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Anxiety about my Island not being good enough

Ooof isn't this just the truth for me too. Especially since dreaming started I've been feeling super insecure about my island. At the end of the day I just try to tell myself that everyone approaches these things differently and we've all worked hard for what we have. I'm going to choose to try to not care about it as much as I can. And for me, that's directly lead to me visiting less people unfortunately.

The truth is we're always going to find an island that makes you feel like you need to make a change/insecure. Some people have spent crazy time, bells/NMT and RLC in some cases to get their islands a certain way. I'm not going to change things just because my island is different! They might be visiting yours wishing they had chosen the simpler course and not had to overdo it, you never know! Anxiety is such a tough thing, I suffer from it myself, and when I'm feeling a bit insecure I unplug for a bit and try not to engage with things I know will be upsetting!
I understand, I used to feel that way. I've just accepted now that my island will never look like most of the ones I see on Instagram and Twitter, etc. because 1) those islands just aren't my style and 2) I'm not creative enough nor have the time to sit down and design like that!

I try to think of it as my island being ME and not a version of what is popular, you know?

For example, a lot of "cottage-core" islands are really popular, but I really don't like that style and find them way too cramped to walk around. Also, I really don't like waterfalls that come out of the walls, out of nowhere!

Every island is so personal to that person and it doesn't mean it's "bad" or "good"!

This is the right mindset. I applaud of you carving your own path.
This is the right mindset. I applaud of you carving your own path.
Thank you! I find that designing my island off the back of what I think it should look like or how other people have their islands just makes the designing less fun than if I just have a go myself with one of my own ideas and seeing how it turns out.
Many of us are in the same boat. Keep your chin up and remember, as long as YOU like your island, nothing else matters. You spend more time there than anyone. If you dont like something about it, go on and change it, but otherwise? It's your home. It doesnt need to look a certain way to compare to others. :)
I used to feel this way, its what prompted me to reset my island. And now I'm more than happy with the current state of my island, but I do still admire a lot of AC accounts I follow on Instagram and Twitter. And don't even get me started on those islands made by Japanese people themselves...like are we even playing the same game? xD

In the end, as long as you're happy with something you designed yourself on your island, take that feeling and run with it. If we all had cramped, cottagecore islands that would be so boring. Even the accounts I follow are starting to all look the same--they all have lavender farms, marketplaces on the beach, clotheslines everywhere for no reason lol.
I do like the design I'm going for, I did it inspired around my favorite manga Tokyo Bablyon so I'm doing it 80s Tokyo meets Traditional Kyoto and I really like it so far...

To be honest, with no offense meant, I don’t personally like the ‘grand entrance, lots of waterfalls’ look. I think people do a great job with it, and that’s great for them. Your design sounds infinitely more interesting to me.

I know that’s not how you actually overcome anxiety like yours (and mine, which I still work on overcoming).

The point isn’t to tell you the islands that intimidate you are bad, but to point out that tastes and styles vary much more than you might think. Even people who favor one style usually can appreciate a lot of different looks as well.

One of the ways to helping overcome anxiety, especially social/ performance anxiety is to realizing how much room there is for difference

Remember too that people going to visit island are doing it for fun, not as some sort of grading exercise, but in a spirit of fun, wanting to see different islands (yes, there might be some bad apples out there who do want to visit island as a chance to be judgy and superior, but they are probably going to well-known YouTube/Instagram famous islands).

And remind yourself a lot that your anxiety only pretends to look like reality/ truth. It’s easy to give extra weight to your anxious feelings because they are big feelings and feel ‘more real’ because of that. But anxiety is a liar, exaggerating and making up absurd negative consequences where none exist. I may not be describing this too too well, but part of the work I’ve done and still do is learning to give less credit and value to my anxiety, as a way of decreasing it’s control over me. It’s very hard, but also worth it.

You’ll be okay! especially in a pretty positive community like the one here on TBT.
I agree and I use AC Instagram where everyone has amazing islands and it can easily make you feel insecure. But I made the account because I wanted to share my island and progress and imo if people liked it, then its just a bonus. But it's not really about impressing other people.

And also, for my island, I wanted and decided to do a theme/aesthetic that I personally was passionate about and was unique and that was the most important thing to me, I'm glad I found my own style and didn't copy other people's style. And it really surprised me, a lot more people liked it than I thought. So doing what you like does work out :) I think a lot of people will like what you make, especially if it's original and it seems like you have a very cool theme!! I would be interested
I do like the design I'm going for, I did it inspired around my favorite manga Tokyo Bablyon so I'm doing it 80s Tokyo meets Traditional Kyoto and I really like it so far...
I saw 80s and I'm already a fan. 😅 Don't be too hard on yourself. I know what you mean with the entrance of your island. It's actually something I'm currently working on myself. So I've got to ask since you're basing your island around Tokyo, have you thought about looking at a terminal in Tokyo and trying to grab inspiration off of one of those? I think if you're going to get an idea of Tokyo, it might be best to look at how that place looks.
I do like the design I'm going for, I did it inspired around my favorite manga Tokyo Bablyon so I'm doing it 80s Tokyo meets Traditional Kyoto and I really like it so far...

To be honest... I think your idea is much more creative and unique than that of 99% of all the islands you can see on youtube and instagram!

Most of them just look the same to me. A lot of terraforming, hundreds of items on the ground, autumn items, the path (downloaded, not an own design), stones in a circle, mostly the same 20 villagers...

I don't wanna hate on them. But the reason they are so popular is because they are mainstream. They are rarelly really unique and special. The focus of the creator was to appeal to a big audience.

