweaty, there are bugs everywhere, and people who say summer is nice and green are just gaslighting themselves. Look around! Nature is brown, dry, dying and dead!!
hello???????? where do you live where nature is DYING???? in the midwest it's hella lush and green 😭😭😭
hello???????? where do you live where nature is DYING???? in the midwest it's hella lush and green 😭😭😭

Netherlands! Despite being further north than you, it has been the same here as every summer for the last ten years: heat waves, temperature records, not enough rain, and very sad plants all around.