• Guest, can you feel the love in the air? Valentine's Week at The Bell Tree has begun with a new mini-event featuring four activities to enjoy -- new and returning collectibles are up for grabs! Dive in to the love here.

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  • Hey! Sent you a gift 🥰 forgot to make it active for you before sending it! I hope you enjoy it!
    Oh my! so it was a gift that made you get into collecting then, it does look like a similar situation lol! I can tell you I will always treasure my tiny oarfish, and I hope one day I can pay it forward just like you did. That is what I love about the bell tree, people are kinder to each other here than in any other internet community I've ever been in.
    Aw yay! I'm so happy! In my opinion, the tiny oarfish is the best, he's so cute and baby. 🥰 I love to make people happy, so I try to do something to make that happen any time I'm able to! Joy is contagious! 😃💖
    It really is contagious! Thank you so much, you really did make me super happy <3 <3
    could you hold on to her? as i suspected, i did have a random move in =.=
    grizzly moved into my town in a very, very bad spot lol. fortunately, i did move someone out earlier, i just haven't tt'd them out yet. so it should only take me a minute before i should be able to get her ^^
    Thank you so much!
    I'm sorry I've been a mess these days, I underestimated the effect of time zones :p
    ACTUALLY WAIT a villager moved away from me
    I'm gonna first connect to my other game to clear my void, I'll be done in a coupe minutes
    Oooh, sorry i ended up going to bed right after i posted "congrats!"
    That is extremely sweet of you, but it's all good! No need ^^
    ah no it's not annoying at all! I love receiving messages. thank you soo much for visiting my DA and for the kind words <3 I'm really glad you enjoyed it.. makes me so happy :'D
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