Again, no hate. That is completely fine. I am sure those creators also like their islands. But... what is not to like?

Creating an island that some might like and others won't is much more of a challenge. And that usually happens when islands are unique, with uncommon concepts and special ideas...

I guess what I am trying to say... if you have a special concept you cannot compare yourself to those islands with a more mainstream aproach!
I think it’s normal to feel that way and sometimes I also feel the same way. It can get overwhelming seeing all the intricate island designs that others have.
I’ve visited a bunch of cool islands via dream suite, I might feel a bit bad afterwards comparing it to my own island, but at the end of the day, I don’t really think too much about it. Instead, I feel inspired to work on mine.
Nothing too intricate or complex though! I kinda feel like some of the more ‘instgrammable’ islands are too cluttered and cramped that it feels hard to move around and it’s easy to get stuck in places.
I draw great stick men, a lot of islands are more Picasso 😂

I cant compete but I am happy with my island and like hanging out there. I don’t have the talents, time or patience for a masterpiece but this game is about making me happy, not anyone else 😊
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Yeah I definitely feel this way sometimes. Don't get me wrong I love my island, I'm pretty proud of certain areas but I also kinda wish I did more terraforming (kinda cottagecore style) to make it more unique and interesting. I also think about how straight all my paths are.

I'm too nervous to change it up now as once I start it would be hell trying to go back if I changed my mind and I'm not 100% sold on that style - going into why now. I like functionality and convenience when playing. I like to be able to run along my rivers and the shore of beach with none or minimal obstacles. I think lots of cliffs and water might annoy me in the long term when I want to quickly walk somewhere but have to go around or climb up and down. I also like to be able to access every area.
I think of it like we're all participating in an art class project and everyone has different styles and levels of creativity, but you've just always gotta try to feel proud of what you've made to express your own creativity! it's okay if it looks different or just takes more time than others, you just express yourself differently! the fact that you're doing it is cool in itself.

I also want to second someone else's comment like I can't imagine how some people navigate the insanely decorated islands. I actually visited one the other day and the items were lagging to load on the screen. Like, as cool as those islands look in pictures, I feel like they're not for me and how I play the game, so that helps me feel confident. Any imprint you put on your town is special and yours, you should be proud of that :)
Instead of comparing your island to other people's islands, compare your island to what it was yesterday. Everyday you make progress in the game. Compare your own island of what it is now than what it used to be. You might be surprised how much has changed! Also, don't worry about grand entrances, tiny waterfalls everywhere, and stuff everywhere. If everyone had islands looking like that, it wouldn't be special anymore. It's okay to have white space! You need it to balance out all the stuff you put on the ground, anyway. Like others say, it's your island, so make sure you like it.
I don't know if this is just me but I tend to think my Island is pretty cool and I've done a good job but when I go to other people's island and see their amazing designs amazing, grand entrances and huge waterfalls it makes me feel that my island is just plain and just mediocre. I know my social anxiety and general anxiety probably doesn't help the situation but now I second guess pretty much everything I do and worry it won't be good enough....does anyone have similar feelings and/or advice to help :(

That part in bold is all that should matter to you about your island. There are all kinds of islands and everyone has different tastes. Personally, I'm not that into the grand entrances and huge waterfalls to want to build them in my own island. I'm gonna put my shops right in front of the airport actually and create a port-like area. It would be nice if people ended up liking it too but I'm not going to change it if they don't.

I struggle with anxiety and creativity both. Build something you're proud of. You can always come back to it one day and change it if you grow tired of it. It's not a race or a time sensitive project. Breathe and have fun!
Remember that you're the one who spends the most time there.

Social media islands look nice, but that's kind of all they do. I always wonder how these people don't lose their minds trying to fish or catch insects or just get anywhere. My paths are always at least one square wider than planned and mostly undecorated, because I know I need the space to run around to feel comfortable playing.

Your island will be good enough because it's yours, not because you copy the same old cottagecore theme for the five hundredth time. I don't know anything about Tokyo Babylon but just from reading your post it sounds a million times more interesting than half of what I've seen on Twitter.
This reminds me: last week, I was touring a very beautiful, manicured, Instagram paradise island. Every single inch was so extensively tailored to result in amazing screenshots; it was impressive. One catch though: it was so restrictively arranged that it was unplayable for me. I had to call Resident Services to rescue me when I wanted to leave!
trust me when i say you're not alone.
i always thought my island was the best ever until i started watching island tours on youtube 😓
the trick is to just not compare islands, everyones is nice in their own way and if everyones looked the same it wouldn't be any fun at all.
i love whenever i trade items and get to see people's islands for the first time<3
I think it's normal to feel this way, because there is so much social media content right now of islands where players have completely focused on design. But you know what? There is more to Animal Crossing than design. The core gameplay is also about making friends with animal villagers, fishing, and catching bugs. Some of those extremely designed islands are really neat to look at, but their designs make it next to impossible to do those things. They're so full of tiered waterfalls and random fences and tons of placed items that you can't even walk around freely, let alone catch a bug or find your animal neighbor without navigating an obstacle course. And can you imagine rolling a snowball in some of these islands? They may be beautiful, but at the end of the day, are they islands you can play the game on? To me that's much more important, so my island is not massively terraformed and sculpted to that degree. Sure my island may be less exciting to experience from a visual perspective, but I'd much rather be able to run around and play the game without getting annoyed with my island's layout. That said, I totally understand your anxiety and despite what I just said, I have felt similarly at times; it's easy to fall into that trap and compare yourself to others. But at the end of the day, your island should be for you. If it gives you joy, that's all that really matters.