Are. You. Kidding. Me.

I really like Katt, I have her in my town. But when you want to get rid of Katt you can travel 1 month ahaid. Then save and go 1 month back (there is always someone who will ping you then). You can do this till Katt pings you. It is a lot of work and you need to be carefull you loose no other villager, but in the end it will work.
Willow. This freakshow follows me everywhere
Edit: That was too harsh, I'm sure she'd look good in other towns just not mine
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Katt's cool. Lol But i DEFINITELY get that struggle. Lol I was that was with T-Bone. I hated him at first but I became friends with him overtime and I LOVED T-Bone! Mostly bc I love Crankys, especially Wolfgang Sadly, He moved bc I scanned someone via amiibo card to replace him. lol The Amiibo card method is the easiest way to get rid of villagers, in my opinion