Acre B-3: April


Not an actual piece of furniture.
Site Owner
Nov 7, 2004
Chomp Call
Smash Ball
Golden Watering Can
Red Pansy
White Pansy
White Pansy
Red Hyacinth
Yellow Hyacinth
White Hyacinth
White Rose
Welcome to the offical Acre B-3! This is the only official chat thread on the The Bell Tree Forums. This is YOUR chat thread, so it's up to you to decide what to do here. Of course, all usual rules apply. Please refer to the rules page for details.

Each month, the previous chat thread will be locked and we will create a new one. This will help to keep the chat thread manageable while still allowing you to keep your post count.

When you post in this chat thread, please do not make one-word posts such as "Hi!" and "Cool!" You don't always have to make full sewhen you make a post, but as a general rule you should have something more to say than just one word. Please also refrain from posting to yourself or posting one after another just to rank up. If it gets out of hand you will be asked to stop.

Also, all posts made here will go toward your total post count!

Most important, have fun!

(Thanks to NSider for providing us with a general base of rules)
BAMBAM! said:
This title makes me wonder. Why do we live in B3 and not C3? C3 is in the middle of the town.
Who says it has to be in the middle?
You took that from NSider.


Anyway, let's talk about me and how cool I am.
Hmm, so this is the only board I can't edit on, and it realy is driving me insane...
oh, and I just looked at the (i think) new baner. all I have to say is: wow. and the rest of this post.
Is wow good or bad? It's a proto type... it's not really working out.
oh, and I just looked at the (i think) new baner. all I have to say is: wow. and the rest of this post.
Is wow good or bad? It's a proto type... it's not really working out.
It's pretty cool, but an animated one would be even cooler.


Maybe try making it max size to remove that ugly blue stuff on the left.
I think it is great!! just get rid of the blue thing, and center it.
Im trying to get the exact pixel size so I can cover ii up, but the support forumn is slow.
PIKMIN042 said:
oh, and I just looked at the (i think) new baner. all I have to say is: wow. and the rest of this post.
Is wow good or bad? It's a proto type... it's not really working out.
It's pretty cool, but an animated one would be even cooler.


Maybe try making it max size to remove that ugly blue stuff on the left.
It would help if I knew that size.

IF Support service is really bad!