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Anxiety about my Island not being good enough

I've had that feeling sometimes. TBH... the best thing I've done is happen upon other islands that make me feel better about mine šŸ˜… BUT that's usually happenstance and it all comes down to preferences anyway.

Sometimes it helps to just stick to your island for a bit, though, and remember what it is you love about it. You could also consider looking at what you like about those other islands and trying to figure out what aspects you could incorporate into yours. Sometimes when I think about how I'd like to change my island to make it more similar to the islands I think are cool, I also realize that some of those islands LOOK awesome... but would be super inconvenient to actually play on. I like how my island looks AND it's super easy to navigate- which means I can fully enjoy it when I play by myself, which is usually what I do!

I also choose to view my island as dynamic- meaning, if I change my mind about the current design, I can always change it whenever I want. This takes off the pressure of "finishing" it and helps prevent me from getting bored with what I have! If I'm feeling bored, I just change things up.
oh my gosh i feel this too tbh. when i start looking at islands enough, i start questioning my own and i get like... super obsessed with designing and redesigning and pathing and ugh. it sucks all the fun out of the game for me tbh. i think the thing to keep in mind there is that the people that post the most beautiful islands, grandiose and designed bursting to the seams, are the people with like, 600 hours+ in this game and that play for hours and hours and hours in one sitting. but thatā€™s not my play style, i like to play little by little every day! so although itā€™s not the most instagram worthy island *yet* i think mine will get there someday :)
if thatā€™s corny iā€™m sry lol
Another tidbit: Often, those super pretty islands are a pain to live on and actually play the game. Critter spawn locations can get pretty f*ed, etc.
Heya! I just wanted to tell you that i have severe anxiety as well - social and general anxiety and right now Iā€™m experiencing a bit of what youā€™re experiencing as well. I understand that it is easier said than done to not worry about what others think of your island or to not compare your island to someone elseā€™s. Consciously, I know that I should only be concerned with whether Iā€™m happy with my islandā€™s design, however, when I read comments like ā€œAll themes look the same,ā€ I go back and look at my areas and worry that Iā€™m overusing designs like the marketplace, or that my ideas (regardless that Iā€™m basing them on a game I liked or not) arenā€™t really that special. My ideas also are kinda all over the place, so I am also worried later on when itā€™s closer to to being finished, that they wonā€™t blend well.From time to time, after seeing a really gorgeous island that either has no overall theme and has many sub themes or a theme but one that is vastly different from mine, I find myself overwhelmed and almost regretting the direction Iā€™m attempting to to take with my island even though I am proud of a few areas Iā€™ve done. I still have a lot of work to do but some things like the terraforming, Iā€™m having trouble seeing it looking better even as a finished product or ā€œas goodā€ as some of the ā€œfinishedā€œ islands Iā€™ve seen.

For the most part, Iā€™ve found dream suites and other peopleā€™s townā€™s as a source of huge inspiration to push myself harder to make my island look better and to be more creative (and try hard to not think about whether my island will look as good as so and soā€™s island); this mindset is why I am controlling my anxiety in this situation better than I would normally - that isnā€™t to say Iā€™m not getting discouraged; I still am experiencing frustration, but honestly, it could be a lot worse than it currently is.

Sorry if this post is all over the place. I have trouble articulating my thoughts. The point of my response was that I understand the feeling and the way Iā€™ve been trying to cope. Sorry if none of this really was helpful :/. As you can see, so many of us experience the same or similar level of anxiety. I think itā€™s good that you made a thread to talk about this since talking about it can be a good way to help you cope with these feelings and it helps others at the same time that are in the same boat :).
I feel the same way. I like my island a lot but it looks like child's play next to one of those big grande islands you mentioned.

My advice is: don't look on those island images on social media too much. You've prob already heard that tho...

jUst remember.... your island is YOUR creation... would you really really love it if it looked like one of those pretty ones on social media? It's not like your trying to impress/please anyone besides yourself with your island (unless you are, which is ok too). it's true some people aren't quite as creative, but hey, as long as it fits your vision - at least partially - as long as your happy with it... don't be so hard on yourself if and when it isn't as pretty as others :)

I hope I worded that correctly and maybe helped you a bit!!! ^^

oh by the way - I have anxiety too. it sucks. but that's why we have animal crossing, to help us with it... ;)
I have that same feeling, I see alot of inspirational posts in my socials, and it makes me want to redo entire island. I've 'restarted' my island 3 times already and I'm still no where near done. Infact I've just started on my new theme.

But at the end of the day your island is for you, not anyone else. If you feel confident in your design then that's great! Comparing your island to others only creates an endless cycle of rebuilding and destroying and scavenging to find all the items they used and blah blah blah. If you design your island your way there's gonna be charm and inspiration it it that others find that they haven't thought of, cause they're too busy changing their island too much to look like That One Dreamā„¢ļø island they saw.
Thank you! I find that designing my island off the back of what I think it should look like or how other people have their islands just makes the designing less fun than if I just have a go myself with one of my own ideas and seeing how it turns out.
Me too! I honestly don't like copying people because I know it's not me. I always feel way more proud if it's something I came up with.